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I'm Not Coming Home (Read 3552 times)

Posts: 1154
I'm Not Coming Home
Nov 1st, 2018, 12:54pm
This topic fits with the "Time Capsule" thread. In another forum I've asked the same question:
http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=290042&pag e=1
I want to discuss it here too.
Arguably the biggest challenge in preparing to leave your home permanently, be it a war or the collapse of the economy, is deciding what you will leave behind. I'm perhaps the youngest member; at thirty-two, I have my share of memories in the form of tangible items. How do we choose which memories to leave behind?
Some of my memories are in the form of hand tools. That is an easy decision to make because tools serve a practical purpose.
In the end, it comes down to the individual. There are complexities in the decision-making process that a person can't quickly put into words. How does one decide?
At first, this was about comfort items; they are too bulky and too many. When I realized I need to put my focus on preserve my history in the form of tangible things, that helped. Still, there was a lot to pack. Our discussion in the thread "Time Capsule" helped further. I went from items that will give you the facts about my history to the things that tell a story. That story (in the form of a journal, E-mail, drawings and a letter) are in two folders and a 15" x 10" envelope, all of which are small enough to fit in carry-on luggage or check-in. I'm not sure why my story does not go beyond the E-mail Aiesha wrote to me on August 11, 2009; there it is. Perhaps there is a record, somewhere, that picks up where Aiesha's E-mail ends.
Are there comments on what I said? What about you? If you knew you would have to leave the country, permanently, how would you decide on what stays and what you will bring with you?
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #1 - Nov 8th, 2018, 8:52pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 1st, 2018, 12:54pm:
At first, this was about comfort items; they are too bulky and too many. When I realized I need to put my focus on preserve my history in the form of tangible things, that helped. Still, there was a lot to pack. Our discussion in the thread "Time Capsule" helped further. I went from items that will give you the facts about my history to the things that tell a story. That story (in the form of a journal, E-mail, drawings and a letter) are in two folders and a 15" x 10" envelope, all of which are small enough to fit in carry-on luggage or check-in. I'm not sure why my story does not go beyond the E-mail Aiesha wrote to me on August 11, 2009; there it is. Perhaps there is a record, somewhere, that picks up where Aiesha's E-mail ends.

As I scanned all the e-mail threads I have in my inbox (there is a lot) I found an e-mail conversation from April 12, 2012, that helps to tie up a loose end. Nevertheless, I now have a nearly three-year gap from the previous e-mail, sent on August 11, 2009, to April 12, 2012.
I'm still looking for records, in any form, that tells my story.
I was able to more trimming by removing stuff that is more confusing than informative.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #2 - Nov 9th, 2018, 1:37am
In thinking, the only thing that comes to my mind is a metaphor for you are growing up and facing a Mid-Life Crisis that mostly males get.You start to question everything in your past, what you have accomplished, why you accomplished those things and what can you take to continue further on with.
The most important thing you can take is yourself, and what you have in terms of skills and knowledge. The second is that you can prepare for. In that, what can you carry on your person or vehicle. If you are going to take electronics with you, you need to make sure that they are EMP Proof or protected. For example - a Raspberry Pi Computer inside a cigarette or cigar case, wrapped in tinfoil will protect it from EMPs. Same thing with any radio equipment. Thing is in both cases you need a power supply (including batteries), cables and any support equipment to go with it (keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc.). Storage media is to be dealt with the same way. Your files must be set up to be accessed in an older file format so that both old and new machines can access it. always have various forms of media for information storage: Thumb drives, CF Flash Cards, SD Cards, CD/DVD disks. And always have a back up system.
I'm going to lean this to a project that I'm trying to start in New York City, despite the low interest in the program but a high interest in the money I could raise from it. The Astro Pi. The Astro Pi is a UK Program where they have 2 space worthy Raspberry Pies in space (one names Isabelle and the other name Edward). These two units (and later the 120 other added units) were for students in the UK school system to program and run experiments on the ISS and compare notes with those experiments done on earth. this has been an ESA (European Space Agency) project with the UK. It was later expanded with the 120 more R-Pies to include the other nations and expand the program. NASA has been sitting flat on its ass about this (until recently as of last week - https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/2429.html ). To be in the program, the school must have their own Astro Pi to conduct the initial experiments and get the Earth Data first.

The screen is very low res - 8X8, but it is used for graphing purposes. It can be connected to a monitor or connected to a PC via a terminal or VNC connection. The only problem with the case is that large hole for the screen. The other problem is getting one, they are not cheap - kits (with the aluminum case) go for over $400. But who says you cannot make one of your own? 3D Print your own case, put in the guts, program an SD card with Raspbian, boot the Astro Pi with it connected to a monitor, keyboard and mouse, update the OS and add in the Astro Pi programming Libraries. And you have a working Astro Pi. There is still the issue of an EMP killing it; solution is to wrap it up in tin foil
But never allow yourself one option in anything. Have a Raspberry Pi, better have a laptop PC or Mac as well. also have a tablet system as well. There are many Android systems going for less than $50 on ebay. That ensures that you will have more access to your data.
You mentioned that you were taking a plane? Unless you are going across oceans, I would not recommend it. It is not the paranoid view of "Planes Crash" or "they will lose your luggage" but TSA seeing all this stuff wrapped up in aluminum foil will think you are some sort of smuggler. Last thing you want is to be in a dark room being asked questions about those foil wrapped items. Road Motor Vehicle would be the best option to have, especially if it is pulling a camper trailer.

But in the end, where you are going, when you get there, you have to establish yourself as who you are and what you can do for the new community you get going to be in, even it if is a temporary placement.
Over 30 is not an easy age for most single women. Most are married by mid 20s / early 30s. But 35, have a child, whether the husband is there or not. In the very best, the ball is on your court, and you have to play your game. but there are many options to consider that you have not even thought of. Just put your mind to it.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #3 - Nov 9th, 2018, 8:35am
Quote from Fernando on Nov 9th, 2018, 1:37am:
In thinking, the only thing that comes to my mind is a metaphor for you are growing up and facing a Mid-Life Crisis that mostly males get.You start to question everything in your past, what you have accomplished, why you accomplished those things and what can you take to continue further on with.

If that is true, I have faced a mid-life crisis since I was a teenager. Even in the 1990s, I have seen news clips of refugees fleeing their country with nothing but what they could carry. When I look at these things over and over again, I ask myself: What makes us, America, so unique? Who is to say this will not happen to America? A financial collapse, rioting and a few strategically placed nuclear bombs will turn the mighty American empire into a third-world nation.
I'm all for making digital backups. I think it would be a good idea to make three: CD-ROM, SD card and a USB drive. There is no way to know what kind of computer I can access. I also want a hard copy since I don't need electricity to access those. Currently, I have seventy-five pages, not including the letter and a few duplicate printouts, organized in two folders. I hope that will change as I find more records.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 9th, 2018, 1:37am:
You mentioned that you were taking a plane? Unless you are going across oceans, I would not recommend it. It is not the paranoid view of "Planes Crash" or "they will lose your luggage" but TSA seeing all this stuff wrapped up in aluminum foil will think you are some sort of smuggler. Last thing you want is to be in a dark room being asked questions about those foil wrapped items. Road Motor Vehicle would be the best option to have, especially if it is pulling a camper trailer.

Mom prefers to shelter in place and catch fish until we die; if we have to leave, there is one place I know to go and that is on the other side of the Atlantic.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #4 - Nov 9th, 2018, 2:06pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 9th, 2018, 8:35am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 9th, 2018, 1:37am:
In thinking, the only thing that comes to my mind is a metaphor for you are growing up and facing a Mid-Life Crisis that mostly males get.You start to question everything in your past, what you have accomplished, why you accomplished those things and what can you take to continue further on with.

If that is true, I have faced a mid-life crisis since I was a teenager. Even in the 1990s, I have seen news clips of refugees fleeing their country with nothing but what they could carry. When I look at these things over and over again, I ask myself: What makes us, America, so unique? Who is to say this will not happen to America? A financial collapse, rioting and a few strategically placed nuclear bombs will turn the mighty American empire into a third-world nation.

Several so-called "Social Experts" calculated that for a massive disaster that would take down the United States would have to take/effect 80% of the population of the USA Mainland. In a nation of over 340million, that would be over 280Million people have undergo a life threatening situation and not survive. Taking the 2016 election as a perspective, Hillary won every major city in every state but not won the electoral vote for that state; she had over 140Million counted votes to Trump's 135Milllion. So, by perspective that is everyone who ever voted for Hilary in every state x 2. In this you would be walking into cities that would be ghost towns, highway gangs running the tolls and protection rackets on the roads, those who are lucky enough to have a bug-out shelter like a hunting cabin in the woods, would have to protect it from others coming to take it from them.
If anything, the best place to go in a SHTF Situation that what much devastation, would be an Amish Community, and work hard to be accepted by them because they are very close knit and not willing to accept outsiders. But once inside and accepted by them, you would be given food, shelter, clothing, etc., everything to start all over again. I thought about having the RPG group meet up with an Amish Community along its travel route, but it might be too far west to have one since they are from mid Pennsylvania to the Missouri/Mississippi Rivers. But the problem with the Amish Community, they would be very anti-Spirit as they are very devote Christians to the point of extremism.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 9th, 2018, 8:35am:
I'm all for making digital backups. I think it would be a good idea to make three: CD-ROM, SD card and a USB drive. There is no way to know what kind of computer I can access. I also want a hard copy since I don't need electricity to access those. Currently, I have seventy-five pages, not including the letter and a few duplicate printouts, organized in two folders. I hope that will change as I find more records.

Again, Amish community. You just have to lock up your technology, for they would not be accepting of technology.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 9th, 2018, 8:35am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 9th, 2018, 1:37am:
You mentioned that you were taking a plane? Unless you are going across oceans, I would not recommend it. It is not the paranoid view of "Planes Crash" or "they will lose your luggage" but TSA seeing all this stuff wrapped up in aluminum foil will think you are some sort of smuggler. Last thing you want is to be in a dark room being asked questions about those foil wrapped items. Road Motor Vehicle would be the best option to have, especially if it is pulling a camper trailer.

Mom prefers to shelter in place and catch fish until we die; if we have to leave, there is one place I know to go and that is on the other side of the Atlantic.

Jeanette Isabelle

By the time you would leave, unless you have your own boat or plane, it would not be possible. The disaster that would take down 80% of the population would also take down much of the infrastructure as well. You're mom's idea of bugging in is a good one if there is no way of leaving. During a disaster - taking NYC, if the city was told to evacuate, you will have over 12 million people (men, women and children - children are not always counted in such figures) trying to leave the city. Cars that break down or crash on the highways would traffic jam the millions of people behind them. people trying to walk out are going to assaulted by others who think they got in their way. Thus while everyone is trying to leave 1) they are the ones to die first, 2) it will take days for them to leave with some stragglers left behind and 3) the mess they will leave behind - the jammed up highways, would make leaving after that nearly impossible unless you know your side roads well enough to leave through them. Even then, some areas will be jammed at that level too.
Fishing is great but you also need other things besides fish. Thus you need a small garden farm to grow vegetables and spices in. Add that with the fish and you can have a meal. You need to gather things that would supplement a meal, even raise a few chickens for their eggs and meat. 4 chickens can supply eggs (1 per day per bird) for the both of you for the next 2 to 5 years. You can take the chicken droppings and use it as fertilizer for the crops. You can take the entrails, tails, bones and fish heads, grind them up and use them as fertilizer for the crops as well. Nothing here is wasted.  
MountainHouse.com (Its Back!) sells freeze dried semi-prepared foods for preparing for an emergency. Unfortunately, I do not see their 1/2 ton to 4 ton food supplies that they used to sell years ago. Their freeze dried foods are great for 20 years of storage. But there are other places that sells preparedness food by the ton. But do not depend on it as a sole source. You need to get your food supplies to suppliement each other. Caught food (fish, deer, etc), Grown food (spice and vegetables), and Stored Foods have to be combined to complete a meal for you and the family.
For me, I have 500 pounds of food stashed in the home and another ton stored at a storage facility 1/4 mile away. This is enough food for up to a year for a family of 4 by itself, longer if (and I will) supplemented with other supply stock. In a Bug In situation, I would have to have friends and family assist me in getting the food in the storage facility home because there will be idiots who will try to steal it when they see what I got during transport. All I need is water and in NYC that is not a problem.
My plan is to stay in (Bug In) for several months and during the area, scout about and check how things are while we prepare for a Bug Out. Finding out what roads are cleared, which ones are not, which ones can be cleared if we "barrow" construction equipment to clear the roads. All the while we would prepare for the Bug Out - making/taking fuel for our venture, and plan out route. After supplies go down to the 1/2 way point, I'm heading to an Amish Community.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #5 - Nov 9th, 2018, 3:22pm
I almost forgot, but since you were talking about leaving (Bugging Out), it slipped my mind for one would Bug In.
Technolgy, and how to power it:
Since I established a little group of preppers who would Bug In with me, I aligned everyone with a generator; what they bought is on them but they all have at least one. The smarter ones (like me) also have Solar and Wind Turbine. A couple families modified their stationary exercise bike to include a generator.
But there are always trolls on the prepper groups. One line they always throw - "700 watts? That's only 7 100watt lightbulbs you can turn on!" They do not get the point of charging batteries overnight with a tiny generator. True, it is not enough to power a refrigerator or a hot plate (both requiring 1500 watts each minimum), but they can power radio and computer equipment and charge their batteries.
Harbor Frieght 900watt Tiny Generator for around $120: http://www.harborfreight.com/engines-generators/gas-engine-generators/900-max-st arting700-running-watts-2-hp-63cc-2-cycle-gas-generator-epacarb-63025.html
Wind Turbines can be made, and I remember a company in the 1990s making one that looks like an old farmer's windmill that created 12,000+ watts of power using car alternators mounted with the blades to turn them. But you can buld a small one for next to nothing if you are willing to put in the work. This one is a tiny one, about 12X12X18 inches (not couting the wind blades) that can produce 50 watts. They call these "Back Pack Wind Turbines. Nothing says that you can make migger, because you can using these designs as a template.
Solar panels can take up a lot of space.for such low power. 100 watt panel can take up 39in X 16in. But what people do not understand is that Solar is not for usng on demand power, it is for charging your on demand batteries. In this you can have several panels charging your battery reserves. Price is the problem, as the panel themselves can be up to $2 a watt. Batteries and the needed inverter is another problem of added costs. but one can use various options like Car, Truck or Marine batteries. This, with a generator back up, you can have 24 hour power.
Now you have all this power for your Bug In Shelter. What is next? Your technology: Radio Communications, Computers, Lighing, Survailance, etc.
Radio: AM/FM, Ham Radio, CB (and modified CB), FRMS/GRMS, etc. is needed. If you have the power to transmit, don't unless it is an absolute emergency. You are to use the radio equipment and listen to what is going around, who thinks they are in charge and why, is the government/military/LEOs involved? this is important information to gain and use to your advantage. I know that one of the Prepper Channels is channel 38 on Upper Side Band on your CB rig. So your CB rig must be able to have Upper/Lower Side Band capability, as many only has AM Only. Same with Ham Radio, certain frequencies are used by certain groups. And the government agencies have been known to take over Ham Radio Transponders/Repeaters for their own use during emergencies.
Computer: If you are going to be digital, you need to access certain networks. Ham Packette Radio is one such network one can join where you can acces the internet though that access would be slow like the old Dial Up Days. But again, log in to listen at first, see what is going on. Last thing you want is a bunch of helmetted and armed Men In Black busting down your door to take you and your family away and rob/take over your place. But here you can also use flying drones to scout the area for you.
Lighting: Use the minimum that you can use. Do not be a spot light in the dark. Use the power to take care of other things like charging batteries. And when not in use, store everything you can in a Faraday cage or build a hidden Safe Room that is also a Faraday Cage. You want to be minimal in your electroinc foot print, but be able to take big steps with those tiny feet.
I'm only touching the subject there for bugging in. You also need to up your skills. In short, that is why I gave you that Raspberry Pi, so you can learn to become a Maker and make things that you want and need for fun and profit. For me, I expanded from the Raspberry Pies to other Pies and Arduino Micro Controllers and onto 3D Printing. From there I can do anything I want when I need it though I know in building it can take days to do. Ever heard of the "LeMons" Race? Not "Le Mons" in France. It is a race where people take Junk cars and make them into race cars, often redoing the electroincs to make the car run again. One key compainant is removing the ignition/flue injection computers, and replacing them with an Arduino Microcontroller. It takes time to figure it out but it is doable. I understand the theory and if I had more information, I could do it. You need to step up to that level where I am in having multiple skills and ability to turn theory into practice. But you also need to get tools and supplies too. I'll give you a hint on one:
Making Alcohol... for your own use, fuel and selling. that means growing sugar beats (or in your area of FLA., sugar cane), process the sugar, ferment the sugar, distill the sugar into high proof alcohol and then store it for later use. People want to get drunk and escape their realities for a while, thus you can sell/trade this alcohol with them. A bottle of booze for some canned vegetables, meats, blankets/clothing, medical supplies, etc.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #6 - Nov 9th, 2018, 5:05pm
I addressed the comments in your previous post; your follow up post strays from the purpose of this thread.
This forum has the Preppers Corner. And, as I stated earlier, I am a member of Equipped To Survive. As of this Tuesday, I will have been a member for twelve years. There's already a lot of comments on fishing, growing vegetables and freeze-dried food. I started this thread to discuss the "Other" category.
I know about making digital backups. They do not take up a lot of space. If we are serious about "what if" then we need to consider what we access may come down to hard copies. One piece of paper takes up an insignificant amount of space. Multiply that by 75 and it begins to take up space. At this point, it is not a lot and if I leave it at that, I'm fine. A person's life can't be condensed to seventy-five pages. There's nothing magical about seventy-five pages, that is what I currently have, organized into two folders.
I have a copy of Arik's journal, I have printed e-mail conversations I have had with Warren Ehn, Bill Holbrook, you and Aiesha, I have drawings that are e-mail attachments and I have that letter from Bill. The e-mail conversations cover a wide array of topics. Notable examples are time travel, my perceived ability to see the past, Danielle, your everyday life, Orion's Rift Generators, Michio Kaku and Sajuuk. I need ideas on what else to include that take up an insignificant amount of space and does not require a device to access.
If we have to leave to start over in another country, I will bring my birth certificate, passport, other forms of I.D. and my diploma. Other things I'll bring are a few hand tools and anything else I still have, will need and I'm able to carry (clothes, medication, first aid, etc.).
We can talk about freeze-dried food, a subject I know, all day; it would not answer the tough questions.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #7 - Nov 9th, 2018, 8:21pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 9th, 2018, 5:05pm:
I addressed the comments in your previous post; your follow up post strays from the purpose of this thread.

This forum has the Preppers Corner. And, as I stated earlier, I am a member of Equipped To Survive. As of this Tuesday, I will have been a member for twelve years. There's already a lot of comments on fishing, growing vegetables and freeze-dried food. I started this thread to discuss the "Other" category.

I know about making digital backups. They do not take up a lot of space. If we are serious about "what if" then we need to consider what we access may come down to hard copies. One piece of paper takes up an insignificant amount of space. Multiply that by 75 and it begins to take up space. At this point, it is not a lot and if I leave it at that, I'm fine. A person's life can't be condensed to seventy-five pages. There's nothing magical about seventy-five pages, that is what I currently have, organized into two folders.

I have a copy of Arik's journal, I have printed e-mail conversations I have had with Warren Ehn, Bill Holbrook, you and Aiesha, I have drawings that are e-mail attachments and I have that letter from Bill. The e-mail conversations cover a wide array of topics. Notable examples are time travel, my perceived ability to see the past, Danielle, your everyday life, Orion's Rift Generators, Michio Kaku and Sajuuk. I need ideas on what else to include that take up an insignificant amount of space and does not require a device to access.

If we have to leave to start over in another country, I will bring my birth certificate, passport, other forms of I.D. and my diploma. Other things I'll bring are a few hand tools and anything else I still have, will need and I'm able to carry (clothes, medication, first aid, etc.).

We can talk about freeze-dried food, a subject I know, all day; it would not answer the tough questions.

