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Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot. (Read 104382 times)
YaBB Administrator
NY City

Posts: 2320
Gender: male
Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #10 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:21pm
Page 8
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A message from the bat found it's way up the chain of command to Captain Eddie...
The piece of paper reads: "If Donelly turns up and you need help, email me." accompanied by an email address.
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Before Alex II about to go he got a Phone Call from Gadget
Alex II: Hello
Gadget (Phone): Alex II It me Gadget
Alex II: Gadget did you call on my Scurced line
Gadget: yes
Alex II: Ok Speak
Gadget: It Chip and Dale they been comontost by that Acorn they ate
Gadget: The Lad test it and say that it was Ergot
Alex II: WHAT How did it get there?
Gadget: A weard note by Tammy
Alex II: Tammy didn’t sent that she is in the hospitbal now that is weard
Gadget: I know
Alex II: I will get to the bottom of this
Gadget: Ok bye
*Then Alex II Hang up*
Alex II: OK Chef Call Rome police and tell them to head to the Airport to check the package see if a Acorn with Ergot there and it is there tell them to take it way
Chef; Right *making the call to Rome police
Alex II: Ok Let move out
Triple X was on E-45 while watching the roads then he saw a Truck as he using his Inferead Glasses then he saw the Truck carrying LDS in side the Crates also Ergot Acorn too also a Black Sadan following it too also Carrying LDS and Ergot too
Triple X: I Spoted a Drug Runner coming off of A-1/E-35 coming into E-45 I am in Pasurted so get that Road block ready
Disbach: Right
*Then he Pull out and turn on his serener on as he chasing the Sedan saw him as it Firing back then Triple X turn his weapon system on and fire at the tires as it hit the tires and send the sedan and the truck into the ditch as 5 Police cars surrounding the Sedan and Truck as Alex II and Triple X came drawing there Weapons
Mouse Officer: Polizia Freeze(Police in Italian)
Then the men in the truck and sedan give up as they arrested them and Alex II grab a Male Mouse who driving the Sedan
Alex II: Bub giusto perchè avete trasmesso quella ghianda ai miei amici? (Ok Bub why did you send that Acorn to my Friends?)
Male Mouse: Ha come vi diciamo
(HA Like we tell you)
Alex II then Punch the Mouse then grab him again APPROVAZIONE una l'ultima volta o io li danneggerà un po'di più PERCHÈ AVETE TRASMESSO QUELLA GHIANDA ai MIEI AMICI! ("OK One last time or I will hurt you some more WHY DID YOU SEND THAT ACORN TO MY FRIENDS!)
Male Mouse; Approvazione giusta era la nostra sporgenza ma non possiamo dirvi il suo nome qualcosa che tutto il Interfear nei suoi programmi in modo da lui abbiate trasmesso quello ai vostri amici con il vostro nome Tammy dell'amico
(Ok ok It was our boss but we can’t tell you his name something that you all Interfear into his plans so he sent that to your friends with your friend name Tammy)
Alex II: *Shock then shaking him* L'approvazione come ha fatto la vostra sporgenza ha conosciuto Tammy?
( "Ok How did your boss knew Tammy?)
Male Mouse; Poiché ero quello dica al membro di rf e paghilo per funzionare sopra lo Squrrial femminile e la sua sorella nello stagno che cosa pensate la spola
( Because I was the one tell the RF Member and Pay him to Run over the Female Squrrial and her Sister into the Pond what you think Cop)
Alex II Then punching the Male Mouse "Take him away calling someone"
*Then they took the Male Mouse and the Driver of the Truck away to Jail*
Alex II: *Calling Nando* "Hay Nando Gust what I found out that This Male Mouse I Caught is the one Pay the RF Driver to Run over Tammy yes I know you want to see him sure tomorrow you will see him in the Nami Public and Safey Jail Cell he will be in Jail cell 21 that right ok at 10 AM tomorrow yea we will hold him ok see you *Then he get into his car as Triple X get back into his car and drove back to his check point*
- - - - -
Dr. Aiesha's report:
2 male chipmunks were brought in, in a semi epileptic and convulsive state before turning comatose. According their their friends and colleagues, they have no history of epilepsy or convulsions, making this a recent event induced by a probably outside cause.
Further investigation finds that the chipmunks had ingested a European Acorn, shipped to them from a friend over there. Remains of the acorn is at the lab, various tests are conducted on those remains.
- - - - -
Fernando: Lets go back to the hospital, so you can get your truck back.
In about 15 minutes, they were back at the hospital parking lot. Fernando takes out a map and a set of keys from the Porsche's glove box, and hands them over to Hondo.
Hondo: What are these?