Jeanette Isabelle

The issue with a SHTF situation is that when it begins, your options to leave diminishes. You would not be able to get onto an airplane and head to another country. It would be imposible. During the hurricanes of thie years (like Michael) and others in the past, the airports were already closing 10 days in advance and the airports were preparing for military operations to enforce the law in the area and to assist with the rescue and clean up. It is that simple. you want to get on a plane, you need to wait 2 or more weeks until the storm goes away and things revert to normal. Until then, you are stuck where you are. If you leave after the storm but is it still a situation to deal with, you will be picked up by the police, or military - if you are lucky. If you are not, they will think you are a looter and shoot you dead then and there. Then there are the highway gangs out there, if they find you, you would be nothing more than a sex toy for their amusement. You being virgin, that would be hell for you. The only options are to either comply to their demands or commit suicide at the first chance.
In a situation where is effects the whole country and it is long lasting, 80 percent of the people will die out there. 80%. That is a high number - 8 out every 10 people. If you do not carefully prepare then you can add yourself, your fiends and your family to those numbers. It is a hard reality to face when with just a few simple and properly made decisions, it could have been avoided.
As for freeze dried foods, in the Preppers group in FB, somebody posted up a comment about children (and even adults) who are picky eaters. There were about a dozen replies until I posted. and I posted: "A SHTF Situation is no time or place to be a picky eater. You either eat what is put in front of you or you starve. Plain and Simple." It got over 1000 likes, more than half of membership of the group. And that is how Grandma raised me - you eat what is given to you or you do not eat at all. My brother and I did managed a bartering system, when Grandma gave us a whole fried chicken leg, we break it at the joint, and we traded - I gave him the drum stick and he gave me the thigh. Grandma saw this and did not complained, because we figured out how to deal with foods we did like by trading for something we did. She thought we were damn smart for that. Yes, I do not like drum sticks.
But like I said, Food, any food, has to be supplimented with others. You can not eat one thing alone and expect to be well with that. It is unhealthy to do that. Every tv chef and nutritionist have all save to have a variety on your plate, multiple colors on your plate is the best option.
You need to think, really think - how bad can humanity become if it became a national emergency and you are stuck in the middle of it all. I've seen how bad it can get. A lot of those guys on that other forum can not put a touch to what I did unless they were there in the same situation with me. So what it is paranoid thinking. It is paranoid thinking that will keep your ass intact and you and your friends and family alive.
Question, have you seen this link? No? Read it: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1541536197/0#0
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #8 - Nov 9th, 2018, 9:45pm
I don't think you are paranoid at all. You presented a realistic situation. However, I don't believe I have my head in Never Land when I say this: What you showed is not the only possibility. There are other possibilities.
Can we get back to the subject of this thread?
Quote from Fernando on Nov 9th, 2018, 8:21pm:
Question, have you seen this link? No? Read it: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1541536197/0#0

Yes, I have read it.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #9 - Nov 10th, 2018, 1:36pm
I can't see the future as you can. I have a strong belief that going to another nation is a realistic possibility. The odds may be less than 50%. Nevertheless, it remains a realistic possibility.
If it is meant to happen, it will happen. If it is not meant to happen, Mom and I will shelter in place.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 9th, 2018, 2:06pm:
For me, I have 500 pounds of food stashed in the home and another ton stored at a storage facility 1/4 mile away. This is enough food for up to a year for a family of 4 by itself, longer if (and I will) supplemented with other supply stock. In a Bug In situation, I would have to have friends and family assist me in getting the food in the storage facility home because there will be idiots who will try to steal it when they see what I got during transport. All I need is water and in NYC that is not a problem.

Our job is to build God's kingdom. We will have that opportunity when end-time prophecy is in the process of being fulfilled. However, we are not Jesus. We can't feed five thousand with five barley loaves and two fish. Therefore we need to be careful. There is an older couple in our Torah study group. We're tight. They're trustworthy.
Mom and I are also members of a gun club. There are nearly a hundred members. The good news is, everybody is within walking distance of everybody else. The bad news is, I don't know everybody that well. I feel safe with them; that may change when the food runs out.
Mom and I are also friends with a retired dentist. He also lives in our gated community.
Clarification: My fishing comment was about when bugging in is no longer an option. Ocala National Forest is close enough where we can bug out on foot if we need to. It's too far to walk there, catch dinner and walk back the same day.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #10 - Nov 11th, 2018, 3:26pm
Prepare for the worse, pray for the best. That is the best you can do.
One can 1) include the community in their prepper work and stash or 2) work on one's own. I opted for 3) Do 1 & 2. In that, everyone on my floor has generator in the very least; everyone has about 3 months of food - 500+ pounds of food in their closets. And everyone is armed in some form or another despite what the NYC Gun laws says. Finally, many of us can fish and have a rod and tackle to fish with - with the East River the same distance as my larger food stash in the storage facility, with the Hudson River being 2 miles in the opposite direction - doable but maybe dangerous in a SHTF situation. But in no way all this prepper work is going to save anyone of us if we do not cooperate, people panic and some of them turn greedy and predatory on the rest of us. One has to build that relationship and continue to do so.  
In short, well... Summer '17, I had a meeting to try to expand this to encompass the block as much as I can. Even had the two local gangs here - The Bloods and The Crips. One of them said out loud for the rest of us to hear - "If the SHTF and everything goes crazy - you are the first people we would go after because you have the goods we want." I told them, "Come and try. If you can make it past the threshold of my apartment entrance, you are welcomed to come take what you want." They were warned to stay away by the rest of the group.
I really do not care for the "Rapture" as many would call it. According to definition, humanity has had several Raptures since the 1700s and even before. And every single time Humanity has faced its worst and yet managed to rebuild. Like Grandpa of the tv show "The Munsters" had said it, "Rome, London, New York, Chicago, San Fransisco, Dresden... You seen one city burn, you seen them all!" There is a lot of truth to that; the cities burned, many were killed, factors more managed to evacuate, the city burns,  people come back when it is over, people rebuild. The issue is to hang around long enough to be part of the recovery effort. How that is done is on you. Jesus wants to come to see Humanity at its worst, then let him come.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #11 - Nov 16th, 2018, 7:08pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 9th, 2018, 9:45pm:
I don't think you are paranoid at all. You presented a realistic situation. However, I don't believe I have my head in Never Land when I say this: What you showed is not the only possibility. There are other possibilities.

Can we get back to the subject of this thread?

Quote from Fernando on Nov 9th, 2018, 8:21pm:
Question, have you seen this link? No? Read it: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1541536197/0#0

Yes, I have read it.

Jeanette Isabelle

What is the subject? I gave my answers as I think fits the situation because leaving when or before a SHTF situation is too late. read all the news about the snowstorm we had yesterday (11/15; news on 11/16) as my proof on that...
What happened yesterday (at the time of this writing) was a commuters' logistical nightmare - all traffic jammed, bridges and tunnels  shut down due to accidents and nothing moved unless it was on foot - and it was a SIMPLE Snow Storm! Children who got on buses fro school to go home at 3PM did not end up going home until 3AM! Bus and train stations packed with millions and no service until hours later with road and tracks blocked, no one got home until after midnight at best.
If this were a SHTF Situation, consider them all dead. No way this city was able to move all those people as needed, and people are now pointing fingers of blame to what happened. But it this was a city wide evacuation - no way is it going to happen, and I know it would not happen. Everybody would be dead. Plain and simple. For you to be in a mess like that - you would be stuck with the rest of them. No way was it going to happen cleanly. And this is the proof of what if it were to happen - total system failure on all fronts.
This is why I say it is better to Bug In if possible and wait for all this to clear before Bugging Out. Bugging In is not always the best option, and I know that. But when all other options begin to fail, best to hunker down with what one has at home and wait out the storm.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #12 - Nov 17th, 2018, 8:58am
Quote from Fernando on Nov 16th, 2018, 7:08pm:
What is the subject?

The following is the subject:
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 1st, 2018, 12:54pm:
Arguably the biggest challenge in preparing to leave your home permanently, be it a war or the collapse of the economy, is deciding what you will leave behind. I'm perhaps the youngest member; at thirty-two, I have my share of memories in the form of tangible items. How do we choose which memories to leave behind?

Some of my memories are in the form of hand tools. That is an easy decision to make because tools serve a practical purpose.

In the end, it comes down to the individual. There are complexities in the decision-making process that a person can't quickly put into words. How does one decide?

At first, this was about comfort items; they are too bulky and too many. When I realized I need to put my focus on preserve my history in the form of tangible things, that helped. Still, there was a lot to pack. Our discussion in the thread "Time Capsule" helped further. I went from items that will give you the facts about my history to the things that tell a story. That story (in the form of a journal, E-mail, drawings and a letter) are in two folders . . . all of which are small enough to fit in carry-on luggage or check-in. I'm not sure why my story does not go beyond the E-mail Aiesha wrote to me on August 11, 2009; there it is. Perhaps there is a record, somewhere, that picks up where Aiesha's E-mail ends.

Quote from Jeanette on Nov 8th, 2018, 8:52pm:
As I scanned all the e-mail threads I have in my inbox (there is a lot) I found an e-mail conversation from April 12, 2012, that helps to tie up a loose end. Nevertheless, I now have a nearly three-year gap from the previous e-mail, sent on August 11, 2009, to April 12, 2012.

I'm still looking for records, in any form, that tells my story.

The thread immediately goes off topic with the mid-life crisis metaphor, then electronics (which I never mentioned), the Astro Pi and finally pictures of trailers.
After addressing your off-topic comments, I tried to go back to the subject of this thread:
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 9th, 2018, 5:05pm:
I know about making digital backups. They do not take up a lot of space. If we are serious about "what if" then we need to consider what we access may come down to hard copies. One piece of paper takes up an insignificant amount of space. Multiply that by 75 and it begins to take up space. At this point, it is not a lot and if I leave it at that, I'm fine. A person's life can't be condensed to seventy-five pages. There's nothing magical about seventy-five pages, that is what I currently have, organized into two folders.

I have a copy of Arik's journal, I have printed e-mail conversations I have had with Warren Ehn, Bill Holbrook, you and Aiesha, I have drawings that are e-mail attachments and I have that letter from Bill. The e-mail conversations cover a wide array of topics. Notable examples are time travel, my perceived ability to see the past, Danielle, your everyday life, Orion's Rift Generators, Michio Kaku and Sajuuk. I need ideas on what else to include that take up an insignificant amount of space and does not require a device to access.

If we have to leave to start over in another country, I will bring my birth certificate, passport, other forms of I.D. and my diploma. Other things I'll bring are a few hand tools and anything else I still have, will need and I'm able to carry (clothes, medication, first aid, etc.).

Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #13 - Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 17th, 2018, 8:58am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 16th, 2018, 7:08pm:
What is the subject?

The following is the subject:

Quote from Jeanette on Nov 1st, 2018, 12:54pm:
Arguably the biggest challenge in preparing to leave your home permanently, be it a war or the collapse of the economy, is deciding what you will leave behind. I'm perhaps the youngest member; at thirty-two, I have my share of memories in the form of tangible items. How do we choose which memories to leave behind?

Some of my memories are in the form of hand tools. That is an easy decision to make because tools serve a practical purpose.

In the end, it comes down to the individual. There are complexities in the decision-making process that a person can't quickly put into words. How does one decide?

At first, this was about comfort items; they are too bulky and too many. When I realized I need to put my focus on preserve my history in the form of tangible things, that helped. Still, there was a lot to pack. Our discussion in the thread "Time Capsule" helped further. I went from items that will give you the facts about my history to the things that tell a story. That story (in the form of a journal, E-mail, drawings and a letter) are in two folders . . . all of which are small enough to fit in carry-on luggage or check-in. I'm not sure why my story does not go beyond the E-mail Aiesha wrote to me on August 11, 2009; there it is. Perhaps there is a record, somewhere, that picks up where Aiesha's E-mail ends.

Quote from Jeanette on Nov 8th, 2018, 8:52pm:
As I scanned all the e-mail threads I have in my inbox (there is a lot) I found an e-mail conversation from April 12, 2012, that helps to tie up a loose end. Nevertheless, I now have a nearly three-year gap from the previous e-mail, sent on August 11, 2009, to April 12, 2012.

I'm still looking for records, in any form, that tells my story.

The thread immediately goes off topic with the mid-life crisis metaphor, then electronics (which I never mentioned), the Astro Pi and finally pictures of trailers.

After addressing your off-topic comments, I tried to go back to the subject of this thread:

Quote from Jeanette on Nov 9th, 2018, 5:05pm:
I know about making digital backups. They do not take up a lot of space. If we are serious about "what if" then we need to consider what we access may come down to hard copies. One piece of paper takes up an insignificant amount of space. Multiply that by 75 and it begins to take up space. At this point, it is not a lot and if I leave it at that, I'm fine. A person's life can't be condensed to seventy-five pages. There's nothing magical about seventy-five pages, that is what I currently have, organized into two folders.

I have a copy of Arik's journal, I have printed e-mail conversations I have had with Warren Ehn, Bill Holbrook, you and Aiesha, I have drawings that are e-mail attachments and I have that letter from Bill. The e-mail conversations cover a wide array of topics. Notable examples are time travel, my perceived ability to see the past, Danielle, your everyday life, Orion's Rift Generators, Michio Kaku and Sajuuk. I need ideas on what else to include that take up an insignificant amount of space and does not require a device to access.

If we have to leave to start over in another country, I will bring my birth certificate, passport, other forms of I.D. and my diploma. Other things I'll bring are a few hand tools and anything else I still have, will need and I'm able to carry (clothes, medication, first aid, etc.).

Jeanette Isabelle

Here you have a major problem, which is why I went "off-topic."
First, what do you have in terms of transporation: Truck/Car, motorcycle, bicycle, bare feet, with/without camper/trailer? This should be easy to figure out because the larger your transportation option, the more you can carry.
To that which I listed, I will say this - when the SHTF, you only carry what you can use to survive with. All those things - email, art, files, all those things used for remembering is to be trashed because all that will not provide food, a place to sleep, shelter against the weather, so on and so forth. If you survive long enough - they will be thrown out between a week and 30 days because of that.
I spent looking over the GsB prequals I wrote and have had Rachel post them up on her account because I did not want those idiots in the cafe complain to Fanfiction.net and have the account deleted. But in the prequels, Tammy had to travel Italy to rescue Bink. As per GsB, we all know that she fails. the question is why and the prequals explain why. But in order for Tammy to travel to Italy, she can only take with her the minimum of things she could carry. All she could carry had to fit in an Army Fold-up top top dufle bag, 3ft tall, 2ft across (diameter), and a maximum of 100 pounds carrying weight. It may sound like a lot but it is not. That is enough for a a couple weeks worth of clothing, important documents in a folder, some basic rescue equipment and that's it. She would spend almost a year in Italy, adding to her things in the duffle bag.
GsB Prequal 0 - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6774237/1/Gunslinger-Bink-0-The-Gadget-Infinity-Pre quel
GsB Prequal 1 - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8647113/1/To-Live-and-Die-in-Italia
Tammy's duffle bag - https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/fox-outdoor-two-strap-duffel-bag?a =1582114
But Tammy's story is a mission with a desired goal but with many unknowns and many problems. She thought it would have been short and easy, but it was not. No mattered how she planned for it, there was more she needed because it was not enough.
Want to carry all that stuff of media and printed material? You'd be dead in a few days. Like I said - it does not bring in food, shelter, etc. It is very little real world value though it has a lot of sentimental value to you, and that is the problem. If you are going out to a family relative's plave for a visit, this might be good. But for a Survival Issue in which yu would need things in order to survive, this is worthless. The papers, except for the documents you carry for identity, are only good for starting fires with, and that is a choice you will have to make. It is all junk, trash, worthless to your survival. That you need to understand.
Your age has nothing to do with your survival. What you have in terms of supplies, tools and skills are. All this "momentos of memory" adds nothing to this and verymuch subtracts from it because it adds unneccessary bulk and weight. Think about it - if you were in the forest fires of California where the towns/small cities of Camp Fire and Paradise were destroyed, if you managed to get out of there with your bag of things - and need to get foos and shelter - you think anyone is going to care about Arik's Journal or Bill Holbrook's digitally reproduced artwork? No they are not. They will look at you and see what you have to offer - jewlry, clothing, you... yes, sex is included in that list. In your mind you would say no, you would not, but in the end you will do what you think you must to get what you need to make it to the next day. And you will repeat those actions again and again as needed until it is over.
To survive any emergency is water, shelter, food, warmth - in that order. Carrying those documents, unless you are going to use them to burn them, does nothing for that list.
If you had a car or a truck, with or without a camper trailer, maybe you can have a bit more to carry, and maybe have those documents if you want. But again, why? They are worthless in any and every way.
This is not a matter of going to another country - that option is not a possibility in a SHTF situation. Even if you had your own boat or plane, that is not possible. That could only happen after all is said and done and recovery is almost done, not before, not during. It is unfortunate that you are seeking the impossible in trying to get things done your way, but in a SHTF situation, trying to get things done your way, especially when you are not in control of the situation is only going to get you killed or worse.
Like I said in my last post, New York City was paralyzed. If this was an emergency situation, all those out on the road would have been killed off. No one can tell me otherwise and this is not the only time I have seen the city's services fail and leaving everyone to fend for themselves. We are just lucky that it was not a SHTF situation. No Trains, No Buses, No Cars, No Trucks, No emergency services - we are very lucky that in all this only 1 person was killed, a poor lady who trie to cross the train tracks in NJ and her car got stuck on the tracks and she hit by the on coming train. That is 1 death out of possible 12-million city area wide. In s SHTF situation - add everyone on the road and train/bus stations to that list.
One 32 year old girl in all that carying a large back pack of her things and all those documents would not get far in such a situation and chances are would end up freezing in the cold. They would do nothing for you.
This is why I stated everything out of topic because it was in topic. If you wanted those things, they would have to be electronic and the devices that access them to be small enough to be carried without hinderance. The Astro Pi can do that, just like a tablet computer like an iPad, or a small netbook like the Lenovo S10e. And the reason why I posted up all those camper and things is to show you the size options you would need if you were to go out on your own. There are even small camper/shelters for bicycles if you were to go that route.
https://www.livinginashoebox.com/this-foldable-bicycle-camper-lets-you-live-comf ortable-on-the-road/
Any of these options with a bicycle will at least extend your survivability out there against the elements. You would still need water and food.
The problem is, you are not looking into that. You are looking for options to carry such things that would be usless and at worst detrimental to your survival in a SHTF situation. Again, no one is going to care about Arik's Journal, even if it from the future. No one is going to care about an artist's drawing that has been created in the digital realm. None of this is useful for one's survival. What you have in terms of tools and supplies and you can do is. As Sybox said in Star Trek V - "What value is any of this? It is just a field full of holes!"
That is why getting off topic, I am still on topic. If you had a truck with a camper/trailer and stocked with supplies, then I can see you take those documents with you.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #14 - Nov 17th, 2018, 7:36pm
Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
Here you have a major problem, which is why I went "off-topic."

First, what do you have in terms of transporation: Truck/Car, motorcycle, bicycle, bare feet, with/without camper/trailer? This should be easy to figure out because the larger your transportation option, the more you can carry.

In other words, you wasted time because you decided to go off topic instead of asking questions.
IF we do bug out, we will be crossing the Atlantic Ocean. I can only think of two ways to go, by plane or ship. If we travel by plane, there will be less we can take with us.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
To that which I listed, I will say this - when the SHTF, you only carry what you can use to survive with. All those things - email, art, files, all those things used for remembering is to be trashed because all that will not provide food, a place to sleep, shelter against the weather, so on and so forth. If you survive long enough - they will be thrown out between a week and 30 days because of that.

You also need the will to survive which was discussed in Equipped To Survive:
http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=5814&Number= 134470#Post134470
Edit: The following link does a better job of getting into the will to survive.
http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=218678&pag e=1
Suppose I had to go on without my family. I could not unless there is a purpose. One such purpose is to protect my family's history/memory.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
This is not a matter of going to another country - that option is not a possibility in a SHTF situation. Even if you had your own boat or plane, that is not possible. That could only happen after all is said and done and recovery is almost done, not before, not during. It is unfortunate that you are seeking the impossible in trying to get things done your way, but in a SHTF situation, trying to get things done your way, especially when you are not in control of the situation is only going to get you killed or worse.

You don't think it's possible to get the warning to leave. Nevertheless, that probability is real.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
This is why I stated everything out of topic because it was in topic. If you wanted those things, they would have to be electronic and the devices that access them to be small enough to be carried without hinderance. The Astro Pi can do that, just like a tablet computer like an iPad, or a small netbook like the Lenovo S10e. And the reason why I posted up all those camper and things is to show you the size options you would need if you were to go out on your own.

Those two folders, together, are smaller than a computer. How can I possibly save space and weight by bringing a laptop instead? Moreover, those things you talked about need electricity.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
Again, no one is going to care about Arik's Journal, even if it from the future.

The probability of those two folders being transported to the past is not real. To make a long story short I, nevertheless, consider that in a "what if" to help decide what stays and what goes.
Jeanette Isabelle
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« Last Edit: Nov 17th, 2018, 9:13pm by Jeanette »  
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #15 - Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 17th, 2018, 7:36pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
Here you have a major problem, which is why I went "off-topic."

First, what do you have in terms of transporation: Truck/Car, motorcycle, bicycle, bare feet, with/without camper/trailer? This should be easy to figure out because the larger your transportation option, the more you can carry.

In other words, you wasted time because you decided to go off topic instead of asking questions.

So I wasted time because I would not ask questions? I'm not here to ask questions unless I am absolutely unsure as to what is going on. I will answer questions and make my own statements, which if you do not agree with them, then that is on you. I'm pointing out what works, what does not work and what may or may not work.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 17th, 2018, 7:36pm:

IF we do bug out, we will be crossing the Atlantic Ocean. I can only think of two ways to go, by plane or ship. If we travel by plane, there will be less we can take with us.

What plane, what boat? During and after airports and seaports would be closed, even if you have your own private vessel to fly or float away in. FEMA and other government agencies including the military will take these over for the duration of their stay.
If you take Florida and Hurricane Michael - they took over the air and sea ports for almost 2 weeks. If you take Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria - over 6 months, and in some places almost 9 months. NYC and surrounding areas during last week 1 day snow storm - 2 1/2 days. So until these services are restored to normal, you are stuck where you are.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 17th, 2018, 7:36pm:

Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
To that which I listed, I will say this - when the SHTF, you only carry what you can use to survive with. All those things - email, art, files, all those things used for remembering is to be trashed because all that will not provide food, a place to sleep, shelter against the weather, so on and so forth. If you survive long enough - they will be thrown out between a week and 30 days because of that.

You also need the will to survive which was discussed in Equipped To Survive:

http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=5814&Number= 134470#Post134470

Edit: The following link does a better job of getting into the will to survive.

http://forums.equipped.org/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=218678&pag e=1

Suppose I had to go on without my family. I could not unless there is a purpose. One such purpose is to protect my family's history/memory.

Those who survive the longest are those who will not take bs from anyone else around them in a SHTF situation.  
The will to live makes the will to surive and that comes from within. You want to give up and let the situation kill you, go ahead, nice knowing you. If you want to survive and continue on to see this through to its end, you better find it in your heart to fight on even though you maybe beaten to the near point of death. Let me remind you that in 9/13 I was in the hospital from some idiot's attempt to kill the job supervisor with a chemical bomb, and while I was in the hospital bed pissed off and angered to no end, doctors were making bets if I would even surivie the night. Guess what - I lived and a lot of them lost theose bets they made against me. When I left for hom 2 weeks later, I was told that the chemical bomb I faced was strong wnough to kill several people, so how did I survive? That was my will to live that brought out my will to survive.
Unless you are going to go out and get married and have children, what good are these memories if you can not pass them down tot he next generation? You die before you can procreate, those memories die with you. They become wasted memories. And no one is going to care enough to try to piece something you had together after you ar gone.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 17th, 2018, 7:36pm:

Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
This is not a matter of going to another country - that option is not a possibility in a SHTF situation. Even if you had your own boat or plane, that is not possible. That could only happen after all is said and done and recovery is almost done, not before, not during. It is unfortunate that you are seeking the impossible in trying to get things done your way, but in a SHTF situation, trying to get things done your way, especially when you are not in control of the situation is only going to get you killed or worse.

You don't think it's possible to get the warning to leave. Nevertheless, that probability is real.

Lets take your state: Florida. In every hurricane tracked that hit it, they had as much a week's or more warning, but the order to evacuate comes in 48 - 72 hours before. During this time - airports shut down, trains are sent on their last runs, and boats are secured to the harbor. The only means to get out is by motor vehicle and even then it is a mad dash to the border and out of state, highways jam up, things go to a crawl. In what usually take 3 hours to drive will now take over 8 hours.
Unless you are leaving on a "Possible Warning" a week or two before, you are stuck where you are. You Bug In, hope you are prepared for it.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 17th, 2018, 7:36pm:

Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
This is why I stated everything out of topic because it was in topic. If you wanted those things, they would have to be electronic and the devices that access them to be small enough to be carried without hinderance. The Astro Pi can do that, just like a tablet computer like an iPad, or a small netbook like the Lenovo S10e. And the reason why I posted up all those camper and things is to show you the size options you would need if you were to go out on your own.

Those two folders, together, are smaller than a computer. How can I possibly save space and weight by bringing a laptop instead? Moreover, those things you talked about need electricity.

7 - 10in tablet is smaller than the folder, and the Lenovo S10e laptop is about the same size as a 10in tablet with an added keyboard. Electricity? That is why you carry extra batteries; and if you are bugging in, you should have a generator. If you manage to bug out in a plane or a boat, they have power you can tap into to recharge batteries and use your devices.
Funny - same tablet as mine, it came with a leather case and tiny keyboard, this is just the tablet itself. But this is more than enough to get one's digital footprint walking again after a SHTF situation. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Polaroid-PTAB735-4-GB-Tablet-7in-Wireless-Android-Dual- core-Dual-Cameras/263703680683?hash=item3d65f6d6ab:g:hwkAAOSwpoJbA30e
Search for all the 7in tablets on ebay: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313.TR8.TR C1.A0.H0.X7in+android+tablet.TRS1&_nkw=7in+android+tablet&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_osacat=0&_odkw=7in+tablet
As you stated - these things need electricity - so does the hand held walkie talkie ham radios I would carry in a SHTF situation. I threw that in because for me it is needed and it is my responsibility to get power for them in order to use them.I also have a 6in drone I can use to do recon with, and it too needs power.  And like I said, if you are bugging in, you should have a generator - gas, solar, wind, what ever.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 17th, 2018, 7:36pm:

Quote from Fernando on Nov 17th, 2018, 4:41pm:
Again, no one is going to care about Arik's Journal, even if it from the future.

The probability of those two folders being transported to the past is not real. To make a long story short I, nevertheless, consider that in a "what if" to help decide what stays and what goes.

Jeanette Isabelle

In that line of thought, chances are you will end up planning and end up doing/taking nothing but the clothes on your back. Look at the forest fires in California - several small town destroyed, 6000 people missing, 75+ found dead in their homes or in their burnt out shell of a car. They had time to plan and practice? Do not know, I'm not them. But they had 1 day's warning and decided to either bug in or stay as long as possible beofre bugging out, only not to make it. SHTF happens with little to no warning. right preparation and proper planing, and one can survive this. 1 wrong decision, even with this preparing and planning, and everyone's dead. It is that simple.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #16 - Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
So I wasted time because I would not ask questions? I'm not here to ask questions unless I am absolutely unsure as to what is going on. I will answer questions and make my own statements, which if you do not agree with them, then that is on you. I'm pointing out what works, what does not work and what may or may not work.

You are making assumptions despite the fact I established what's going on. Meanwhile, I have to fight to keep this on topic.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
What plane, what boat? During and after airports and seaports would be closed, even if you have your own private vessel to fly or float away in. FEMA and other government agencies including the military will take these over for the duration of their stay.

We are not leaving during the big event. We are leaving before.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
If you take Florida and Hurricane Michael - they took over the air and sea ports for almost 2 weeks. If you take Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria - over 6 months, and in some places almost 9 months. NYC and surrounding areas during last week 1 day snow storm - 2 1/2 days. So until these services are restored to normal, you are stuck where you are.

The subject is not a hurricane of a snowstorm. I already established it would be something big like a war.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
The will to live makes the will to surive and that comes from within. You want to give up and let the situation kill you, go ahead, nice knowing you. If you want to survive and continue on to see this through to its end, you better find it in your heart to fight on even though you maybe beaten to the near point of death. Let me remind you that in 9/13 I was in the hospital from some idiot's attempt to kill the job supervisor with a chemical bomb, and while I was in the hospital bed pissed off and angered to no end, doctors were making bets if I would even surivie the night. Guess what - I lived and a lot of them lost theose bets they made against me. When I left for hom 2 weeks later, I was told that the chemical bomb I faced was strong wnough to kill several people, so how did I survive? That was my will to live that brought out my will to survive.

The will to survive is a big deal and often discussed in the survival forum. It makes the difference between life and death.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
Unless you are going to go out and get married and have children, what good are these memories if you can not pass them down tot he next generation? You die before you can procreate, those memories die with you. They become wasted memories. And no one is going to care enough to try to piece something you had together after you ar gone.

Let me deal with that.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
Lets take your state: Florida. In every hurricane tracked that hit it, they had as much a week's or more warning, but the order to evacuate comes in 48 - 72 hours before. During this time - airports shut down, trains are sent on their last runs, and boats are secured to the harbor. The only means to get out is by motor vehicle and even then it is a mad dash to the border and out of state, highways jam up, things go to a crawl. In what usually take 3 hours to drive will now take over 8 hours.

Again, the subject is not a hurricane.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
7 - 10in tablet is smaller than the folder, and the Lenovo S10e laptop is about the same size as a 10in tablet with an added keyboard. Electricity? That is why you carry extra batteries;

When you include a keyboard and batteries, space and weight can add up. When I say "folder," I'm talking about those two-pocket paper folders with brads.
The thickness and weight can vary. I'm considering thinning the second folder a bit and maybe combine the two folders — either way, that is far less space and weight than your suggestion.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #17 - Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
So I wasted time because I would not ask questions? I'm not here to ask questions unless I am absolutely unsure as to what is going on. I will answer questions and make my own statements, which if you do not agree with them, then that is on you. I'm pointing out what works, what does not work and what may or may not work.

You are making assumptions despite the fact I established what's going on. Meanwhile, I have to fight to keep this on topic.

I have to make assumptions because you made this subject too vague and unclear. You flip flop on your emotions, mental state and well being, actions to take, equipment to have. But none of these as per your description will help you and will become detrimental to your well-being. That is my point I'm trying to show you.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
What plane, what boat? During and after airports and seaports would be closed, even if you have your own private vessel to fly or float away in. FEMA and other government agencies including the military will take these over for the duration of their stay.

We are not leaving during the big event. We are leaving before.

Based on what can happen, you would have little warning if any and most of the time none. I'll explain later further down.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
If you take Florida and Hurricane Michael - they took over the air and sea ports for almost 2 weeks. If you take Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria - over 6 months, and in some places almost 9 months. NYC and surrounding areas during last week 1 day snow storm - 2 1/2 days. So until these services are restored to normal, you are stuck where you are.

The subject is not a hurricane of a snowstorm. I already established it would be something big like a war.

I use 'hurricane' because it is the most likely scenario you would go through living where you are.
If you want to talk about war, then so be it. We are at an age where WWIII would only last 90 minutes, if that. We live in the age of MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction; since the 1950s.This is why we had a "Cold War" lasting for so long with the Soviets, and the Soviet Union no longer exists. The Russian Alliance has been trying to rebuild the Soviet Union but "it is not very effective" as some Americanized Anime would say on TV.
90 minutes is all most have if it were to be a war, and then "The sun will rise from the west" for many. Unless you have a fly on the wall in the white house or in other chambers of office of power in other nations, you will have no warning.
One saving grace is that the USA would never be invaded, like the Swizz. Thanks to our 2nd amendment, both Japan (during WWII) and the Soviet Union (during the cold war) both said, "Invasion of the USA would be impossible because their populace is armed to the teeth. There would be an armed citizen behind every blade of grass there.
But Muslim Extremists have tried to kill as many Americans as possible. Islam might be the 3rd largest religion in the world, the extremist arm is just a few thousand individuals. They will attack up to a point. They do not want the USA to do to them what the USSR did... Hezbollah kidnapped a few Soviet Diplomats and killed one of them as a show of force of what they would do. Spen Daz (secret Military arm of the Soviet intelligence) kidnapped Hezbollah's leader's son, killed him and sent the penis, right hand with a ring on it, and the head to the leader. Next day the remaining soviet diplomats were released. The extremists knows that they can not push too hard or they will end up in another Crusade Wars, and as history serves, they lost in the Crusades. This time Islam as a whole will be wiped off the face of the earth.
If Civil War was to break out, it would have a long time ago. So that will not be happening.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
The will to live makes the will to surive and that comes from within. You want to give up and let the situation kill you, go ahead, nice knowing you. If you want to survive and continue on to see this through to its end, you better find it in your heart to fight on even though you maybe beaten to the near point of death. Let me remind you that in 9/13 I was in the hospital from some idiot's attempt to kill the job supervisor with a chemical bomb, and while I was in the hospital bed pissed off and angered to no end, doctors were making bets if I would even surivie the night. Guess what - I lived and a lot of them lost theose bets they made against me. When I left for hom 2 weeks later, I was told that the chemical bomb I faced was strong wnough to kill several people, so how did I survive? That was my will to live that brought out my will to survive.

The will to survive is a big deal and often discussed in the survival forum. It makes the difference between life and death.

Without the Will to Live, there is no Will to Survive.
One thing I will say here is this.
"Beware of the old man who retired from a job where most men die young."
Then look at me and think about it for a second. I should be dead, I am not. People tried to eliminate me, they - by failure of their actions - were the ones that was eliminated. I do not think that my will to survive is in question. But if you want to survive - you better have a 180 turn-about in attitude. You do not question your ability to survive, you just do it.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
Unless you are going to go out and get married and have children, what good are these memories if you can not pass them down tot he next generation? You die before you can procreate, those memories die with you. They become wasted memories. And no one is going to care enough to try to piece something you had together after you ar gone.

Let me deal with that.

I think the captain of the Titanic say that about the iceberg.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
Lets take your state: Florida. In every hurricane tracked that hit it, they had as much a week's or more warning, but the order to evacuate comes in 48 - 72 hours before. During this time - airports shut down, trains are sent on their last runs, and boats are secured to the harbor. The only means to get out is by motor vehicle and even then it is a mad dash to the border and out of state, highways jam up, things go to a crawl. In what usually take 3 hours to drive will now take over 8 hours.

Again, the subject is not a hurricane.

I already explained it above.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 21st, 2018, 12:35pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
7 - 10in tablet is smaller than the folder, and the Lenovo S10e laptop is about the same size as a 10in tablet with an added keyboard. Electricity? That is why you carry extra batteries;

When you include a keyboard and batteries, space and weight can add up. When I say "folder," I'm talking about those two-pocket paper folders with brads.


The thickness and weight can vary. I'm considering thinning the second folder a bit and maybe combine the two folders — either way, that is far less space and weight than your suggestion.

Jeanette Isabelle

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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #18 - Nov 25th, 2018, 5:02pm
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
So I wasted time because I would not ask questions? I'm not here to ask questions unless I am absolutely unsure as to what is going on.

Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
I have to make assumptions because you made this subject too vague and unclear.

Which is it? Are you sure of what's going on or have I made this subject too vague and unclear?
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
You flip flop on your emotions, mental state and well being, actions to take, equipment to have. But none of these as per your description will help you and will become detrimental to your well-being. That is my point I'm trying to show you.

In the opening post, I established how I got to that point. Then on, when I was not addressing your off-topic comments, I stayed the course.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
Based on what can happen, you would have little warning if any and most of the time none. I'll explain later further down.

There is always a warning. Most people either do not understand the writing on the wall or they ignore it.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
I use 'hurricane' because it is the most likely scenario you would go through living where you are.

The subject is not a hurricane.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
If you want to talk about war, then so be it. We are at an age where WWIII would only last 90 minutes, if that. We live in the age of MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction; since the 1950s.This is why we had a "Cold War" lasting for so long with the Soviets, and the Soviet Union no longer exists. The Russian Alliance has been trying to rebuild the Soviet Union but "it is not very effective" as some Americanized Anime would say on TV.

90 minutes is all most have if it were to be a war, and then "The sun will rise from the west" for many. Unless you have a fly on the wall in the white house or in other chambers of office of power in other nations, you will have no warning.

Again, there is always a warning. Most people either do not understand the writing on the wall or they ignore it.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
One saving grace is that the USA would never be invaded, like the Swizz. Thanks to our 2nd amendment, both Japan (during WWII) and the Soviet Union (during the cold war) both said, "Invasion of the USA would be impossible because their populace is armed to the teeth. There would be an armed citizen behind every blade of grass there.

You just established in the above paragraph how the USA could get invaded.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
Without the Will to Live, there is no Will to Survive.

One thing I will say here is this.
"Beware of the old man who retired from a job where most men die young."

Then look at me and think about it for a second. I should be dead, I am not. People tried to eliminate me, they - by failure of their actions - were the ones that was eliminated. I do not think that my will to survive is in question. But if you want to survive - you better have a 180 turn-about in attitude. You do not question your ability to survive, you just do it.

You do understand.
There has to be a reason/drive/motive to survive. Cuck Norland in Castaway is a perfect illustration. He adopted a new lifestyle to survive on a deserted island for four years but, when he was so close to getting rescued, he gave up when he lost Wilson.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:

You forgot the space and weight of the batteries. My point remains. The weight and volume needed to access your suggestion add up. Mine takes up two paper folders, one if I go lean.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #19 - Nov 27th, 2018, 8:00pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 25th, 2018, 5:02pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 19th, 2018, 3:00am:
So I wasted time because I would not ask questions? I'm not here to ask questions unless I am absolutely unsure as to what is going on.

Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
I have to make assumptions because you made this subject too vague and unclear.

Which is it? Are you sure of what's going on or have I made this subject too vague and unclear?

I'm having both.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 25th, 2018, 5:02pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
You flip flop on your emotions, mental state and well being, actions to take, equipment to have. But none of these as per your description will help you and will become detrimental to your well-being. That is my point I'm trying to show you.

In the opening post, I established how I got to that point. Then on, when I was not addressing your off-topic comments, I stayed the course.

Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
Based on what can happen, you would have little warning if any and most of the time none. I'll explain later further down.

There is always a warning. Most people either do not understand the writing on the wall or they ignore it.

See below.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 25th, 2018, 5:02pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
I use 'hurricane' because it is the most likely scenario you would go through living where you are.

The subject is not a hurricane.

Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
If you want to talk about war, then so be it. We are at an age where WWIII would only last 90 minutes, if that. We live in the age of MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction; since the 1950s.This is why we had a "Cold War" lasting for so long with the Soviets, and the Soviet Union no longer exists. The Russian Alliance has been trying to rebuild the Soviet Union but "it is not very effective" as some Americanized Anime would say on TV.

90 minutes is all most have if it were to be a war, and then "The sun will rise from the west" for many. Unless you have a fly on the wall in the white house or in other chambers of office of power in other nations, you will have no warning.

Again, there is always a warning. Most people either do not understand the writing on the wall or they ignore it.

There will be no invasion, atomic warheads will rain from the skies and what warning will we have? 90minutes. 90minutes for one to get away from ground zero and be 250 miles away. Not possible. Now, if you have a underground bomb shelter, like those built from 1950's to 1980's, you have a chance if you can get there in time and have food and water for 3 weeks minimum.  
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 25th, 2018, 5:02pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
One saving grace is that the USA would never be invaded, like the Swizz. Thanks to our 2nd amendment, both Japan (during WWII) and the Soviet Union (during the cold war) both said, "Invasion of the USA would be impossible because their populace is armed to the teeth. There would be an armed citizen behind every blade of grass there.

You just established in the above paragraph how the USA could get invaded.

Being pounded upon with nuclear warheads is not an invasion. It is destruction of what there is that makes the USA as The USA. We did the same thing to Germany during WWII, or have you not heard about "The Burning of Dresden?"  Osaka, Tokyo and Hiroshima (before it was nuked) also burned. Not one soldier stepped onto those cities' soil as a prelude to an invasion.
That is the next war to come. Boots on the soil is not an option against the USA.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 25th, 2018, 5:02pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:
Without the Will to Live, there is no Will to Survive.

One thing I will say here is this.
"Beware of the old man who retired from a job where most men die young."

Then look at me and think about it for a second. I should be dead, I am not. People tried to eliminate me, they - by failure of their actions - were the ones that was eliminated. I do not think that my will to survive is in question. But if you want to survive - you better have a 180 turn-about in attitude. You do not question your ability to survive, you just do it.

You do understand.

There has to be a reason/drive/motive to survive. Cuck Norland in Castaway is a perfect illustration. He adopted a new lifestyle to survive on a deserted island for four years but, when he was so close to getting rescued, he gave up when he lost Wilson.

Love of self and Love of life. That's more than enough reason for me.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 25th, 2018, 5:02pm:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 23rd, 2018, 2:14am:

You forgot the space and weight of the batteries. My point remains. The weight and volume needed to access your suggestion add up. Mine takes up two paper folders, one if I go lean.

Jeanette Isabelle

2 AA Batteries; rechargeable if you can get them, and a small charger? This, if you were a smoker, is smaller than a pack of cigarettes. One of those keyboards is slightly larger than a video game controller, the other is smaller than the size as a Universal TV/Cable/DVD/etc. remote control.
Challenge: Put yourself through a day/night/day/night routine and see how far you actually get with what you have. Include possible dangers you might end up in through no fault of your own and how you will deal with that.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #20 - Nov 28th, 2018, 10:56am
Quote from Fernando on Nov 27th, 2018, 8:00pm:
I'm having both.

If I made this subject too vague and unclear, then it is not possible to be sure as to what is going on.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 27th, 2018, 8:00pm:
Being pounded upon with nuclear warheads is not an invasion. It is destruction of what there is that makes the USA as The USA. We did the same thing to Germany during WWII, or have you not heard about "The Burning of Dresden?"  Osaka, Tokyo and Hiroshima (before it was nuked) also burned. Not one soldier stepped onto those cities' soil as a prelude to an invasion.

There is always a warning. Warnings come in the form of watching the international news, being observant to what is going on around you and accurately discerning the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 27th, 2018, 8:00pm:
2 AA Batteries; rechargeable if you can get them, and a small charger? This, if you were a smoker, is smaller than a pack of cigarettes. One of those keyboards is slightly larger than a video game controller, the other is smaller than the size as a Universal TV/Cable/DVD/etc. remote control.

The current volume of the two folders is 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8" and weighs 15 1/2 oz. What is the total weight and volume of your suggestion including the keyboard, extra batteries and charger?
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #21 - Nov 28th, 2018, 4:57pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 28th, 2018, 10:56am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 27th, 2018, 8:00pm:
Being pounded upon with nuclear warheads is not an invasion. It is destruction of what there is that makes the USA as The USA. We did the same thing to Germany during WWII, or have you not heard about "The Burning of Dresden?"  Osaka, Tokyo and Hiroshima (before it was nuked) also burned. Not one soldier stepped onto those cities' soil as a prelude to an invasion.