Fernando: Its a map and keys to the hideouts scattered about Italy. I keep telling these fools to change the locks, but no- they believe in the idea of 1 key-fits all! Anyways...
Hondo: I see.
Fernando: You go have fun. Get washed up, and acquainted to the Roman Safe House. I'll be there later tonight. I still have a lot to figure out in this.
- - - - -
The AI bat had reached the hospital parking lot on its way to Tammy's room, where it had intended to try to find Fernando's trail. Meeting in the parking lot had been fortuitous.
"Do you know what happened to Chip and Dale?"
- - - - -
Fernando: CCC? No. What has happened?
A few seconds later, Fernando receives a call from Alex II about his captive. Now things get confusing as too many are being involved in this case; which can only mean one thing: these are the low level grunts of the organization; the tail of a much bigger beast that they are dealing with.
- - - - -
"They were sent an acorn, apparently from Tammy, ate it, and are now in hospital with the remains of the acorn having been sent to a lab for analysis."
A piece of paper appeared in the squirrel's hand.
"The hospital's network wasn't all that secure, so I've got a copy of Dr. Aiesha's report, if you want more detail. I must say, though, that I'm most surprised that Chip didn't question the apparent arrival of a gift from someone recovering in a hospital."
"Also, Donnelly has escaped, current location unknown. Is there any way I can be of assistance?"
- - - - -
Fernando: Psychology of Biological Living Things is something that can not be explained away so easily. Whether Chip and Dale knew about Tammy and Bink being in the hospital, I don’t know. I try to keep in touch with her at least weekly to see how she is doing and intervene wherever possible, but Tammy is a grown girl now and has to do things for herself from here on out. At least she has returned the majority of the calls and letters that I send her.
Fernando thinks about the other issues at hand.
Fernando: Let the military deal with the former admiral. Worse comes to Worst- I can always bath him in some of this hazardous liquid known as LSD, and watch the reactions of having his neurons shorting out. As for you... You have a lot of potential here, I just cant figure out what it can be.
CCC: I must be able to do something.
Fernando: That’s the problem. Right now, things are in the investigative stage. Your skill are a great asset to the research, but also on the technical end. Your non-biology makes you immune to the LSD, which is a major plus. Hold on a second...
Fernando goes into the glove box of his Porsche and hands CCC a map of the local safe houses that he uses throughout Italy.
Fernando: Here. Use the Rome Safe House, Hondo and I will be there later tonight. Alex II maybe there as well. I think you can figure out the lock and alarm systems. Its a shared agency safe house, so there will be some strange tech here and there. You can connect to the internet from there if you like and feel free to make yourself useful to the others. Right now, I just need intel on who and why LSD is being shipped. It just makes no sense unless someone wants to throw back this country into the 1950's USA Red Scare. Right now, I just got a lot on my mind and I have to clear it out.
CCC: Thank you sir.
Fernando: Do you have means to get there?
CCC: I think I can manage.
Fernando: Knowing your abilities, its 50+ miles to Rome and the safe house by road; 35 miles if you can fly. The roads go around that mountain range there instead of through it. Which ever way you think is efficient is up to you. Seen Tammy yet?
CCC: I was about to until I saw you.
Fernando: OK, Come with me, I have gotten some guards and they would not let you in unless you're known to them. I would propose that you change your appearance into something more natural.
CCC uses Protocol 7 to change his appearance to a more acceptable biological one, as to not scare the medical staff and patients. Together the two squirrels(? eh?) walk to the hospital to see Tammy. They enter her room within minutes of going to it.
- - - - -
Alex II: Well I am heading to Rome so put him in Jail until Nando get here *To Sparky* "Sparky you coming with me" *To Triple X* "Triple X you on Freeway Dutey From Nami to Rome
Triple X: Ok *Then head to his car and drove off*
Alex II and Sparky enter into Alex II Car and Drove off to Rome on A-1/E45/E35 Freeways
Alex II Calling Nando "Hay Nando It me Alex II I am heading to the Hospitbal Plaing on See Tammy and Bink tell the guards to let me and Sparky in yea Sparky Is working for us now as a Lab Expert for the NSA hay he Join in 2 years before I Did long story he will tell you anyway ok we will be there in 2 Hours right see you
*Then the Car Speed off 145 Miles Phr also a Law car too so the cops won’t stop him*
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The AI happens to pick the shape of a chipmunk - a mix of Chip and Dale, with Clarice's eyes. All in all, it could be any chipmunk...
It wonders briefly if it should have mentioned that it is never without internet access, but decides that is unimportant at the moment.
Nonetheless, while walking to Tammy's room, it begins a little exploratory data mining...
It wonders what actions are expected on meeting someone in hospital.
- - - - -
:| Fernando: It is not the reaction you have to worry about, once Tammy knows that it is you, CCC. But as for the guards, this is the image you have to present to them every time you enter and leave her room so they can allow you access. Besides, as far as I remember, both Tammy and Bink are under a medical induced sleep while the drug and their bodies burn out what's left of the LSD in their system.
They both enter the room, Fernando needing to speak to the guards and hospital staff about letting CCC and AlexII (who was not with them) access to Tammy/Bink's room. After the brief explanation, they walk to the space between their beds.
- - - - -
The chipmunk looked at the occupants of the two beds. "They are asleep, therefore there is little to do here."
Finding a piece of paper and a pen, it wrote a quick note giving an email address to be contacted "in case of emergency" and left it on the table next to Tammy's bed. It wrote in a strange way, moving the pen in horizontal lines across the paper, making a dot every now and then; and the finished product resembled a computer font, right down to pixelation.
It signed the note with a small picture of itself as a bat, drawn in the same manner.
"I will now travel to the given location in Rome." it stated, before heading for the door.
- - - - -
Alex II and Sparky Arive at the Hospitbal they came in as they aportced the Guards as Alex II showing his NSA Badge same as Sparky they let them in since Nando telling them to let Alex II and Sparky in then they enter then Sparky went to talk to Nando as Alex II enter Tammy and Bink room as he sitdown wating them to wake up so he can say hi to his cousins since he hadn’t see them a long time
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Charles_Roberts wrote:
Alex II and Sparky Arive at the Hospitbal they came in as they aportced the Guards as Alex II showing his NSA Badge same as Sparky they let them in since Nando telling them to let Alex II and Sparky in then they enter then Sparky went to talk to Nando as Alex II enter Tammy and Bink room as he sitdown wating them to wake up so he can say hi to his cousins since he hadn’t see them a long time
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OCC: They wont be waking up for at least a day or two. Even then They may not be 100% for at least another 48 hours after that. Reason why is the Thorazine slows down nervous system, forcing the body to flush out and break down the LSD and then the body has to burn out the Thorizine itself. Give her and Bink at least 3 days...
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OOC: OH Sorry Alex II will leve a Gift Card behind
*Then he worted something say that he was here to see you but he have to get back to work so once he sing it say your cousin Alexander Armington II then he place the gift card on the Table so they can see it when they wake up then he head out to see nando*
Alex II: Hay Nando I left them a gift Card so they can read it tell them that I was here so also boys back in the NSA Obtaned the letter found out that Tammy didn't write that letter someone did look to make it Tammy Wirting so someone is posing as Tammy so we need to find this person who can write like Tammy and ask him or her some few questions
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YaBB Administrator
NY City

Posts: 2320
Gender: male
Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #11 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:23pm
Page 9
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When Alex II and his friends had left, Fernando takes a plastic document envelope from his laptop's brief case, stuffing all the cards and letters people had left on the table for Tammy & Bink. Then places the flowers and teddy bears from the table and organizes them a better, on top of the document folder.
Fernando can not help himself but to think if he made the right choices, but in remembering what CCC said about Donelly escaping, he sighs to himself and thinks that he has. The problem being that it did not stop anything, only delayed it. But in that delay, everyone is more prepared to handle it.
As he sat down and thought to himself, Marco and Angelica arrives. Marco leave a small stuffed squirrel along with a card.
Marco: Hello Fernando. I heard rumors that you were around.
Fernando: Rumors be Damn, how's my little blood-cyborg.
Marco: Blood-cyborg? Oh, Angie is doing great. You would not mind donating a couple of pints for future emergencies?
Fernando: For Angie? I'll be a phone call away. As for donating my blood for storage? Hell No!
Marco: Why not?
Fernando: Too many hands wanting to experiment with it.
Marco: I see.
Fernando: If Angie needs, I'll be a phone call away.
Marco: Alright then. So, How are Tammy and Bink doing?
Fernando: They are doing fine, being in a medically induced coma so that the LSD does not do its damage. They should be fine in about 96 hours.
Marco: Good to hear.
Marco: Ever considered joining our organization?
Fernando: Considered, yes. Want to, No.
Marco: You would be a great asset to what ever team you join.
Fernando: Just pray I don’t ever end up on the bad guy's side.
Marco: So true.
Fernando: Well, I like where I am.
Marco: Well, since Tammy and Bink will be here for a couple of more days, I will return to see her when she is awake. Maybe you will be around then?
Fernando: Maybe.
Marco: See you then.
Marco leaves with Angelica in tow before Fernando could say a word.