There is always a warning. Warnings come in the form of watching the international news, being observant to what is going on around you and accurately discerning the difference between a true prophet and a false prophet.

Was there a warning for 12/7/41 - Attack on Pearl Harbor? Lets look at history.
Since 1860s, Japan was undergoing an Imperialism and having various wars with China, Russia and other nations over control of the area. It, at the time of circa 1830 - 1890, was Japan's period of Modernization - going from chariots, swords and bows & arrows to motorized vehicles, guns and rifles, and eventually airplanes by 1918. Its Navy went from Japanese Wooden Junk ships to actual steel hulled ships from battleships, aircraft carriers and submarines. They traded to buy technologies and them copied and improved on them. They slowly built up their Military. But by the time of WWI, Japan was on the Allied (our) side of the war, despite their war with Russia, who was also on the Allied side in WWI.
War with Russia was for control for Korea, which was a constant battle field between Russia and China before Japan stepped in. this war was going back and forth for hundreds of years, a time which Japan was under its "Period of Isolationism." When a few Japanese Merchant Ships were attacked by China and Russia, who thought he ships were from the other side, Japan stepped into this war and took over Korea. These wars kept going into WWII.
From WWI to 1938, Japan continued with its Imperialism and taking over of the Asian Island nations, which at the time they did not know was US Territory, formerly Spanish Territories, given to the USA as reprisals for winning the Spanish American War (1890). Japan in its mind believed the Pacific Ocean was theirs for their fishing fleets and had to secure the waters.
The USA was out protecting their newly acquired lands out in the Pacific. For years, these two fleets met out in the Pacific with no issues or problems, having fought WWI as allies.
Then 12/7/41 happened. Japan attacked the US Fleet in Pearl Harbor. Held silently in history, Japan attacked all the US Bases across the Pacific at about the same time. Philippians, Borneo, Guam, Midway Iwo Jima, they all happened at the same time. Smaller bases were attacked when the larger ones were secured.
Was there any warnings?
None. But lets go into details of 72 known hours before 12/7/41.
At this time, the Japanese Ambassador was to address the League of Nations with a proposal of where, if accepted, would split the Pacific Ocean into a US side, a Japanese side, and a Neutral Side. This would divide up the island the US won in the Spanish American War into US and Japanese. At the time, the US was saying "No" to this agreement.
The Japanese Ambassador was waiting for a telegram from the emperor, which which changes the proposal or Japan would take the lands by force by 12/8 if there was no response by 12/7 (This was unknown at the time it happened, here's why:). The one thing the Japanese did not take into consideration was the International Date Line. Japan was on one side of the Data line, the US with the Japanese Ambassador was on the other; where Japan was 1 day ahead on the date line.
This gave some confusion, the order for attack happened on 12/8 according to the Japanese because there was no reply on 12/7 (Japanese date/time). The Ambassador got the telegram with the proposal on 12/6, and was about to see the US and the Le age of Nations on 12/7 (US Date/Time). This would have given the time to submit the proposal, and give an answer before 12/8 (US Time). But... the Japanese Navy attacked Perl Harbor on the dawn of 12/7-US Date/Time, but 12/8 in Japan Date/Time. Since it was done in the Dawn of 12/7 (US time), the proposal was never sent. In fact, when the Ambassador and his staff went to submit the proposal, he and his staff was arrested for war crimes.
Prior to all this, there was No Warning! None!
Want to take Nazi Germany and Spain (the cause of the Spanish Civil War)? There was no warning either. Nazi Germany on Poland and Czechoslovakia? No Warning either. Nazi Germany against France? No Warning. Nazi Germany used "Blitzkrieg", aka Lightning Warfare - attack all at once in a very fast advancement. There was negotiations, and when they walked away the Germans attacked, though under Poland and Czechoslovakia there was no negotiations.
WWI? No warning. The Order of the Black Hand assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, and Austria attacked Slovenia as a result of that assassination. France attacked Austria for attacking Slovenia but were pounded by the Germans defending Austria.
Korean War? No warning. The Chinese moved in on Korea claiming rights to it from before the Japanese Imperialistic Wars of 1860s. They annihilated the US Troops who were there. Why were US Troops there? Japan "owned" Korea at the time of WWII. Japan lost WWII to the USA, and in their treaty the USA would acquire control of Korea from the Japanese and make it a "free nation." While this was being established, the Chinese thought it can take Korea from the Japanese, not thinking it is now the USA. They moved in over the Korean Mountain range and decimated the American troops there. the UN in seeing this, decided to step in to help the USA and Korea if the USA were to lead. And the Korean war continued - still to this day.
WWIII by the standards of the Cold War, you would only have 90 minutes - when every tv and radio "This is the Emergency Broadcast System"  would kick in. 90 minutes is a lot more that some had in the past, when they did not know they were under attack until the bombers dropped their bombs on their heads. But what can to you do in 90 minute?
Oh! You thinking about the "atomic war clock?" It is currently at 2 minutes to midnight. Everybody thinks that war is about to happen? Bullshit. You follow that then you are a fool, excuse me for saying that. In my time during the 1970s and 80s, that clock was down to 55 seconds to Midnight, and nothing happened then. The information that clock promotes is a lot of bullshit. from the 1990s to 9/11, it was 15 minutes to midnight. When the Berlin wall fell, it went back to hours. But yet it is 2 minutes too and people are in a panic? Bullshit! one is interpreting the clock wrong.
You think that North Korea's escalation of its nuclear research is going to happen? You think that they got missiles that can hit the USA? North Korea can build 5000 missiles and launch them against us, and we would launch one of ours - they would destroy many major cities in the US Mainland, but when that 1 US missile hits them - they would cease to exist. It is that simple. Think in those terms, would North Korea attack the USA? I'll add, that both Russia and China told North Korea that if they would do anything stupid, they would not support them. North Korea stands on its own if they do, and they will cease to exist if they attack the USA, because one of our bombs would vaporize their entire country. it is that simple. This is the agreement of MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction, and North Korea accidentally signed their soul to the devil to have this.
So will attack the US Main Land? Who? Where's the warnings? There is none. and I read my news services for many sources - global, political, economical, religious. There is a lot of of things going on and a lot of sabre rattling but a lot of nothing.
Civil war? 2/3rds of Gun owning, pro second amendment right Americans vs. 1/3rd who do not know what bathroom to use and are so afraid of guns that they need to run into quiet rooms and cry for being called bad names? You're joking, right? In talks with certain gang assholes in my area, I was told point blank - if SHTF, I would be the first to die out there. To that I told them, you are either on my side or you will be the ones who will be killed if you make your move against any of us (where I pointed out my group), but I will respect your right to be left alone in peace if you choose that. Those idiots left after they wet their pants, and currently one by one they are asking question how to join my group.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 28th, 2018, 10:56am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 27th, 2018, 8:00pm:
2 AA Batteries; rechargeable if you can get them, and a small charger? This, if you were a smoker, is smaller than a pack of cigarettes. One of those keyboards is slightly larger than a video game controller, the other is smaller than the size as a Universal TV/Cable/DVD/etc. remote control.

The current volume of the two folders is 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8" and weighs 15 1/2 oz. What is the total weight and volume of your suggestion including the keyboard, extra batteries and charger?

Jeanette Isabelle

Everything, including a notebook laptop would fit into box of 11in x 8.5in x 6in only fill it a third of the way, and weigh less than 2 pound. Adding to the box, I can put in my radio equipment and some tools, and still not surpass 4 pounds. Take away the laptop and its charger, it would only weigh less than a pound, and take up a small corner of the box because of the odd shape some of these things can be. But, in using such a box, I can add more to it. Only thing you have over me in this is the folder being flat. But in terms of space and weight, mine takes up less room and weigh less without the laptop, and just a bit more with a laptop. Adding a tablet to this hardly puts a dent into the space/weight of the box.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #22 - Nov 29th, 2018, 10:22am
I don't know of any warning for Pearl Harbor other than what you told me in an earlier conversation.
As for the Nazi Holocaust, yes. I heard too many accounts over the years for me to ignore them, one of them was from a speaker. That speaker was a Holocaust survivor. What I hear from every account is the same thing: the threat of danger became more apparent as the Nazis grew in power.
The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand did not happen in a vacuum. I don't know of any account of him explicitly being targeted (it could have easily been some other Austrian target), problems that lead to it nevertheless had built up.
Other than a political sound bite I heard over and over again, I don't know enough about the Korean War to comment.
I'm not going by the Cold War standards or the atomic war clock. As I have mentioned before, I am studying end-time prophecy. Modern day prophets, including Demetrius Dudeman, said America would be destroyed. Though we don't have a birds' eye view, we have been told, through the prophecies how America will be destroyed and the events leading to its destruction.
Though this is debatable even among the prophetic scholars, America is likely prophetic Babylon (not to be confused with ancient Babylon). I searched the Scriptures and I can show them to you if you want to go that direction. The depiction of prophetic Babylon sounds a lot like America. Who else has been a golden cup in God's hand but has now caused the nations to be drunk with the wine of her fornication?
Two prophets, one of them Leslie Johnson, saw N.K. destroy Seatle, Washington with a nuclear weapon; only Leslie Johnson saw how N.K would do it (they will put a nuclear weapon aboard a cargo plane). America would destroy N.K. in response. I believe this is a warning prophecy.
Russia will destroy America in one hour; it would not be mutually assured destruction because America would not be able to respond. Other nations will go against Russia for destroying America. Those nations will back Russia into a corner (where Russia will be forced to sign a peace treaty) but not destroy them.
A civil war? What are you talking about? Where did that come from? In "After Chaos" Moro mentioned that the Happening started with an internal revolution; neither Moro nor I said anything about it escalating to a civil war.
One incident you did not bring up was the Armenian Genocide. God warned His people through His prophet Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken. Some headed that prophecy, some did not.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 28th, 2018, 4:57pm:
Everything, including a notebook laptop would fit into box of 11in x 8.5in x 6in only fill it a third of the way, and weigh less than 2 pound. Adding to the box, I can put in my radio equipment and some tools, and still not surpass 4 pounds. Take away the laptop and its charger, it would only weigh less than a pound, and take up a small corner of the box because of the odd shape some of these things can be. But, in using such a box, I can add more to it. Only thing you have over me in this is the folder being flat. But in terms of space and weight, mine takes up less room and weigh less without the laptop, and just a bit more with a laptop. Adding a tablet to this hardly puts a dent into the space/weight of the box.

A third of 11" x 8 1/2" x 6" is still way more than 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8". Less than two pounds? Exactly how much is less than two pounds? 15 1/2 ounces is less than a pound. I don't see how a laptop saves space or weight.
You said a tablet hardly puts a dent into space and weight but you don't give the weight and measurements of the tablet and everything it needs. I, on the other hand, measured the two folders together though they are not the same size (used the larger of the two when there was a difference) and weighed them together with a scale.
If electronic means work better for you since they hold more, go for it. I'm presenting why a hard copy is better for a smaller amount of data.
As for what I have, should I go leaner, stay where I am, add to it or a combination of doing triage on the printed E-mail and add other types of information.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #23 - Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 29th, 2018, 10:22am:
I don't know of any warning for Pearl Harbor other than what you told me in an earlier conversation.

As for the Nazi Holocaust, yes. I heard too many accounts over the years for me to ignore them, one of them was from a speaker. That speaker was a Holocaust survivor. What I hear from every account is the same thing: the threat of danger became more apparent as the Nazis grew in power.

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand did not happen in a vacuum. I don't know of any account of him explicitly being targeted (it could have easily been some other Austrian target), problems that lead to it nevertheless had built up.

Other than a political sound bite I heard over and over again, I don't know enough about the Korean War to comment.

I'm not going by the Cold War standards or the atomic war clock. As I have mentioned before, I am studying end-time prophecy. Modern day prophets, including Demetrius Dudeman, said America would be destroyed. Though we don't have a birds' eye view, we have been told, through the prophecies how America will be destroyed and the events leading to its destruction.

Hitler's take over of Germany through the Nazi Party was swift and meteoric, going from Councilman (akin to member of US Congress) to Fuehrer in just 5 short years and his rule to absolute tyranny in 2 - 3 years. The problem much of Europe was Anti-Semitic, not just Nazi Germany. It in a way it was rightfully so. At the time the Jews or Europe managed to take control of European Banking, Market Trading, Jewelry, Loans, and so on. Many believed that the Jews were too powerful, and just as many thought if they could, the Jews needed to be taken down a dozen pegs.
There were rumors of the Illuminati and the Free Manson also putting their hands to the downfall of the Jews. But this is going into conspiracy theories I rather not touch. I'm just saying that it is there.
Thus when Hitler became "president" (Fuehrer) of Germany, he made things look as normal as possible for a few years, but kept demanding lands from Czechoslovakia and Poland, claiming that they were German Lands. Prime Minister Chamberland (UK) gave them to Hitler, marking him in history as "The Appeaser." Now when Hitler got these nations and expanded Germany, he put all but 2 Concentration Camps there. Then he went after the Gypsies first, then the homosexuals, and intellectuals who did not agreed with his views. Then he went after the Blacks and started his Master Race crap. Then he started with the Jews. In less than 6 months from putting them into ghettoes to putting them into concentration camps there was no warning.
I know of several surviving and recently formerly surviving concentration camp survivors. They all say the same things, no doubt the same things of those you know.
Einstein saw the writing on the wall but because he was an intellectual that did not agreed with Hitler's mind set. He believed that the Jews would be next but did not know when. He went to America alone because his wife thought that things would be OK. She and their daughter ended up in a Concentration Camp 6 months after Einstein went to America without warning.
- - -
ArchDuke Ferdinand was supposed to be King Ferdinand of Austria upon the upcoming death of his uncle; and he was heavily weighted with freeing Slovenia from Austrian Rule (which is what the Black Hand wanted but did not know of this and thought he was going to rule Slovenia under an Austrian Iron Fist Rule. ) The Black Hand's mistake was assassinating the ArchDuke, if they would have waited, Slovenia would have been a free nation (and Czechoslovakia would never have been formed after WWI).
- - -
The only Prophesy that is going on now is Nostradame's "Fire in the sky" and the 9/11 attacks, for in that prediction is ongoing from 9/11 and to the next 35 years of war and the Anti-Christ. After that, peace will reign on Earth for the next 5000 years as we go to the stars. But now we are at a time of War with Islam. Things have cooled down but it will flare up. Trump will be tried in an impeachment attempt and he would drop the bomb about corrupt members of congress and that would make him more powerful than ever because this time people will be following totally, and not what he has now. The USA will continue and merge with Mexico and Canada, this making the USA no more or as some would think - destroyed. But it would not be destroyed, but made into something larger and better but at the same time the USA would be no more.
But in this prediction, there was a line saying "Towards the end of the 35 year war, The Eagle (USA) would be wounded, and the Great Bear (Russia) will help the Eagle regain its strength." Now how that is to be taken, remains to be seen. But of the "Fire in the Sky Prediction," we only been through 1/2 of it and so far it has fallen into place too perfectly.
A lot of the predictions made by others have only been right less then 30% of the time, and most of those were generalized predictions. It would be like me saying "In 2019, there will be deadly storms, earthquakes and volcanoes. Several celebrities will die, a few airplanes will crash and people die. Trains will also crash/derail and death will happen there too..." It is too general to be an actual prediction.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 29th, 2018, 10:22am:

Though this is debatable even among the prophetic scholars, America is likely prophetic Babylon (not to be confused with ancient Babylon). I searched the Scriptures and I can show them to you if you want to go that direction. The depiction of prophetic Babylon sounds a lot like America. Who else has been a golden cup in God's hand but has now caused the nations to be drunk with the wine of her fornication?

Two prophets, one of them Leslie Johnson, saw N.K. destroy Seatle, Washington with a nuclear weapon; only Leslie Johnson saw how N.K would do it (they will put a nuclear weapon aboard a cargo plane). America would destroy N.K. in response. I believe this is a warning prophecy.

Russia will destroy America in one hour; it would not be mutually assured destruction because America would not be able to respond. Other nations will go against Russia for destroying America. Those nations will back Russia into a corner (where Russia will be forced to sign a peace treaty) but not destroy them.

See above.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 29th, 2018, 10:22am:

A civil war? What are you talking about? Where did that come from? In "After Chaos" Moro mentioned that the Happening started with an internal revolution; neither Moro nor I said anything about it escalating to a civil war.

One incident you did not bring up was the Armenian Genocide. God warned His people through His prophet Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken. Some headed that prophecy, some did not.

Civil War, that has been on the pulse of American media - panty wearing men afraid of guns wanting to be in power to get rid of the second amendment so that the government can control us. Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, the Feminists, Mass-Shooter Victims and so on - all think they can force the law to their side by eliminating guns from those who need them. Consider that crime in New Hampshire and Vermont have near Zero Crime while allowing anyone with a drivers license to conceal carry, no one is going to mug Grandma when she and those around are are packing heat! America is sitting on a political powder keg right now with those that want the power without the responsibilities and those who want to be left alone with those who have mental health issues with gun causing problems for everyone being the lit fuse.
Remember - I am a Catholic Knight Protectorite - I go to war if and when the pope calls Holy War, I have to gather 10,000 screaming Armenians. The Armenian Genocide happened without warning; they fought along side the Ottoman Turks and Allied with the Germans. Then all of the sudden, the Ottoman Turks turned their guns from the UK Soldiers to.the Armenians and took them down in one very quick and decisive move, and then forced every Armenian, every man, every woman, every child, out of Turkish lands and forced to do the Death March. now when one is busy being preoccupied fighting a war with an allied, no one expects that ally to turn on them, and that is what happened.
Hindsight is 20/20 and we can argue with history but history will not change.
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 29th, 2018, 10:22am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 28th, 2018, 4:57pm:
Everything, including a notebook laptop would fit into box of 11in x 8.5in x 6in only fill it a third of the way, and weigh less than 2 pound. Adding to the box, I can put in my radio equipment and some tools, and still not surpass 4 pounds. Take away the laptop and its charger, it would only weigh less than a pound, and take up a small corner of the box because of the odd shape some of these things can be. But, in using such a box, I can add more to it. Only thing you have over me in this is the folder being flat. But in terms of space and weight, mine takes up less room and weigh less without the laptop, and just a bit more with a laptop. Adding a tablet to this hardly puts a dent into the space/weight of the box.

A third of 11" x 8 1/2" x 6" is still way more than 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8". Less than two pounds? Exactly how much is less than two pounds? 15 1/2 ounces is less than a pound. I don't see how a laptop saves space or weight.

You said a tablet hardly puts a dent into space and weight but you don't give the weight and measurements of the tablet and everything it needs. I, on the other hand, measured the two folders together though they are not the same size (used the larger of the two when there was a difference) and weighed them together with a scale.

If electronic means work better for you since they hold more, go for it. I'm presenting why a hard copy is better for a smaller amount of data.

As for what I have, should I go leaner, stay where I am, add to it or a combination of doing triage on the printed E-mail and add other types of information.

Jeanette Isabelle

What you need is a vehicle. You should also be watching Youtube. I recommend this guy for some things, he's up in Canada where it is -35C (-50F) when he made these videos:
His page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCim-gz2ySw_LzOQBI999WeQ/videos
There are a lot of people who preach about prepping. There are only few that practice what they preach. I go after those tho practice, they are discovering the right way and the wrong way.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #24 - Dec 2nd, 2018, 10:46am
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
Thus when Hitler became "president" (Fuehrer) of Germany, he made things look as normal as possible for a few years, but kept demanding lands from Czechoslovakia and Poland, claiming that they were German Lands. Prime Minister Chamberland (UK) gave them to Hitler, marking him in history as "The Appeaser." Now when Hitler got these nations and expanded Germany, he put all but 2 Concentration Camps there. Then he went after the Gypsies first, then the homosexuals, and intellectuals who did not agreed with his views. Then he went after the Blacks and started his Master Race crap. Then he started with the Jews. In less than 6 months from putting them into ghettoes to putting them into concentration camps there was no warning.

You mean you don't see that as a warning? Einstein did, as you pointed out, as did others.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
The only Prophesy that is going on now is Nostradame's "Fire in the sky" and the 9/11 attacks, for in that prediction is ongoing from 9/11 and to the next 35 years of war and the Anti-Christ. After that, peace will reign on Earth for the next 5000 years as we go to the stars. But now we are at a time of War with Islam. Things have cooled down but it will flare up. Trump will be tried in an impeachment attempt and he would drop the bomb about corrupt members of congress and that would make him more powerful than ever because this time people will be following totally, and not what he has now. The USA will continue and merge with Mexico and Canada, this making the USA no more or as some would think - destroyed. But it would not be destroyed, but made into something larger and better but at the same time the USA would be no more.

But in this prediction, there was a line saying "Towards the end of the 35 year war, The Eagle (USA) would be wounded, and the Great Bear (Russia) will help the Eagle regain its strength." Now how that is to be taken, remains to be seen. But of the "Fire in the Sky Prediction," we only been through 1/2 of it and so far it has fallen into place too perfectly.

Nostradamus has been accurate in some of his predictions; I rather listen to the Bible and God's modern-day prophets. It takes knowledge, also question everything, to determine who is a false prophet and who is a true prophet.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
A lot of the predictions made by others have only been right less then 30% of the time, and most of those were generalized predictions. It would be like me saying "In 2019, there will be deadly storms, earthquakes and volcanoes. Several celebrities will die, a few airplanes will crash and people die. Trains will also crash/derail and death will happen there too..." It is too general to be an actual prediction.

There is nothing vague about the prophecies I mentioned. They are very specific. Rarely does a prophecy state the year it will happen.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
The Armenian Genocide happened without warning; they fought along side the Ottoman Turks and Allied with the Germans. Then all of the sudden, the Ottoman Turks turned their guns from the UK Soldiers to.the Armenians and took them down in one very quick and decisive move, and then forced every Armenian, every man, every woman, every child, out of Turkish lands and forced to do the Death March. now when one is busy being preoccupied fighting a war with an allied, no one expects that ally to turn on them, and that is what happened.

If you need proof that God warned His people through His prophet Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken, here it is:
http://www.propheticvoice.co.uk/history/Armenian-Genocide-Boy-Prophet-Turkish-In vasion
https://hewhohasearslethimhear.wordpress.com/2010/11/11/massacres-of-christians- foretold-and-fulfilled/
I think three links is enough; if you need more, let me know.
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 29th, 2018, 10:22am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 28th, 2018, 4:57pm:
Everything, including a notebook laptop would fit into box of 11in x 8.5in x 6in only fill it a third of the way, and weigh less than 2 pound. Adding to the box, I can put in my radio equipment and some tools, and still not surpass 4 pounds. Take away the laptop and its charger, it would only weigh less than a pound, and take up a small corner of the box because of the odd shape some of these things can be. But, in using such a box, I can add more to it. Only thing you have over me in this is the folder being flat. But in terms of space and weight, mine takes up less room and weigh less without the laptop, and just a bit more with a laptop. Adding a tablet to this hardly puts a dent into the space/weight of the box.

A third of 11" x 8 1/2" x 6" is still way more than 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8". Less than two pounds? Exactly how much is less than two pounds? 15 1/2 ounces is less than a pound. I don't see how a laptop saves space or weight.

You said a tablet hardly puts a dent into space and weight but you don't give the weight and measurements of the tablet and everything it needs. I, on the other hand, measured the two folders together though they are not the same size (used the larger of the two when there was a difference) and weighed them together with a scale.

If electronic means work better for you since they hold more, go for it. I'm presenting why a hard copy is better for a smaller amount of data.

As for what I have, should I go leaner, stay where I am, add to it or a combination of doing triage on the printed E-mail and add other types of information.

What you need is a vehicle. You should also be watching Youtube. I recommend this guy for some things, he's up in Canada where it is -35C (-50F) when he made these videos:

His page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCim-gz2ySw_LzOQBI999WeQ/videos
There are a lot of people who preach about prepping. There are only few that practice what they preach. I go after those tho practice, they are discovering the right way and the wrong way.

Stay on topic. What are the measurements and weight of the tablet and everything it needs together?
Jeanette Isabelle
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YaBB Administrator
NY City

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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #25 - Dec 2nd, 2018, 6:40pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 2nd, 2018, 10:46am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 29th, 2018, 10:22am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 28th, 2018, 4:57pm:
Everything, including a notebook laptop would fit into box of 11in x 8.5in x 6in only fill it a third of the way, and weigh less than 2 pound. Adding to the box, I can put in my radio equipment and some tools, and still not surpass 4 pounds. Take away the laptop and its charger, it would only weigh less than a pound, and take up a small corner of the box because of the odd shape some of these things can be. But, in using such a box, I can add more to it. Only thing you have over me in this is the folder being flat. But in terms of space and weight, mine takes up less room and weigh less without the laptop, and just a bit more with a laptop. Adding a tablet to this hardly puts a dent into the space/weight of the box.

A third of 11" x 8 1/2" x 6" is still way more than 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8". Less than two pounds? Exactly how much is less than two pounds? 15 1/2 ounces is less than a pound. I don't see how a laptop saves space or weight.

You said a tablet hardly puts a dent into space and weight but you don't give the weight and measurements of the tablet and everything it needs. I, on the other hand, measured the two folders together though they are not the same size (used the larger of the two when there was a difference) and weighed them together with a scale.

If electronic means work better for you since they hold more, go for it. I'm presenting why a hard copy is better for a smaller amount of data.

As for what I have, should I go leaner, stay where I am, add to it or a combination of doing triage on the printed E-mail and add other types of information.

What you need is a vehicle. You should also be watching Youtube. I recommend this guy for some things, he's up in Canada where it is -35C (-50F) when he made these videos:

His page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCim-gz2ySw_LzOQBI999WeQ/videos
There are a lot of people who preach about prepping. There are only few that practice what they preach. I go after those tho practice, they are discovering the right way and the wrong way.

Stay on topic. What are the measurements and weight of the tablet and everything it needs together?

Jeanette Isabelle

I'll answer the rest later...
Though you can get similar tablets for around $35 - $75 on eBay and Amazon, this is mine:
Quad Core version of this one: https://www.polaroid.com/products/a7-tablet  
It includes a leather fold up case, keyboard built into the case (with a USB cable to connect to the tablet), and spring loaded clips to hold the tablet in the case when used with the keyboard or folded up for storage. This is it on Ebay.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Polaroid-7-Tablet-PMID709KD-Brand-New-Never-Used/283077 825048?hash=item41e8c0d218:g:xWwAAOSwvylbXiJB
Leather case, keyboard, Tablet and Charging cable/power pack, is about 6oz, or about a 1/3 of a pound. Battery life I get, mind you I have it for over 7 years now, is about 6 to 10 hours, depending on the app running; games tend to use more battery power than most other apps. By itself, the tablet is about 2oz, maybe a bit more.
Thickness? Closed in the case is about an inch thick. Tablet itself is a bit more than 1/4 inch.
Mind you, I have a 18inX18in black cotton bandana folded up in the case between the keyboard and the tablet to protect the tablet's screen. It's about an ounce of weight which included in the total weight mentioned above.
The case has 2 magnetic clasps. 1 is to hold a belt in place to keep the case closed. The other holds in a support wide leg to the closed position, which you pull out to make it into an inclined screen to the keyboard. It can read Micro SD cards and any USB storage device through the USB Port.
Anything else? It takes about 6 hours to charge the battery, but this is a slow charger. A high output charger can charge it in about an hour.  OS: Google's Android (KitKat Version, aka v4.4) This is a QuadCore CPU, with 512MB RAM, 8GB FlashRAM Storage, 1200X600 7in screen. It can read up to 64GB SD Cards.
I got it 7 years ago for about $100, and it is still ranks up there in terms of performance when compared to newer systems. Newer systems would have 1GB of RAM and 16 - 32 FlashRAM Storage. Like I said, you can get one for about $35 - $75 from ebay and Amazon.
- - - - -
This one is my most used unit - I have a 1st gen IRUS 10in single core CPU Tablet, which is about the same size as a small laptop in the closed position, and just as heavy. It has a 4 hour battery life and it over 10 years old. I also have a Microsoft's NextBook (Arm CPU Based Tablet), which has a 9in screen and Windows IOT has been erased and Google Android installed in its place. It has a shorted battery so I have to constantly keep it on the charger. It is slightly bigger than the Polaroid Tablet; about the same size as the Polaroid's leather case as the Polaroid is smaller because it has to fit inside the case.
Technical Note:
All Tablets use the AllWinner or RocketChip Arm A7/A8/A58 CPUs. The Raspberry Pi uses the Cortex A7/A58 CPUs, the only differences is what I/O and Graphics Chip is with the Arm CPU, mostly everything else is similar in electronic mapping. You can get Google's Android to run on your Pi if you do the research to get it done. Other Pies (Orange, Banana Nano, etc - Pi) have the AllWinner Arm CPU and can and do run Google's Android. So if you did your homework and studied up the Raspberry Pi, all in this posting would be basic review for you.
Finally - all tablets use the same exact system (hardware and software) as an Android Smartphone, except the smartphone has a smaller screen and is set up for telecommunications and the tablets do not. So you can use an Android Smartphone as a tablet though the tiny screen can be very limiting. I prefer the tablet over the smartphone for its larger screen though I have both. I use the smartphone to connect to the tablet wirelessly and connect the tablet to the internet.
It's all about options.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #26 - Dec 2nd, 2018, 8:07pm
Quote from Fernando on Dec 2nd, 2018, 6:40pm:
Though you can get similar tablets for around $35 - $75 on eBay and Amazon, this is mine:
Quad Core version of this one: https://www.polaroid.com/products/a7-tablet

It includes a leather fold up case, keyboard built into the case (with a USB cable to connect to the tablet), and spring loaded clips to hold the tablet in the case when used with the keyboard or folded up for storage. This is it on Ebay.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Polaroid-7-Tablet-PMID709KD-Brand-New-Never-Used/283077 825048?hash=item41e8c0d218:g:xWwAAOSwvylbXiJB

Leather case, keyboard, Tablet and Charging cable/power pack, is about 6oz, or about a 1/3 of a pound. Battery life I get, mind you I have it for over 7 years now, is about 6 to 10 hours, depending on the app running; games tend to use more battery power than most other apps. By itself, the tablet is about 2oz, maybe a bit more.

Thickness? Closed in the case is about an inch thick. Tablet itself is a bit more than 1/4 inch.

Mind you, I have a 18inX18in black cotton bandana folded up in the case between the keyboard and the tablet to protect the tablet's screen. It's about an ounce of weight which included in the total weight mentioned above.

The case has 2 magnetic clasps. 1 is to hold a belt in place to keep the case closed. The other holds in a support wide leg to the closed position, which you pull out to make it into an inclined screen to the keyboard. It can read Micro SD cards and any USB storage device through the USB Port.

Anything else? It takes about 6 hours to charge the battery, but this is a slow charger. A high output charger can charge it in about an hour.  OS: Google's Android (KitKat Version, aka v4.4) This is a QuadCore CPU, with 512MB RAM, 8GB FlashRAM Storage, 1200X600 7in screen. It can read up to 64GB SD Cards.

I got it 7 years ago for about $100, and it is still ranks up there in terms of performance when compared to newer systems. Newer systems would have 1GB of RAM and 16 - 32 FlashRAM Storage. Like I said, you can get one for about $35 - $75 from ebay and Amazon.

- - - - -

This one is my most used unit - I have a 1st gen IRUS 10in single core CPU Tablet, which is about the same size as a small laptop in the closed position, and just as heavy. It has a 4 hour battery life and it over 10 years old. I also have a Microsoft's NextBook (Arm CPU Based Tablet), which has a 9in screen and Windows IOT has been erased and Google Android installed in its place. It has a shorted battery so I have to constantly keep it on the charger. It is slightly bigger than the Polaroid Tablet; about the same size as the Polaroid's leather case as the Polaroid is smaller because it has to fit inside the case.

Technical Note:
All Tablets use the AllWinner or RocketChip Arm A7/A8/A58 CPUs. The Raspberry Pi uses the Cortex A7/A58 CPUs, the only differences is what I/O and Graphics Chip is with the Arm CPU, mostly everything else is similar in electronic mapping. You can get Google's Android to run on your Pi if you do the research to get it done. Other Pies (Orange, Banana Nano, etc - Pi) have the AllWinner Arm CPU and can and do run Google's Android. So if you did your homework and studied up the Raspberry Pi, all in this posting would be basic review for you.

Finally - all tablets use the same exact system (hardware and software) as an Android Smartphone, except the smartphone has a smaller screen and is set up for telecommunications and the tablets do not. So you can use an Android Smartphone as a tablet though the tiny screen can be very limiting. I prefer the tablet over the smartphone for its larger screen though I have both. I use the smartphone to connect to the tablet wirelessly and connect the tablet to the internet.

It's all about options.

Do you have a measuring tape and a small scale? If you are going to argue that your option (with everything it needs) saves space and weight, you need to provide the exact dimensions and weight to prove your argument.
Again, the current volume of the two paper folders is 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8" and weighs 15 1/2 oz. That is the total space and weight since they do not need a keyboard, extra batteries and charger.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #27 - Dec 2nd, 2018, 9:20pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 2nd, 2018, 10:46am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
Thus when Hitler became "president" (Fuehrer) of Germany, he made things look as normal as possible for a few years, but kept demanding lands from Czechoslovakia and Poland, claiming that they were German Lands. Prime Minister Chamberland (UK) gave them to Hitler, marking him in history as "The Appeaser." Now when Hitler got these nations and expanded Germany, he put all but 2 Concentration Camps there. Then he went after the Gypsies first, then the homosexuals, and intellectuals who did not agreed with his views. Then he went after the Blacks and started his Master Race crap. Then he started with the Jews. In less than 6 months from putting them into ghettoes to putting them into concentration camps there was no warning.

You mean you don't see that as a warning? Einstein did, as you pointed out, as did others.

Hindsight is 20/20. Foresight is very nearsighted. Looking into the past we can see the evidence of warnings there. But being in the past and look into the future, it is not so evident. Einstein left because he saw that his friends - intellectuals who id not agree with Hitler's goals and ideals - were being gathered  individually and disappear soon afterwards. And he knew that he would be next as he is one of those that did not agree with Hitler's views.  He did not see that the Jews would be targeted until after it started to happen and by then it was too late. His second wife and daughter through her were gathered up because he was a dissident of Nazi Policy and not as a Jew. His first wife and her second husband were gathered up months later because they were Jews.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 2nd, 2018, 10:46am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
The only Prophesy that is going on now is Nostradame's "Fire in the sky" and the 9/11 attacks, for in that prediction is ongoing from 9/11 and to the next 35 years of war and the Anti-Christ. After that, peace will reign on Earth for the next 5000 years as we go to the stars. But now we are at a time of War with Islam. Things have cooled down but it will flare up. Trump will be tried in an impeachment attempt and he would drop the bomb about corrupt members of congress and that would make him more powerful than ever because this time people will be following totally, and not what he has now. The USA will continue and merge with Mexico and Canada, this making the USA no more or as some would think - destroyed. But it would not be destroyed, but made into something larger and better but at the same time the USA would be no more.

But in this prediction, there was a line saying "Towards the end of the 35 year war, The Eagle (USA) would be wounded, and the Great Bear (Russia) will help the Eagle regain its strength." Now how that is to be taken, remains to be seen. But of the "Fire in the Sky Prediction," we only been through 1/2 of it and so far it has fallen into place too perfectly.

Nostradamus has been accurate in some of his predictions; I rather listen to the Bible and God's modern-day prophets. It takes knowledge, also question everything, to determine who is a false prophet and who is a true prophet.

Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
A lot of the predictions made by others have only been right less then 30% of the time, and most of those were generalized predictions. It would be like me saying "In 2019, there will be deadly storms, earthquakes and volcanoes. Several celebrities will die, a few airplanes will crash and people die. Trains will also crash/derail and death will happen there too..." It is too general to be an actual prediction.

There is nothing vague about the prophecies I mentioned. They are very specific. Rarely does a prophecy state the year it will happen.

God does not send prophets, he only send messenger-angels. Prophets are an Islamic Construct of those who are of higher wisdom and knowledge, and use that wisdom and knowledge to gain power through the church. The Prophet Elijah Mohamed is one such UNRECOGNIZED Islamic Prophet who created The Nation of Islam (in America), which is UNRECOGNIZED from the rest of Islam. Elijah Mohamed is a False Prophet to the rest of Islam. Islam recognizes Malcolm X as a Failed Prophet because he tried to correct the mistakes Elijah Mohamed made and put the Nation of Islam on a proper course but was assassinated before such work could take hold.  
God also sends insight to certain individuals. Of those Nostradames seems to be the most accurate. But he also has left clues in the past for us to search and find. The Bible Code is one such set of clues - listing dates, places and events. One such event is which is listed twice in the Bible Code is of a meteor hitting the Earth in 2022 or so. First entry says when and where. Second entry is a duplicate of the first but with an added statement "I Shall Destroy It," meaning that God will protect us from the disaster. The mystery as to why the first does not have this statement and the second does is unknown.
The problem with Prophets and prophesies is, as I say - "Hindsight is 20/20. Foresight is very nearsighted. Looking into the past we can see the evidence of warnings there. But being in the past and look into the future, it is not so evident." Interpretations of such prophesies have been tricky at best. Nostradames missed Hitler's name by 1 letter, calling him "Hilmer"; though there was a "Hilmer" in the high ranks of the Gestapo and he was rather viscous in the running of the Gestapo.
Edgar Cayce predicted a lot of things, but many of the "Sleeping Prophet's" predications have been exaggerated. "Atlantis will be found near Bermuda in 1968" turned out to be some strange symmetrical rock formations found off Bermuda. "An endless cavern will be found in the left foot of the Sphinx." is another predication; though a small cavern was found under the right foot of the Sphinx, no cavern has been found in the left foot as of this time.
Bragga (or Bragda - the Blind Prophet of the Ukrane), predicted a great many things and they seem to be correct on a surface view, but she has had a lot of misses, 1 in every 4 and as high as 1 in every 8 came out to be true and the rest never happened. Some of the future ones she made are so outlandish like: "Germany will create a second sun in 2028." She predicts that man will successfully colonize Mars by 2050, with failed attempts before. But she also predicts WWIII which I do not agree with.
I follow by reading and making connections and see what has the most connections, especially with the Bible Code as the Base.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 2nd, 2018, 10:46am:
Quote from Fernando on Nov 30th, 2018, 10:45pm:
The Armenian Genocide happened without warning; they fought along side the Ottoman Turks and Allied with the Germans. Then all of the sudden, the Ottoman Turks turned their guns from the UK Soldiers to.the Armenians and took them down in one very quick and decisive move, and then forced every Armenian, every man, every woman, every child, out of Turkish lands and forced to do the Death March. now when one is busy being preoccupied fighting a war with an allied, no one expects that ally to turn on them, and that is what happened.

If you need proof that God warned His people through His prophet Efim Gerasemovitch Klubniken, here it is:

http://www.propheticvoice.co.uk/history/Armenian-Genocide-Boy-Prophet-Turkish-In vasion
https://hewhohasearslethimhear.wordpress.com/2010/11/11/massacres-of-christians- foretold-and-fulfilled/

I think three links is enough; if you need more, let me know.

Jeanette Isabelle

A word on the third link says it all - "Secret". That is why the Armenians did not know what and why it happened until after it happened.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #28 - Dec 2nd, 2018, 10:39pm
Those warnings are real. I'm in the process of doing everything I know to do to shelter in place.
America will be destroyed. For now, I don't know if I need to die with everyone else or leave. I'm doing everything I know to find out. If I leave, I need to be ready. That's why I'm asking questions.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 2nd, 2018, 9:20pm:
A word on the third link says it all - "Secret". That is why the Armenians did not know what and why it happened until after it happened.

The second prophecy is a "secret" because it's still sealed up. If you read the pages I linked, you already know that.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #29 - Dec 2nd, 2018, 11:25pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 2nd, 2018, 8:07pm:
Do you have a measuring tape and a small scale? If you are going to argue that your option (with everything it needs) saves space and weight, you need to provide the exact dimensions and weight to prove your argument.

Again, the current volume of the two paper folders is 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8" and weighs 15 1/2 oz. That is the total space and weight since they do not need a keyboard, extra batteries and charger.

Jeanette Isabelle

Shareable link of files will be sent in an email; I do not want every Tom, Dick and Jane to have access to my google drive.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #30 - Dec 3rd, 2018, 8:25am
I don't know why you won't just tell me the measurements. With the case, the netbook looks to be 9" as opposed to 11 5/8" for the two folders. I can't tell what the second dimension is supposed to be. Thickness is 1 1/4" as opposed to 3/8". And this is without the charger. Not only that, you can't give me the exact weight.
The thickness is too much and that is without the charger. I will have to go with the paper folders for my situation. With that established, can we get to the topic? What stays and what goes? What, if anything, should be added?
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #31 - Dec 3rd, 2018, 5:06pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 3rd, 2018, 8:25am:
I don't know why you won't just tell me the measurements. With the case, the netbook looks to be 9" as opposed to 11 5/8" for the two folders. I can't tell what the second dimension is supposed to be. Thickness is 1 1/4" as opposed to 3/8". And this is without the charger. Not only that, you can't give me the exact weight.

The thickness is too much and that is without the charger. I will have to go with the paper folders for my situation. With that established, can we get to the topic? What stays and what goes? What, if anything, should be added?

Jeanette Isabelle

You're counting the tablet with the case, as the tablet itself is a lot smaller. As for the charger - 1 1/2in X 1 1/2in X 1 1/2in cube with fold away prongs and a folded up 3ft USB Cable.
What stays and what goes - that is on you. But my biggest hint was stated a couple posts ago - "You will need a vehicle to carry all you want."
I say that because it is that simple. You are not going to make it out there on foot and alone or with a family member or two. You will need shelter, you will need to secure your things. You will have no protection if you are sleeping out in the elements and somebody decides to make you a target of their criminal deeds. Only a vehicle can do this for you.
As to what kind of vehicle? Something old. Old because the mechanics would be easy for you to fix, no worry about computers or sensors failing on you, and parts are easy to get. It would also have to be multi-fuel. I say VW Beetle - late 60's to '75 though you can go as far as the last ones produced in Mexico and Brazil in 2010 but you would need to convert the fuel injection to carburetor and its electronic ignition to points ignition. Then you can make it Multi-Fuel (Gas, E85 Alcohol,  Propane/Butane, Wood Gas, etc.), it is easier than it may sound. If you want something larger or more powerful- old diesel truck with the mechanical, not electrical injection. they can run on anything - literally - diesel fuel, old oil, transmission fluid, etc.  
But you would need to learn mechanics yourself. Good place to start (for VW) is the "How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive for the Complete Idiot" by John Muir. Excellent Book. You can also get "How to Keep Your Volkswagen rabbit Alive for the Complete Idiot" by John Muir and friend to learn about more modernized and computerized systems. though both books are for the VWs, they apply to any car rolling on the streets. Thing is, the more modern the car, the more likely you will not be able to fix it because that is the way they are built - impossible to fix by the home mechanic or third party garage, they must be sent tot he dealer to be fixed.
I have a coupe of old friends that through their own actions and bad decisions are now sleeping in the streets. i tried to help them out but they decided that I was some sucker that they can take advantage of and steal my things, so #$@! that - out they went. So while they are sleeping in the streets, they have been robbed, their things stolen, and they left in a situation worst than what one would think they can be in. This is why I say you need a vehicle - to protect yourself from being exposed out there when you bug out.
And you're worried about drawings in a folder? Seriously - first night you sleep outdoors, that is going to disappear on you. What are you going to do after that, if you can do anything? If you are lucky - you won't end up in a situation where you will be dropping your panties to somebody out there for protection. That is why you got to have skills: Cooking, hunting, mechanics, computer hacking, making, so on and so forth. If you have nothing to offer, then you only have 1 thing to offer (I point to your pants and signal you to drop them).
That is a situation I do not want you to be in.
Reality is a bitch.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #32 - Dec 3rd, 2018, 9:19pm
Quote from Fernando on Dec 3rd, 2018, 5:06pm:
What stays and what goes - that is on you.

That is all you had to say. We didn't need four pages for that.
About the vehicle: Unless it can drive on water, I don't need it. We will either shelter in place until Russia destroys America or we will leave this country and go overseas.
You want to talk about reality being a female dog. Here it is: America is going up in a mushroom cloud.
To my second question (hopefully, it will not take an additional four pages to answer it), the following are the tool I have:
Ratchet Extension
Socket: 1/2"
Wrenches: 11/16", 9/16" and 1/2"
Philips Screwdriver
Folding Box Cutter
Replacement Blades: 10
Note: The products in the links and what I have are not exact; this is the closest I can find online.
I used the ratchet extension once and it was for a socket I don't have. I see no point in bringing it with me.
As for my question, is there any tool I need to drop from my list?
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #33 - Dec 4th, 2018, 10:08pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 3rd, 2018, 9:19pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 3rd, 2018, 5:06pm:
What stays and what goes - that is on you.

That is all you had to say. We didn't need four pages for that.

About the vehicle: Unless it can drive on water, I don't need it. We will either shelter in place until Russia destroys America or we will leave this country and go overseas.

People joke about it but Hitler did demand that every car made in Germany must be able to float in water. The one to take this to heart was Ferdinand Porsche and his VW Beetle. As long as the floor, frame, heater channels and body/door/window seals are intact, a bug and its variants (Karmann Ghia, Thing, Type II and Type IV) will float in water long enough for it to travel what distance one has to traverse. Hitler took this design further for his German Army with the Schwimmwagen and the Kubelwagen - they both float and drive in water. Today, the Rabbit/Golf, Sirocco, Corado, and Jetta floats.
Kubelwagen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-drYvaJFdo
Schwimmwagen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j45adTodPhc
VW Bug in Water Race (modified with propeller but otherwise stock): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rRwzPz6rzs
Another Bug in rough seas in a water race: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQiS4paC_sk
But that's a problem - getting an old Bug (lets say) today, you have to do  lot of work on it to repair/restore rusted out floor/body panels and broken seals to insure that your car will float.
Many will say that these bugs were modified. They claim that a bug will float long enough for one to get out - 10 minutes maximum. Wrong. A bug floats. My two bugs had been in areas in NYC where it floods and I drove it across the waters (about 100yds distance). But the thing it - the seals, panels and frame must be properly sealed/restored as if new. Air vents must be closed. If any water gets into a bug, it will sink like any other car. This applies to the other cars I mentioned.
Problem: How much weight can you carry floating in a bug? 2 adults, 2 children, some tools and supplies. You can not put things in the truck as that is partly exposed to the elements unless it is in a waterproof case. The Kubel and Schwimm Wagens carried 4 men while floating.
If you need to tow while in water, well, the Kubel and Schwimm Wagens were made to tow various floatable wheeled items. It being WWII, it was usually small anti-aircraft canons, anti-tank guns, Medical Supply Pod or Food/Fuel/Equipment Supply Pod. If the pod sank, it would take the VW with it. To my knowledge, no pod sank nor no Schwimm/Kubel Wagen sank during WWII. It you tow a "Tear Drop" Camper/Trailer behind the VW, lets say, it has to be waterproof and floatable. There are a "Floating Camper/Trailer" option which is a tiny house boat, the VW can tow about. (Can't find the video I'm looking for, will post it when I find it).
Another option but it is modern tech in terms of its equipment:
https://youtu.be/fR6d8Wrz9BU?t=253  (#7)
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 3rd, 2018, 9:19pm:

You want to talk about reality being a female dog. Here it is: America is going up in a mushroom cloud.

According to my dreams and my sources other than myself, it won't. What ever trouble the USA gets into, the Russians will help America out of if. If anything is to happen, it would happen after the War with Islam - which will be in 2032.
Besides, the explosions involved in 9/11 at the WTC and Pentagon were mushroom shaped.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 3rd, 2018, 9:19pm:

To my second question (hopefully, it will not take an additional four pages to answer it), the following are the tool I have:

Ratchet Extension
Socket: 1/2"
Wrenches: 11/16", 9/16" and 1/2"
Philips Screwdriver
Folding Box Cutter
Replacement Blades: 10

Note: The products in the links and what I have are not exact; this is the closest I can find online.

I used the ratchet extension once and it was for a socket I don't have. I see no point in bringing it with me.

As for my question, is there any tool I need to drop from my list?

Jeanette Isabelle

It is not what you need to drop from your set, but what you need added or replaced.
Husky is a good name brand to go on. Stick with it unless you can get another name brand for less.
The tools depends on what you are working on. 1/2in drive will need a 3/8in adapter for smaller sockets. Most equipment today, parts are in Metric standards, so you will need the metric equivalents. Socket sets tend to have both Standard and Metric. But wrenches, you will need the Metric sizes as well. I would throw in 2 sets of vice grips pliers:large and small. And a Rubber Mallet. You will always run into a situation where you will need both Metric and Standard because you will not be sure what you are dealing with (unless it is your own vehicle).
It is without saying, a good tool set will weigh 30 - 100 pounds, depending on what you put into it. It depends on what you will deal with. I cover both mechanical and electrical, so I will have both sets of tools in a box. Computer tools are in a separate box and not included.
Look over your situation and re-think what you would need in terms of tools. Keep the extension, even if you rarely use it, it is still useful.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #34 - Dec 5th, 2018, 8:18am
The problem with driving across the ocean is you can't stop for gas or get out for any other reason. Although, you may be on to something. A couple of years ago I saw two "boats" Cubans had pieced together with what they had (one of them did not look safe at all) to get from Cuba to America.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 4th, 2018, 10:08pm:
According to my dreams and my sources other than myself, it won't. What ever trouble the USA gets into, the Russians will help America out of if. If anything is to happen, it would happen after the War with Islam - which will be in 2032.

When I get something that is more immediate, I will let you know.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 4th, 2018, 10:08pm:
It is not what you need to drop from your set, but what you need added or replaced.

Husky is a good name brand to go on. Stick with it unless you can get another name brand for less.

The tools depends on what you are working on. 1/2in drive will need a 3/8in adapter for smaller sockets. Most equipment today, parts are in Metric standards, so you will need the metric equivalents. Socket sets tend to have both Standard and Metric. But wrenches, you will need the Metric sizes as well. I would throw in 2 sets of vice grips pliers:large and small. And a Rubber Mallet. You will always run into a situation where you will need both Metric and Standard because you will not be sure what you are dealing with (unless it is your own vehicle).

It is without saying, a good tool set will weigh 30 - 100 pounds, depending on what you put into it. It depends on what you will deal with. I cover both mechanical and electrical, so I will have both sets of tools in a box. Computer tools are in a separate box and not included.

Look over your situation and re-think what you would need in terms of tools. Keep the extension, even if you rarely use it, it is still useful.

This answers my question.
I don't have a wide selection because I've always bought a tool on an as-needed basis. When I needed something for a specific job, I bought it then. I saw no point in owning something I may never use.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #35 - Dec 5th, 2018, 3:12pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 5th, 2018, 8:18am:
The problem with driving across the ocean is you can't stop for gas or get out for any other reason. Although, you may be on to something. A couple of years ago I saw two "boats" Cubans had pieced together with what they had (one of them did not look safe at all) to get from Cuba to America.

Have you seen what has been crossing across the Mediterranean Sea from Africa? You need to watch TV (news) shows like Europe Today and Global 3000 to get a hint of such atrocities. Last year (2017) alone some 50,000  (50-THOUSAND!!!) African Refugees from Libya, Somalia, Egypt, and others along the coast tried to make the 100+ mile journey and end up dying. Some blame the "Muslim Spring Protests", other say its what happening in their governments (like Libya's overthrow). People are trying to cross the expanse on air-filled car tire inner tubes and plastic milk jugs! And that's better than the ships that are hired because those ships sink half way across the sea, killing on average 2,000 people per boat. This is human trafficking at its extreme!
Between the 80s and the 90s, it was just as bad for Cuba.
As far as these "races" are concerned, a Bug can go across 100 or so miles but those are modified with an added propeller. But like you said, fuel is a problem.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 5th, 2018, 8:18am:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 4th, 2018, 10:08pm:
It is not what you need to drop from your set, but what you need added or replaced.

Husky is a good name brand to go on. Stick with it unless you can get another name brand for less.

The tools depends on what you are working on. 1/2in drive will need a 3/8in adapter for smaller sockets. Most equipment today, parts are in Metric standards, so you will need the metric equivalents. Socket sets tend to have both Standard and Metric. But wrenches, you will need the Metric sizes as well. I would throw in 2 sets of vice grips pliers:large and small. And a Rubber Mallet. You will always run into a situation where you will need both Metric and Standard because you will not be sure what you are dealing with (unless it is your own vehicle).

It is without saying, a good tool set will weigh 30 - 100 pounds, depending on what you put into it. It depends on what you will deal with. I cover both mechanical and electrical, so I will have both sets of tools in a box. Computer tools are in a separate box and not included.

Look over your situation and re-think what you would need in terms of tools. Keep the extension, even if you rarely use it, it is still useful.

This answers my question.

I don't have a wide selection because I've always bought a tool on an as-needed basis. When I needed something for a specific job, I bought it then. I saw no point in owning something I may never use.

Jeanette Isabelle

Not everybody can be a "fixer" or a "tinkerer" or a mechanic, thus you will have what tools you use. Grandma got by her 115 years with just a 20 pound sledge hammer - mainly used for bashing open  coconuts, and other things (usually food, but I seen her use it to open the door when the lock jammed).
But in a SHTF Situation, one is only as good as their skills can take them, that including having access to what tools they have. No one is going to hire an artist or a story teller when everything does to hell because survival will be the most precedent skill to have and what tools one can have to augment that, the better.
I got tools that I have only used once or twice (like my generator and blow torch), and I got tools I replace everyday because they break from over use. But my skill set requires the use of such tools. If you hit the Dollar store, you can pick up a cheap set of your name brand tools. I recommend that you do, because there will always be some idiot out there that will want to barrow or steal your tools. So it is better to put away your name brand tools under lock and key and let the cheap tools be the target of someone's uncooperative sharing (those who barrow but never return what they barrow). You can always replace a cheap tool, but if your name brand tool disappears - you will be angered for years.
Case in point: I have a 200 piece Stanley Socket and Wrench set in its own carrying case, it cost me $40 (on 75% off sale at K-Mart years ago; normally it is over $100!). In the past I have had tools disappear, so I decided to replicate the Stanley tool kit with cheap Dollar Store Tools. Got a 40 piece Socket set for $10; some wrenches for $2 a wrench. Now when I go out to do repairs for others, knowing that I may have to lend out my tools during the job, the cheap stuff goes with me. Believe it or not, people try to make my cheap tools disappear. Why? Because they do not have the tool I have that they think they will need again.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #36 - Dec 6th, 2018, 9:30am
Quote from Fernando on Dec 5th, 2018, 3:12pm:
If you hit the Dollar store, you can pick up a cheap set of your name brand tools. I recommend that you do, because there will always be some idiot out there that will want to barrow or steal your tools. So it is better to put away your name brand tools under lock and key and let the cheap tools be the target of someone's uncooperative sharing (those who barrow but never return what they barrow). You can always replace a cheap tool, but if your name brand tool disappears - you will be angered for years.

I did not think about that. That's probably because no one has asked to borrow my tools.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #37 - Dec 6th, 2018, 2:11pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 6th, 2018, 9:30am:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 5th, 2018, 3:12pm:
If you hit the Dollar store, you can pick up a cheap set of your name brand tools. I recommend that you do, because there will always be some idiot out there that will want to barrow or steal your tools. So it is better to put away your name brand tools under lock and key and let the cheap tools be the target of someone's uncooperative sharing (those who barrow but never return what they barrow). You can always replace a cheap tool, but if your name brand tool disappears - you will be angered for years.

I did not think about that. That's probably because no one has asked to borrow my tools.

Jeanette Isabelle

For me this has always been the case - borrowed or stolen, mostly stolen. There are a few individuals that I do trust with certain tools. But I have had a lot of tools disappear: Wrenches - both standard and odd-ball sizes (like a 75mm wrench I had for removing axle nuts on cars), impact wrenches (like a ratchet wrench but instead of a long handle to twist by, it has a short spring loaded handle which is struck by a hammer and the string takes the energy of the hammer strike and turns it into twisting motion), Nut cutter  (for removing rusted on nuts by cutting them in 1/2), and so on. I'm not counting the countless of multimeters, logic probes/pulsers, soldering/desoldering tools, wire crimping tools, etc that were lost through borrowing and theft.
Since then I done what I said - get s good name brand set for myself and personal use and a shitty set I take out on jobs or lend out. I do not have everything in the shitty set compared to the good set, but I do have mostly everything I would need that I can take out knowing that they would be borrowed or stolen. And even then, seeing that is a shitty tool, it still gets stolen. Why? Because it is a tool they do not have but need.
Why steal when one can ask? It is easier to steal than to ask. If your tool(s) would ever get stolen, know that it is going to be used by the one who stole it on those they will work on like you worked for them. You fix a flat tire for them with your trusty tire iron, and it got stolen, the thief will use that tire iron on others to fix their flat tires (and no doubt charge them a fee for using "his tool" when most likely you fixed their tire with your tire iron for free!).
Furthermore, it is the drama and the games I do not like when I confront those who stole my tools and I catch them in the act of using my stolen tool. In the 70s and 80s, mom got me a tiny tube tester as I was fixing radios and TVs then. And my biggest mistake was to lend it out to a "friend." He made a whole song and dance routine on how "He returned it and that I lost it!" But we tricked him to show up to a friend of my mother to fix her TV and we caught him with the tube tester! I rigged the TV for it to fail, and he came in and found the bad tube, claiming that it was an expensive one. And I was brought in and confronted him then and there. I even told him that I had "a replacement" tube and "fixed" the TV then and there. But the BS this guy was putting up, even throwing in "What would a 9 year old be doing with a tube tester?" Although I did get the tube tester back, it was not worth the hassle and the drama. I'll admit - tubes were being phased out, and transistor TVs were coming in. But not for that reason - Tube were being made less and less and they were getting expensive. Why spend $100 for replacing 4 dead tubes in your set when you can buy brand new a transistor TV set for $125? A couple years before this - tubes were $5 a piece.
It is like that with cars/motor vehicles, and even computers today. Plus this whole "you do not need to fix this, buy a new one" mentality companies are throwing out there are forcing people to do just that. I just picked up an i7 Dell system somebody throw out because it was loaded with crap, dust, and roaches. I cleaned it up, and it works, though they took the hard drive, that is not a problem for me. But an i7 computer, which at the time it was sold was a $2500 PC (still worth $1800 today!). As soon as I get a hard drive for it, I will have it as part of my 3D printing set up, as I need a CAD system to make designs with and this would work perfectly with that.
Which is funny - I have 2 3D Printers and I do a lot of 3D Printing for friends and family.I have no problems doing trinkets and doodads for them. Recently I did a 3D Figurine of a character for a friend of mine. This character is famous in South America because she is part of a comic strip there. But living in Brazil, my friend wanted her 3D printed, and it would have cost him $4500 (Brazilian, they are undergoing uber inflation for the past 10 years), and I told him that I would do it for free, just send me the plans. I printed and painted 6 of them, and my next door neighbor saw the creations and started making demands on printing this cute "baby doll" (as he calls it) so he can sell it on the street for $15 each! I told him no. But he kept on bothering me for it and I kept telling him no. Then he found out that such models go on ebay for $250 minimum! He raised his bothering game from once a day to to every time I see him he will make his demands. And to which, I say no to him. Then he bought a couple friends to see if I can be persuaded into doing this. I told them that he should go out and spend $4000 on his own 3D printer and print out his own "baby dolls" and sell them! For now that ended that argument, and he has upped his game in dragging junk into the building and fixing them so he can sell it - bikes, washing machines, etc. He is trying to raise money to get his own 3D printer. He will fail because even if he gets the 3D printer, he does not have the software or computers needed to run such a system, and it has a very steep learning curve to be able to 3D print. But note my words - every time that 3D Printer breaks down, he is going to want me to fix it, that that requires special tools that I have for my 3D Printers, so I'm gathering cheap dollar store tools for when that day comes.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #38 - Dec 7th, 2018, 7:45pm
I'm glad you told me. There are five tools (the ratchet, 1/2" socket and three wrenches) that mean a lot to me. It's a long story. I don't want to lose them.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #39 - Dec 7th, 2018, 9:10pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 7th, 2018, 7:45pm:
I'm glad you told me. There are five tools (the ratchet, 1/2" socket and three wrenches) that mean a lot to me. It's a long story. I don't want to lose them.

Jeanette Isabelle

I would put those away in some pouch or tool box (probably both). Then I would get a 20 or 40 piece Socket Set from the dollar store, should be no more than $15, $20 at most, here in NYC I got a 40 piece set for $10. My Stanley 200 Piece Socket & Wrench set was on sale for $40 at K-Mart, though it usually goes for about $75 - $120. (This similar Craftman's Set is going for $90, usually at $120.  https://www.kmart.com/craftsman-165-pc-mechanics-tool-set/p-010W005441923001P?ad cell=ToolsVMR1P6  )
To have tools, what skills do you posses to use them? Just the basics of PC repair by swapping out cards and things is more than most would have out there. Fixing a bicycle, though not a motor vehicle is more than most would have. Ha! In thinking about my troublesome neighbor who is the past borrowed tools and never returned them, well, he's fixing bicycles, washing machines and air conditioning units people throw out and then sells them. These are skills he learned as a child, akin to my skills in TV and Radio repair in the early 70s.
If you believe you do not have skills, you can learn something. First it has to be something that interests you so you can learn of it faster. Second, it has to be a useful skill you can use in the real world and though no matter the competition, you would always be wanted. By that I mean - there could be 10,000 fixer/mechanics out there when you walk into a town. But you being a fixer/mechanic, despite the high number of them, you would be accepted. Now, if you you carry yourself as a voice actor/singer, despite the low number in that, you would not want to be so easily accepted as the others would try to protect what available positions of singing/acting to themselves.
Let see... Prophesies... my last check on some of the sources I accessed today did not mentioned America, but did mentioned Middle East and Russia.
At least for now as I see it, the USA is safe. After 2032... that is another matter altogether.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #40 - Dec 8th, 2018, 9:14am
Quote from Fernando on Dec 7th, 2018, 9:10pm:
To have tools, what skills do you posses to use them? Just the basics of PC repair by swapping out cards and things is more than most would have out there. Fixing a bicycle, though not a motor vehicle is more than most would have.

You already know I can strip down a computer, rebuild it and build a PC out of junk.
With the tools I mentioned, I can change a battery, alternator and belts. I can also change a tire. My automotive skills are limited. I don't know how much of that I can apply to a bug in/out situation; the ability I believe I will use most often is first aid.
We discussed in another thread what I have in my main medical kit. The kit's primary focus is on chest/airway and bleeding. I'm always thinking of ways to further modify it. For this kit, I am shrinking the wound and burn care section to one pocket. The following is what I plan for wound/blister/burn which should fit in one pocket:
(1) Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"
(3) Burn Jel, 3.5 g
(1) 30 Band-Aid, 6 Knuckle, 6 Moleskin
(1) Cloth Tape, 1" x 10 yds.
(1) Stretch Gauze, 3" x 12 yds.
(1) Wound Closure Strips, 0.25" x 4"
(2) Non-Adherent Dressing, 3" x 4"
(5) Sterile Gauze Pad, 3" x 3"
(6) Povidone-Iodine Prep Pad
The irrigation syringe is in the instruments section. As you notice, I'm removing the burn dressing though still keeping the three packets of burn jell. Burn jell can be used as a first aid ointment, burn dressing can't.
Don't worry about wound care in a bug in situation. I have five other kits and three boxes of refill supplies.
I recently got twelve rolls of 2" CoFlex after I posted the question of how many rolls of CoFlex is too much in the Equipped To Survive forum. A person replied saying I should get twelve.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 7th, 2018, 9:10pm:
If you believe you do not have skills, you can learn something. First it has to be something that interests you so you can learn of it faster. Second, it has to be a useful skill you can use in the real world and though no matter the competition, you would always be wanted. By that I mean - there could be 10,000 fixer/mechanics out there when you walk into a town. But you being a fixer/mechanic, despite the high number of them, you would be accepted. Now, if you you carry yourself as a voice actor/singer, despite the low number in that, you would not want to be so easily accepted as the others would try to protect what available positions of singing/acting to themselves.

My character in "After Chaos" is a singer/voice actress, I'm not.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #41 - Dec 8th, 2018, 11:11pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 8th, 2018, 9:14am:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 7th, 2018, 9:10pm:
To have tools, what skills do you posses to use them? Just the basics of PC repair by swapping out cards and things is more than most would have out there. Fixing a bicycle, though not a motor vehicle is more than most would have.

You already know I can strip down a computer, rebuild it and build a PC out of junk.

With the tools I mentioned, I can change a battery, alternator and belts. I can also change a tire. My automotive skills are limited. I don't know how much of that I can apply to a bug in/out situation; the ability I believe I will use most often is first aid.

We discussed in another thread what I have in my main medical kit. The kit's primary focus is on chest/airway and bleeding. I'm always thinking of ways to further modify it. For this kit, I am shrinking the wound and burn care section to one pocket. The following is what I plan for wound/blister/burn which should fit in one pocket:

(1) Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"
(3) Burn Jel, 3.5 g
(1) 30 Band-Aid, 6 Knuckle, 6 Moleskin
(1) Cloth Tape, 1" x 10 yds.
(1) Stretch Gauze, 3" x 12 yds.
(1) Wound Closure Strips, 0.25" x 4"
(2) Non-Adherent Dressing, 3" x 4"
(5) Sterile Gauze Pad, 3" x 3"
(6) Povidone-Iodine Prep Pad

The irrigation syringe is in the instruments section. As you notice, I'm removing the burn dressing though still keeping the three packets of burn jell. Burn jell can be used as a first aid ointment, burn dressing can't.

Don't worry about wound care in a bug in situation. I have five other kits and three boxes of refill supplies.

I recently got twelve rolls of 2" CoFlex after I posted the question of how many rolls of CoFlex is too much in the Equipped To Survive forum. A person replied saying I should get twelve.

Skills will be used as on a "Need To Use" Basis. Thus First Aide would rarely be used. On a regular day, how often do you use your first aide kit? Hardly ever if I am right. Hell, I for bandages in my kit that is pushing over 5 years old. Even if you apply it to others, how often are you going to rescue somebody? Again, hardly ever. Though a useful skill, it will be hardly used. Car repair skills will be used more than First Aid skills. But you need to be proficient in those skills.
And like I said, you should be able to operate first aide with 1/2 of the things you have. You need to get to the very basics of basics, for you are not going to pull out a medical tricorder and wave it over a patient to rescue them. You need to be able to diagnose and preform what is needed with what you got.
I'll give you the basics of basics of car repair.
1) a car needs: Fuel, air, spark & electricity and compression. 75% of all car repairs involves fuel and/or air intake. 10% involves spark, and 15% involves compression.
2) You need tools to be able to, at minimum, swap out car parts.
3) You need skills to be able to identify car parts and test them before you swap them out.
4) You need to be able to test car parts and replace them as needed.
I'll give you a simple example: Battery keeps dying for no apparent reason. For sake of simplicity, car is stock, nothing changed or added that could have created a short in the electronics.
If the battery keeps dying, then it is not being charged. Other Symptoms include dim head/tail lights and slow flashers. Why? could be one of 2 things: Bad regulator, bad alternator. But which one it is?
Simple tests:
Alternator - turn car on, let the engine run for a bit to warm it up to slow idle. Turn on lights and radio. If the engine dies, its a bad alternator. Reason: Alternator is not pushing out enough juice to run everything.
Since many car companies have the regulator built into the alternator, to replace a regulator, you simply replace the alternator.
Regulator - take a multi-meter and measure the power from the battery and disconnect the battery and measure the power from the wires. It should be 12V. Anything less than 11V of more than 15V, should get the regulator replaced.
In older cars and trucks, the regulator is external to the alternator. On the old VW Bugs, I never seen a regulator replaced. And they have generators to make the 12V (up to 1975, alternators after '75, but some people upgrade older bugs with alternators), unless one is pushing the car with a powerful audio system, a stock VW electronics is hearty enough to last 30+ Years without an issue. Alternators tend do go bad about every 5 years. This is true for most cars.
Changing the alternator is simple, though different for all cars, the idea is the same: loosen bolts, move alternator to loosen belt, remove belt, remove screws, remove alternator. Installing one is the reverse of removing it, with the addition of using a crow bar to make sure the alternator is making the belt tight before tightening the bolts. This fixes 90% of all electrical problems with a car. The other 10% is harder as you have to chase down a short in the system.
Reading books like "How to keep your VW Bug alive for the complete idiot" teaches this and more advanced problems/repairs.
These two will teach you to fix just about any car as it covers the basics of repairs. If you want to go deeper, you need to get books specific to other cars/car groups. You can also do basic Boat mechanics with it.
In a Bug Out Situation, depends on how you bug out. I would never recommend to go out on foot or alone. You would need a vehicle to get there faster than on foot, and provide shelter against the elements. Thus being out there alone, you need to be able to fix what problems you may have with your vehicle, and have the tools to fix those problems. I will dare say that yo need some thieving skills too, so when you run up against abandoned vehicles you can take what you need from them: Fuel and other things.
What other skills would you need? Making skills, being able to make or adopt parts that would normally would not fit and make them work. Example: fitting a Chevy engine into a Ford. Sounds impossible but it is not. You have to see how things line up and you need to secure that engine in place where it normally would not belong (ie: Engine Mounts). Example II: How to fix PC Parts on a component level. Easier for older PCs. But one part that fails within 10 years is the electrolytic capacitor (those things that look like little cans). The rubber seal fails on them within that time and they short out, and can damage the board if the fluid inside spills onto the boards. Here you need to replace the capacitors with ceramic (disc) or Tantalum (Yellow Bead) capacitors. These will last 20 - 30 years. So why not have them in the first place? Cheap manufacturing - using the can caps, they save $5 - $10 a board, and with a 10 year use/shelf life, they think its OK. But people like me have computer systems going back to the 80s, and the older systems last longer because they hardly use can capacitors. So if you can solder and desolder, you can replace the caps and bring back many dead systems.
What skills you have and what tools you have to back up those skills can make or break your survival out there when you bug out.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 8th, 2018, 9:14am:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 7th, 2018, 9:10pm:
If you believe you do not have skills, you can learn something. First it has to be something that interests you so you can learn of it faster. Second, it has to be a useful skill you can use in the real world and though no matter the competition, you would always be wanted. By that I mean - there could be 10,000 fixer/mechanics out there when you walk into a town. But you being a fixer/mechanic, despite the high number of them, you would be accepted. Now, if you you carry yourself as a voice actor/singer, despite the low number in that, you would not want to be so easily accepted as the others would try to protect what available positions of singing/acting to themselves.

My character in "After Chaos" is a singer/voice actress, I'm not.

Jeanette Isabelle

I only used being a singing actor as an example. But let say - Web Programmer. The job market in NYC is so flooded with Web programmers out there that there is a glut of 500 people for every 1 job out there. On top of that, schools are charging so much to learn such skills one can learn on their own if they sat down and read a book. One such school I see, The Flatiron School (Mid Town NYC) is charging $15,000 for a 9 month course! $15K for skills where there are no jobs in. What a waste. And those jobs are protected so if a vacancy opens up, chances are that a friend of a friend will get that job and not you, lets say, even if you are more skilled and qualified than the friend is.
The old saying is "Jack of all trades, master of none" is not true. being able to do a little of everything, one is able to fit into more areas of work for one's survival. Being able to change tire like you stated, hell, that is more than most "millennials" can do as they can not change a tire on average.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #42 - Dec 12th, 2018, 9:52am
Quote from Fernando on Dec 7th, 2018, 9:10pm:
Let see... Prophesies... my last check on some of the sources I accessed today did not mentioned America, but did mentioned Middle East and Russia.

Sorry for the delay. I did watch the video. The video talks about Damascus, Syria being leveled. However, in "After Chaos" after multiple times of Moro saying the years of Chaos were the result of the Texas Spirits interfering with a war that is supposed to happen [Moro even said it was a prophetic war], this is what your character has to say:
Quote from Fernando on Mar 15th, 2018, 8:45pm:
Walking back, Fernando can hear Jeanette’s conversation with Moro.

He thinks to himself, ‘They are playing her like a fish on a line. The name of the targets makes no sense, when in nuclear war it would be several cities targeted and not one – Damascus. As for Israel, what in Israel? Cities, military bases, disputed settlements? This would make it more than just “two targets.” It’s too vague and general. “Disinformation for Fun & Profit.” As it used to be said in the halls of the “Agency.”’
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #43 - Dec 14th, 2018, 9:25pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 12th, 2018, 9:52am:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 7th, 2018, 9:10pm:
Let see... Prophesies... my last check on some of the sources I accessed today did not mentioned America, but did mentioned Middle East and Russia.

Sorry for the delay. I did watch the video. The video talks about Damascus, Syria being leveled. However, in "After Chaos" after multiple times of Moro saying the years of Chaos were the result of the Texas Spirits interfering with a war that is supposed to happen [Moro even said it was a prophetic war], this is what your character has to say:

Quote from Fernando on Mar 15th, 2018, 8:45pm:
Walking back, Fernando can hear Jeanette’s conversation with Moro.

He thinks to himself, ‘They are playing her like a fish on a line. The name of the targets makes no sense, when in nuclear war it would be several cities targeted and not one – Damascus. As for Israel, what in Israel? Cities, military bases, disputed settlements? This would make it more than just “two targets.” It’s too vague and general. “Disinformation for Fun & Profit.” As it used to be said in the halls of the “Agency.”’

If you are thinking that I may have prophesied another event, I will have to say that as crazy as some of the players are, they all learned the lessons of history: the use of nuclear weapons will not be used, especially against civilian targets. Hiroshima and Nagasaki being the only two civilian targets to hit by a nuclear weapon. In the 1990s Persian Gulf War, military targets were bombed with small nuclear devices like those used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. According to my friend who was on both the Enterprise and later the Nimitz as a Weapons Specialist, several mission runs were nuclear against military targets for he armed the places with the nuclear devices himself with his crew. All sides learned that if you are underground, you could be spared the destruction of the bomb. This bought back the the block busters bombs and introducing the MOAB - the Mother Of All Bombs; a 1 mega-ton Block Buster Bomb with the power higher than most small tactical nukes.
In learning those lessons, though we will be at unease with each other, no one is going to press the button for a long while.
Seriously - I want you to think about this...
South Africa is going through a revolution where the Black Africans are kicking out the Minority Whites by any means necessary, including crimes: arson, robbery, rape and murder. They are killing farmers and their families to get back the farm lands that they own. It is the Chaos that the RPG had underwent in some form.
But, South Africa is a Nuclear World Power, having created and tested their weapons in the 1970s and stockpiling them. With the White government deposed, and the Black government doing what they want, and now in control of those nuclear arms, they are now a larger threat to the world community than any crazed fundamentalist Islamic Nation. Yet nobody is doing anything about it.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #44 - Dec 15th, 2018, 12:18am
The South African Connection?
OK Jeanette, set the WayBack machine to South Africa - 1990, February 11; Victor Verster Prison. Though placed there 2 years before to recover from tuberculosis, Nelson Mendella was released to freedom in front of a large crowd of people. by 1994, he would be president the the South Africa Nation to 1999. As president he started to undo the damage done by Apartheid but allowed white South Africans to continue with their business there. In short he had tried to keep the peace between the races, though crimes against whites were beginning to increase. Mandella was the key from keeping the chaos in check for the moment he was alive.
After Mandella stepped down from power as president due to ill health and other reasons, the following president started to tax the white land owners but not the black land owners. Crimes against whites were beginning to be lightly punished while crimes pointed to whites were harshly punished. It is about this time when some of the White South Africans begin to leave. This includes a friends I know living in the South Africa as UK Citizens.  
At the time of Mandella's death in 2013, South African Blacks believed that they were freed to do as they pleased, and they would not be punished for committing crimes against whites. It's been 5 years, and this has only gotten worse. At this present moment, a white family trying to run away for the border would be met with hostile blacks attacking them - whether by car or boat or plane. There has been many small skirmishes of civil war - the White have armed themselves with machine guns. But they are limited in ammo and time.
Then there is the Nuclear Proliferation Problem, South Africa has the Bomb. The government is too unstable and continues to go into a death spiral of political oblivion.
If it were you, when would you leave? I'm guessing at 2013 when Mandella died and things started to go out of control. But where would a red haired, green eyed human female go? Israel? Israel was undergoing its problem with terrorists blowing themselves up in the public market squares. Japan? It was hit with a series of Earthquakes that year that rivaled the Fukushima Earthquake a couple years ago. Latin America? Too many drug wars. The only Safe Havens were the USA and the UK. But like I said "Hind Sight is 20/20."  9/11 was only 2 years away. we had known each other for 3 - 5 years or so. If I remember, you were still in school - high school and then college for a while.
If you were there now - you would be living a life of Hell, a target to those who control the state and wish you to be dead or worse (the rape gangs would have a field day with you). It would be life as per the RPG but on a worst level than what we limit ourselves too here. At least there it is real, what we have in the RPG is a fantasy. But there are many parallels to look into, and figure out what you would do in real life. Though I have not been through the South African Devolution, I know many that have. They have told me what is not put on TV or the News Media in fear of reprisals from other governments and the UN. In knowing what I know, I seriously doubt that those experts you know on the other forum know what to do. Me? I would have left with my friends and leave it at that. In knowing that this damn hell is going on, if you were there, what would you do? Seriously.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #45 - Dec 15th, 2018, 2:11pm
If nuclear weapons will not be used, how will Damascus, Syria be leveled?
As for the chaos in "After Chaos" I explained it before. Essentially I had to make things fit into the world that The Nobody created. I never got an answer to the question of what would happen if a time traveler (in this case, the Texas Spirits) stopped an event that was supposed to happen. My best guess is we would have the world that The Nobody created.
Understand that not every place is like this in the world of "After Chaos." Let's take North America since that is where we will be during the entire RPG. In North America, we have the small, independent nation of Charlton, the Republic of Texas, Penn Springs (located somewhere outside of Texas) and the towns along the Charlton Railroad that have an economic relationship with Charlton. How you want things outside the stated areas is fine with me.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #46 - Dec 16th, 2018, 3:32am
Damascus, Syria,  Syria itself have been nearly leveled by civil war. An Arabic city with over 4million people whittled down to just a couple thousands and most of them are either mercenaries, Syrian army, or freedom fighters. Families have been broken up and escaped to other lands, buildings blown up or set ablaze. Watch the movie "Fort Apache - The Bronx." It is about a police precinct in the Bronx (NYC) during the mid 1970s when urban blight hit the area hard and buildings were set on fire for the insurance, and in the middle of this desolation is this 1 police precinct in the middle of the community wreckage fighting crimes in the area. Yes, people were there, and committing crimes; like the RPG upped a couple of levels. Damascus, Syria is much like that - desolate, abandoned, leveled, left to die and rot.
The RPG is just a "Disneyfied" version of the real world. If it were the real world, 1/2 of our characters would have been killed. Period. I try to make it as real as possible in the positive view despite the negatives that are going on. Hondo is trying to make it as real in the positive despite the negativity view as well. We have not touched addiction, drugs, murder for hire, extortion, though we touched on slavery and cured it in one area there still is human trafficking going on, and we have not reached to Fight Town yet.
Either in Email or on post I posted up a link about "how much destruction would it take to destroy America?" The answer is by Eisenhower Administration, 80%. That is 80% of the population, 80% of the land 80% of government agencies - local/state and federal. Just off the top of my head - that is about 33 states gone off the USA 50. If it were the continental USA - that only leaves 15 states out of 48. That is only 2 more than what this nation started 242 years ago, and just as many people (80% of 350Million is about 297.5Million gone, leaving 5.25million people left.)
That is a lot of places and people gone. But anything more than that, the USA will be able to rebuild. But anything less, it is not going to happen. The RPG itself shows that there are a lot from than 5million people nation wide, and the nation is rebuilding. Games like Prepper, Fortnite, Fall Out, Halo, etc. all shows the destruction of the USA but people trying to rebuild.
The Spirits may have rebuilt Charlton and the others but they do not control the USA. They may have the economic means to support themselves at the moment, but what what about the future? What about future storms? Dallas is a bit inland but a good enough hurricane under those conditions there will still be damage to recover from. Could they handle it? Short term - Day Zero to Day 30+; no. After Day 30 they can start recovering. One can argue that one can start recovery at Day 1 or 2, but no. First 30 days are for assessing the damage and casualties, and setting up for the recovery as of Day 31 and onward. Even a tornado, as tiny of an ares that effects, it can cause a lot of local damage which they will have trouble recovering on the first 30 days and then begin recovery thereafter.
The RPG happens some 40 - 50 years after the Chaos and Happening? That is more than enough time to recover a lot that was lost. Assessing what was lost would be the hard part. Recovering what was lost would be simpler of a task than assessing what was lost. Thus the USA would be partially rebuilt on a flimsy political structure, one that would easily corruptible if left to do so (Hondo's early meet up with that corrupt town). But corruption can be eliminated. Things can be corrected and "fixed." Sure, we will hit problems. But we need to deal with those problems. That is how we win this RPG.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #47 - Dec 28th, 2018, 8:16pm
I have been guessing; before we go any further, I'll come out and ask: What will happen if a time traveler (in this case the Texas Spirits) stops an event that was supposed to happen?
I never said anything about Charlton needing to be rebuilt.
The Texas Spirits own a few cash cows: the power company Zero Point Energy, the Charlton Railroad and Electric Airlines. They also own a computer company and a few retail chains. I don't foresee a future economic problem for them.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #48 - Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm
We spoke about this before on many fronts. If any Time Traveller goes back in time to stop an event, he changes the course of history and can even make the situation worst. One example I used in the past was Killing Hitler as a baby. That baby gets replaced and is raised as Hitler and it becomes a worse dictator than of the original baby were not killed. Another example is What If Hitler was killed in the battle of Somme in WWI? He was exposed to nerve gas but he did not die from it as his many comrades did out in the field. He was sent to a Red Cross field Hospital and then send home for the rest of the war. What if he was killed in the battle of Somme with his comrades? The Anti-Semite movement in Germany was already started to swing at this time, and gathered momentum by others. In history, these others became Hitler's Right Hand of the Third Riecht. With Hitler out of the picture, one of them would have taken over and make things worse in terms of world history.
People think that stopping an event from happening would correct a given situation. On the small scale. On a grander scale that effects a global community, it would not. Why? The course of history. You have to look at ALL the events that lead into the event and they ALL would have to be changed. In short with Hitler - to stop WWII before it even begins, you need to end the Antisemitism that was growing in 1914 at the start of WWI. To end that means changing the mind set of many. To change that mind set, you would have to alter the situations of the times since the 1880s and even before. The Situation was this - to deal with anyone in power - a trader, banker, merchant, office worker, etc, 99% of the it was a Jew you had to deal with. Many saw this as "They trying to take over the world." And this lead to "They need to be eliminated." Though Jews were not in political power, they were in Financial Power and ran the banks nations borrowed from.
Edit Add-on, looking for the cost of Moro's truck repair cost, I found this: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1428938728/2218#2218
- - -
Stagnation is a major problem for many companies and governments. The Spirits have several cash cows? Big deal. What are they doing to improve on that cash cow? How are they evaluating that cash cow to, lets say, a $100 gold piece? How is that $100 gold piece evaluated in other areas? Moro's Truck and trailer was obtained nearly for free but making it roadworthy and safe to drive again cost money and that is without the trailer it is towing.
Looking over the posts from page 210 to 235, discussion of Moro's truck and trailer were discussed as she thought about every aspect of each. The trailer's cost of $375 was finalized here: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1428938728/2155#2155
Total cost for the trailer, Cap/top for the truck and a hand truck (for moving stuff around) is $450: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1428938728/2164#2164
The truck's initial cost was $275: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1428938728/2182#2182
Unforeseen replacements and added repairs drove up the price to: (Got tired of looking for it.)
But, I'm just trying to point out here that services and thing bought and sold have either a fixed or negotiable price to them on an open market. The Spirits locked themselves into a closed market with dealing with Charlton. A closed market fixes prices to set price level but people can add to the price with "service fees," which is a form of corruption. So $100 spent there will not buy the same things $100 could buy elsewhere.
Gold is tricky in that people will take gold for what it is and not the dollar value stamped on it.
Even if the Spirits are having great strides in technology with computers and airplanes, if they close the market to only service themselves, that can lead to economic collapse in just a few years as others around them see economic growth. But it is on them who their customers are and who is not.
Train station rebuild: http://www.hondosackett.com/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1428938728/2215#2215
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #49 - Dec 30th, 2018, 1:19pm
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
If any Time Traveller goes back in time to stop an event, he changes the course of history and can even make the situation worst.

That is what I was thinking. Is it possible to create an apocalyptic world by stopping a nuclear war?
That may depend on the mindset of the people. I'll use a random opinion to illustrate this: "These tree-hugging aliens have gone too far. They planed everything from the beginning to get us to use trains and buses instead of a car, it's harder to get a new appliance or TV because they are always refurbishing old ones, they say use less electricity in the summer and now they are interfering in the middle east."
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
Stagnation is a major problem for many companies and governments.

Stagnation is a problem. How do the Texas Spirits see things? Their interest is in protecting the environment and one way of doing so is "get it right the first time." They are not replacing old equipment with new because what they are using is "as good as it is going to get."
As we have discussed, there have to be exceptions such as (as you pointed out) the Texas Spirits can't change the history of the microcomputer industry. So, as we discussed, they build an expansion card with a 32-Bit 6502 and 2GB of RAM that will fit an expansion slot of an Apple II. Presto! We now Google, shop Amazon and watch YouTube on an Apple II.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
How is that $100 gold piece evaluated in other areas?

Remember, the Texas Spirits had no control over the weight, purity and stated value of this international currency.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
The Spirits locked themselves into a closed market with dealing with Charlton.

Charlton is a mixed economy. Though the Texas Spirits own the power company and railroad, private enterprise is encouraged in almost every other sector. If a private company wants to make furniture, for example, they would fit in perfectly.
On the other hand, the Texas Spirits do encourage people to go green. They don't do that through laws that go against what they believe. Instead, they help people to save money. For example, why buy a new pencil sharpener when a person can bring in their old pencil sharpener and get the blad replaced for less?
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
Even if the Spirits are having great strides in technology with computers and airplanes, if they close the market to only service themselves, that can lead to economic collapse in just a few years as others around them see economic growth. But it is on them who their customers are and who is not.

I'm confused. How is the Texas Spirits only servicing themselves? The Charlton Railroad goes to many places, though not everywhere, throughout the North American Continent. Zero Point Energy has many power plants across North America. Again, not everywhere. Electric Airlines flies overseas. The Texas Spirits has retail stores in the railroad towns and, in a few cases, away from the railroad.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #50 - Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 30th, 2018, 1:19pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
If any Time Traveller goes back in time to stop an event, he changes the course of history and can even make the situation worst.

That is what I was thinking. Is it possible to create an apocalyptic world by stopping a nuclear war?

That may depend on the mindset of the people. I'll use a random opinion to illustrate this: "These tree-hugging aliens have gone too far. They planed everything from the beginning to get us to use trains and buses instead of a car, it's harder to get a new appliance or TV because they are always refurbishing old ones, they say use less electricity in the summer and now they are interfering in the middle east."

Is it possible to create an apocalyptic world by stopping a nuclear war? Yes. It depends on the underpinnings of what events follow. Economic collapse (like in Brazil with its Uber Inflation or in various African and Central American nations; thus they use what tourist-collected American Dollar they can get their hands on as their money is literally worthless) is one such possible set of events though it has to last for years. Political Imperial to the point of absolute dictatorship, like in current China and Saudi Arabia; these will reach a point where the people will no longer take it and rebel against their political leaders.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 30th, 2018, 1:19pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
Stagnation is a major problem for many companies and governments.

Stagnation is a problem. How do the Texas Spirits see things? Their interest is in protecting the environment and one way of doing so is "get it right the first time." They are not replacing old equipment with new because what they are using is "as good as it is going to get."

As we have discussed, there have to be exceptions such as (as you pointed out) the Texas Spirits can't change the history of the microcomputer industry. So, as we discussed, they build an expansion card with a 32-Bit 6502 and 2GB of RAM that will fit an expansion slot of an Apple II. Presto! We now Google, shop Amazon and watch YouTube on an Apple II.

In various technologies, I find little improvement on various things. Lets take cars as an example, car companies have been boasting that car today are more fuel efficient that those of generations past. Bullshit. A 1984 Honda CRX series (sub series DX line) had a fuel mileage of 55MPG on the highway and 35+ in the city. The 1980s VW Rabbit Diesel has the same or even higher results. A 70s/80s VW bug has the same MPG back then as cars do today. If anything, they improved on the safety of these vehicles, but they also made them for lazy drivers to drive. Driving requires one to concentrate on the road 24/7 of driving time. But auto navigation, lane placement software, computerized driver assistance, Interactive GPS, takes away from the concentration of driving. People have become complacent drivers. If they were to drive a 70s/80s automobile in the same fashion they do today's cars, there will be more accidents on the road.
People are already doing this with the Raspberry Pi on an Apple II Slot and accessing the R-Pi through the Apple. (see: http://schmenk.is-a-geek.com/wordpress/?p=167 ) The problem is that you will need 2 monitors or one that can display Picture with-in picture. And software and tech advancements are already having Apples, Commodores Ataris and even Sinclairs (Spectrums, not the ZX) to access the Web and webpages in a limited sense, but accessing multi-media files, that is doable.
My (current idiot bothersome) neighbor has taught me a lot about air conditioning and washing machines, in that Old Tech is 1000x better than New Tech. New tech is not repairable, Old Tech is. A lot of times a device breaks down when it is not taken cared off. Like vacuuming out the Lint area of a Dryer, washing out the drum of a washing machine, a little grease or oil on the bearings, and the machine comes back to life. Sometimes a switch or capacitor fails after years of use, and they just need to be replaced, at a price of under $5. But the new computerized machines, if they die - that is it. The computer fails to turn on and recognize the system to be repaired, forcing you to go out and buy a new one to replace it.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 30th, 2018, 1:19pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
How is that $100 gold piece evaluated in other areas?

Remember, the Texas Spirits had no control over the weight, purity and stated value of this international currency.

That can be a problem if they do not recognize a Spirit Gold coin for its stamped value but take it for its gold value which can be higher or lower than what the stamped value says.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 30th, 2018, 1:19pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
The Spirits locked themselves into a closed market with dealing with Charlton.

Charlton is a mixed economy. Though the Texas Spirits own the power company and railroad, private enterprise is encouraged in almost every other sector. If a private company wants to make furniture, for example, they would fit in perfectly.

On the other hand, the Texas Spirits do encourage people to go green. They don't do that through laws that go against what they believe. Instead, they help people to save money. For example, why buy a new pencil sharpener when a person can bring in their old pencil sharpener and get the blad replaced for less?

Going green is not the 'argument' here, in fact it is one of the few things that puts them in a good light. The problem is - outside of Charlton and through out the lay of the land, as stated early on in the forum, there are loads of equipment graveyards: buses, trains, planes, office equipment, etc. Even if the device can not be rebuilt, its parts can be recycled for others. Raw material from unrepairable parts can be reclaimed.
But if they lock themselves into a market, where everyone has a car and they still continue to make cars, who is going to buy the overstock of cars?
And Gadget would be so proud: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_of_Butts%27_Farm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 30th, 2018, 1:19pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 29th, 2018, 4:19pm:
Even if the Spirits are having great strides in technology with computers and airplanes, if they close the market to only service themselves, that can lead to economic collapse in just a few years as others around them see economic growth. But it is on them who their customers are and who is not.

I'm confused. How is the Texas Spirits only servicing themselves? The Charlton Railroad goes to many places, though not everywhere, throughout the North American Continent. Zero Point Energy has many power plants across North America. Again, not everywhere. Electric Airlines flies overseas. The Texas Spirits has retail stores in the railroad towns and, in a few cases, away from the railroad.

Jeanette Isabelle

See above.
In short, the Spirits need to broaden their market horizons to the rest of the nation. not too long ago, Fernando and Jeanette tries to sell surgical supplies to Centerville's hospital, but the doctors refuse if it is Spirit-made technology. Fernando took his old Civil War and WWI Surgeons kits and had them replicated by other means and simply gave it to the doctors. This will force them to use them when other supplies run out. And once they start using them and find nothing wrong with them, they will be wanting more. The only supply chain left is the Spirits' replicated version of Fernando surgical kits, which is nothing more but knives and medical saws, which is more than what the doctors have at the hospital.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #51 - Dec 31st, 2018, 12:00pm
Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
That can be a problem if they do not recognize a Spirit Gold coin for its stamped value but take it for its gold value which can be higher or lower than what the stamped value says.

There is no Spirit gold coin.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
The problem is - outside of Charlton and through out the lay of the land, as stated early on in the forum, there are loads of equipment graveyards: buses, trains, planes, office equipment, etc.

Though the Texas Spirits have ZPM powered buses, there is a need for diesel buses in some situations and therefore they have restored old buses. The Texas Spirits build their own locomotives and passenger trains; they do restore trains for other railroads.
We had long conversations on what the Texas Spirits have done regarding the Apple II platform.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
But if they lock themselves into a market, where everyone has a car and they still continue to make cars, who is going to buy the overstock of cars?

The Texas Spirits don't make cars. They make replacement parts and refills. They refurbish cars, televisions and appliances. If it keeps something out of the landfill, encourages people to drive less, reduce energy consumption or in any other way save on resources, that is what they are involved in.
Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
In short, the Spirits need to broaden their market horizons to the rest of the nation. not too long ago, Fernando and Jeanette tries to sell surgical supplies to Centerville's hospital, but the doctors refuse if it is Spirit-made technology. Fernando took his old Civil War and WWI Surgeons kits and had them replicated by other means and simply gave it to the doctors. This will force them to use them when other supplies run out. And once they start using them and find nothing wrong with them, they will be wanting more. The only supply chain left is the Spirits' replicated version of Fernando surgical kits, which is nothing more but knives and medical saws, which is more than what the doctors have at the hospital.

That's been the problem all along. Except for in Charlton, Texas, the railroad towns and a few other isolated areas, people don't trust the Texas Spirits. As a result, they, not the Texas Spirits, are the ones suffering because they are the ones living in a Mad Max world while their counterparts have to "rough it" if they watch TV on a refurbished television or use a refrigerator made in the 1950s.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #52 - Jan 1st, 2019, 11:20am
Quote from Jeanette on Nov 28th, 2018, 10:56am:
The current volume of the two folders is 11 5/8" x 9 1/2" x 3/8" and weighs 15 1/2 oz.

I did more editing [revove threads from the e-mail conversations] and therefore can combine the contents of the two folders down to one. The dimensions are 11 5/8 x 9 5/16 x 5/16" and weighs 13 1/2 ounces.
Later, I'll see if I can remove even more without affecting the e-mail conversations.
Jeanette Isabelle
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« Last Edit: Jan 1st, 2019, 5:14pm by Jeanette »  
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #53 - Jan 1st, 2019, 5:34pm
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 31st, 2018, 12:00pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
That can be a problem if they do not recognize a Spirit Gold coin for its stamped value but take it for its gold value which can be higher or lower than what the stamped value says.

There is no Spirit gold coin.

Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
The problem is - outside of Charlton and through out the lay of the land, as stated early on in the forum, there are loads of equipment graveyards: buses, trains, planes, office equipment, etc.

Though the Texas Spirits have ZPM powered buses, there is a need for diesel buses in some situations and therefore they have restored old buses. The Texas Spirits build their own locomotives and passenger trains; they do restore trains for other railroads.

We had long conversations on what the Texas Spirits have done regarding the Apple II platform.

Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
But if they lock themselves into a market, where everyone has a car and they still continue to make cars, who is going to buy the overstock of cars?

The Texas Spirits don't make cars. They make replacement parts and refills. They refurbish cars, televisions and appliances. If it keeps something out of the landfill, encourages people to drive less, reduce energy consumption or in any other way save on resources, that is what they are involved in.

Why must you take an example statement and turn it into something it is not?
Spirit Coin = what ever currency they use in Charlton, either in gold or silver; as I stated, the coin and its stamped value may not be accepted but the gold it is made from is.
If you are using ZPM powered buses, you would not need diesel powered buses. The discussion of long ago about the train and railway - the ZPM would not work powering the tracks to power the train, but will work if the ZPM is powering the train itself. But that causes the issue that every train must need their own ZPM to power it.
We discussed what the "Spirits did with the 6502 and the Apple II systems" but I am just providing proof that such version of the technology exists using the Raspberry Pi. In fact, it is still on the market, Hondo just bought one to try it out. Its only flaw is that you will need 2 monitors or a monitor with Picture-in-picture capability.
The point of the "Spirits making cars" is simple that you are over looking. It is the same problem I have with computer consulting, maintenance and repairs - I do such quality work that I do not get many repeat customers because their system are running as they should be. Similarly, the Spirits are going to have or are having a similar situation - their repair/restoration work of vehicles are that the car owner does not need to see them for years to come when parts being to wear down again. If you run a business where your repeat customers only come every several years, you are not going to be in business for too long. Word of mouth of your work and reputation will get you more customers but you will reach a point where you will run out of customers and need to wait years for your repeat customers to come back. Many mechanics  (and other service job workers) will do a 1/2 ass job on their repairs so you can come back to them so they can remain in business. This is cold, vicious and scrupulous (and even illegal in some areas) but they do it out of survival.
Quote from Jeanette on Dec 31st, 2018, 12:00pm:
Quote from Fernando on Dec 30th, 2018, 10:52pm:
In short, the Spirits need to broaden their market horizons to the rest of the nation. not too long ago, Fernando and Jeanette tries to sell surgical supplies to Centerville's hospital, but the doctors refuse if it is Spirit-made technology. Fernando took his old Civil War and WWI Surgeons kits and had them replicated by other means and simply gave it to the doctors. This will force them to use them when other supplies run out. And once they start using them and find nothing wrong with them, they will be wanting more. The only supply chain left is the Spirits' replicated version of Fernando surgical kits, which is nothing more but knives and medical saws, which is more than what the doctors have at the hospital.

That's been the problem all along. Except for in Charlton, Texas, the railroad towns and a few other isolated areas, people don't trust the Texas Spirits. As a result, they, not the Texas Spirits, are the ones suffering because they are the ones living in a Mad Max world while their counterparts have to "rough it" if they watch TV on a refurbished television or use a refrigerator made in the 1950s.

Jeanette Isabelle

Who says they are suffering? Life may not be easy for them but they are willing to put in the work to get things done. Not only is a Mad Max World, but it is also a Cherry 2000 world (see: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092746/ ) Charlton maybe more like before the Chaos and Happening,  but settlements around are making ends meet. But no place is a Utopia, and one has to put in for themselves to get something out of it. And some places you have to fight more for what you got than others. Those who are suffering are either victims or criminals looking for an easy way to get things. Victims Fernando is willing to help out to get them on their feet again; criminals need to go find another option as far as he is concerned.
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #54 - Jan 1st, 2019, 9:32pm
Quote from Fernando on Jan 1st, 2019, 5:34pm:
Why must you take an example statement and turn it into something it is not?

Spirit Coin = what ever currency they use in Charlton, either in gold or silver; as I stated, the coin and its stamped value may not be accepted but the gold it is made from is.

I thought you were talking about the gold and silver coins used internationally.
Quote from Fernando on Jan 1st, 2019, 5:34pm:
If you are using ZPM powered buses, you would not need diesel powered buses.

They have both: diesel and electric (ZPM powered). The electric buses have to be special-built to protect the ZPM. Because of what's involved, it may not be worth it have an electric bus for every situation.
Quote from Fernando on Jan 1st, 2019, 5:34pm:
The discussion of long ago about the train and railway - the ZPM would not work powering the tracks to power the train, but will work if the ZPM is powering the train itself. But that causes the issue that every train must need their own ZPM to power it.

I made a few changes since I wrote this; I'm quoting this to show you that each passenger train has a ZPM.
Quote from Jeanette on Jul 29th, 2016, 10:15pm:
Moro shows Jeanette an image of a train. It has three sections and has the drag coefficient of a high speed train. "Though it has the drag coefficient of a high speed train, it's designed for frequent stops, not high speed. It uses a standard gauge rail and runs on a zero point module, the same power source of our ships. Because it runs on a zero point module, we needed to increase safety and security. These trains are air tight. Safety and security systems include a dome shield, artificial gravity, inertial dampeners, sensors, a crash avoidance system, lockout device and a quarantine lockdown system just to name a few. Some systems work best if the train is no more than three sections. The middle section is where we have the power source and controls for all of safety and security systems. For security reasons only authorized personnel are allowed in the middle section and that is enforced with a force field. We have a person in the middle section, trained to handle a number of emergency situations, manning the safety and security systems. This is in addition to the train operator. The middle section has seats for off duty personnel. Those seats can be easily removed to transport small amounts of cargo. The passengers are in the front and back sections. As with other all-electric trains, train operator controls are on both ends of the train. The factory to build them has to be in Charlton to ensure security. We've been using them a while on the shorter lines and they work great; they are designed to run on a double-track railway. The next time the time line is altered, we will replace the light rail trains with these."

Quote from Fernando on Jan 1st, 2019, 5:34pm:
The point of the "Spirits making cars" is simple that you are over looking. It is the same problem I have with computer consulting, maintenance and repairs - I do such quality work that I do not get many repeat customers because their system are running as they should be. Similarly, the Spirits are going to have or are having a similar situation - their repair/restoration work of vehicles are that the car owner does not need to see them for years to come when parts being to wear down again. If you run a business where your repeat customers only come every several years, you are not going to be in business for too long. Word of mouth of your work and reputation will get you more customers but you will reach a point where you will run out of customers and need to wait years for your repeat customers to come back. Many mechanics  (and other service job workers) will do a 1/2 ass job on their repairs so you can come back to them so they can remain in business. This is cold, vicious and scrupulous (and even illegal in some areas) but they do it out of survival.

I don't think I am overlooking your point. The Texas Spirits have to use resources every time to build or even refurbish something. They want to keep the resources they consume to a minimal. Take the automotive industry for example. The only time they want to see repeat customers is for routine maintenance like changing the oil, regap the spark plugs (if needed) and keeping tires at their ideal pressure.
It is for this reason they make light bulbs that last a hundred years (or more) and nylon stockings that are indestructible. Why do they need a fat bank account? They get enough money selling clean energy and day passes on the Charlton Railroad.
Let me emphasize that these guys are tree huggers. They want to do everything they know to do to protect Mother Earth. I have ideas I haven't mentioned yet such as selling milk in reusable bottles and operating a cloth diaper service.
Jeanette Isabelle
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Re: I'm Not Coming Home
Reply #55 - Jan 1st, 2019, 11:17pm
Since much of the things discussed have been cleared up, I have deleted them from the quote. The last sticking point it not really a sticking point either. The sticking point was that of those outside of Charlton were "suffering" compared to those in Charlton. (See below)
Quote from Jeanette on Jan 1st, 2019, 9:32pm:
Quote from Fernando on Jan 1st, 2019, 5:34pm:
The point of the "Spirits making cars" is simple that you are over looking. It is the same problem I have with computer consulting, maintenance and repairs - I do such quality work that I do not get many repeat customers because their system are running as they should be. Similarly, the Spirits are going to have or are having a similar situation - their repair/restoration work of vehicles are that the car owner does not need to see them for years to come when parts being to wear down again. If you run a business where your repeat customers only come every several years, you are not going to be in business for too long. Word of mouth of your work and reputation will get you more customers but you will reach a point where you will run out of customers and need to wait years for your repeat customers to come back. Many mechanics (and other service job workers) will do a 1/2 ass job on their repairs so you can come back to them so they can remain in business. This is cold, vicious and scrupulous (and even illegal in some areas) but they do it out of survival.

I don't think I am overlooking your point. The Texas Spirits have to use resources every time to build or even refurbish something. They want to keep the resources they consume to a minimal. Take the automotive industry for example. The only time they want to see repeat customers is for routine maintenance like changing the oil, regap the spark plugs (if needed) and keeping tires at their ideal pressure.

It is for this reason they make light bulbs that last a hundred years (or more) and nylon stockings that are indestructible. Why do they need a fat bank account? They get enough money selling clean energy and day passes on the Charlton Railroad.

Let me emphasize that these guys are tree huggers. They want to do everything they know to do to protect Mother Earth. I have ideas I haven't mentioned yet such as selling milk in reusable bottles and operating a cloth diaper service.

Jeanette Isabelle

I figure this of those outside of the Charlton because this is happening in areas of the world like India, South America and Africa. Places like Tongo (Africa) is one of the world's e-waste dump site. But despite the issues of living on a garbage mound, they persevere. Like this guy, he collected parts from the mound, bought from the local "land owner" for pennies on the pound and got the parts to make his own 3D Printer.
This video is old, and I pointed out in the past that you should watch it as this program (Global 3000) is a global news service that has stories like this (the last one about a year ago was about Russians and car repairs on the cheap bartering - a fix for a loaf of bread.) Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8tS8Ots4RQ
The point is, if this is happening here in real life, the RPG has to reflect RL no matter how far back they were thrown technology wise, as they will bounce back with what they have and find.
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