Midnight Man
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'Okay, let's see who else gets any benefits of knowing my position.' Midnight decides not to get rid of the GPS transmitter yet.
After a couple of hours of riding without any obvious attacks or attempts at pursuing him, he reaches his hotel in Rome and parks in a side alley. A page boy mouse helps him with the baggage as he checks in, gets the electronic key, and heads for his room on the 8th floor which is also the top floor. No more equipment is found in this room, but what strikes him is a large TV set which still uses a CRT. He checks the room thoroughly for explosives, bugs, and other unusual items, but he doesn't find any. What strikes him, though, is that the black screws which hold the TV's rear cover in place have been tinkered with. This may mean the device has been serviced before, but it doesn't have to. So to be sure, he decides to examine it. The power cord leads to a wall socket next to the room's entrance door. Midnight opens the door, steps outside and crouches behind the wall as he pulls the cord.
Nothing happens.
'They must think I'm stupid,' he figures. He carefully turns the TV around, gets his tool kit, and removes the cover.
He discovers six packs of C-4 which are duct-taped to the tube from behind. The ignition would have been triggered if he had turned the TV on. 'What a creative fragmentation bomb this is. But not good enough.' He decides against disarming the bomb. This might wreak some havoc and destroy a hotel room, but it's supposed to. Whoever is after him expects the TV to blow up, and chances are good that the hotel room is being watched, even though the curtains are closed. 'You shall have your fireworks.'
Midnight puts on his personal pair of black gloves, takes his time switch, sets it to switch on in about five minutes, puts it into the same wall socket, connects the TV to the time switch, and turns it on. Of course, nothing happens as the TV is still cut off of any electricity.
'I need to get the Hell outta here.' He takes all his bags and cases at once and rushes down the hallway until he reaches an emergency staircase. The door is locked but swiftly unlocked with the right tools. Midnight wonders how a hotel can have electronic door locks for every room, but a mechanical lock and not alarm trigger at all on an emergency exit door, not to mention a big tube TV in his room. He wonders what sort of TVs are in the other rooms as he closes the door behind him. He looks onto his wristwatch and counts down.
"Four, three, two, one..."
An immense explosion makes the building quake as the six explosives packs detonate and rip the TV set apart, sending shards of the tube all over the room and ripping apart whatever is in their way. Midnight hurries down the stairway as fast as he can with all the luggage before anyone else gets the idea to escape through it. As expected, the exit door leads to the same alley in which the Ducati is parked. He steps outside, squats down, sneaks past the bike, removes the GPS transmitter, and hides behind a dumpster while large black clouds of smoke rise up from his room. He gazes past the dumpster and spots a white Fiat van which is parked beside the street and opposite the hotel. That is, a few seconds later, the driver puts away his cell phone and drives away. 'Alright, so I'm dead now. Makes things a lot easier.'
Suddenly, a police car stops next to Midnight. One of the two squirrel officers asks him, "Is everything okay with you?"
"Yes," Midnight replies, "as long as my motorcycle is okay."
"Your motorcycle?"
"The black Ducati behind me. Say, what happened here?" As if he didn't have a clue. He figured that his installation of a time switch will make things look like a time bomb on the investigations which are likely to follow soon.
"Probably a bomb attack on a hotel room. We don't know anything more so far."
"I guess it's not safe to use the street now, is it?"
"It'd probably be closed now," the police squirrel supposes.
"Thanks, that's what I needed to know. Now I don't wanna keep you away from your duty. Bye!"
Midnight slowly sneaks back and away from the dumpster. As he notices that the police squirrels are about to get off their car, he attaches the GPS transmitter underneath it. 'For a bit of fun and distraction for whoever is receiving this.' Then he mounts the bags and cases on the Ducati and rides away through some alleys, his path being unclear and mostly hidden, but his destination being Nemi.
"I need to contact Chip and ask him where he knows these mice from," Midnight says to himself. "If it was his idea, that is."
Hondo I. Sackett
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Hondo had stuck 'round outside for a while. He was there long enough to greet Marco and Angelica. After they went in Hondo took off in the pick-up truck, got a few supplies he was sure the safe house would not have and headed for the safe house. He wanted to get there well a head of Fernando so he could get in some computer time, for studyin' on the LSD, and time to go through the basement and find any extras he could might use later on. He also hoped to make contact with the Enterprise and find ask how much longer it would take them to get there so he could have his copter at ready.
Severe Weather Eddie
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OOC: I recently stumbled across an actual shell design for the Iowa-class battleships while surfing the web. It is an 11" sabot round with GPS guidance that apparently was actually proposed and/or considered by the Navy. The shell has a range of 100 nautical miles (about 115 miles, or 185 kilometers.) The shell still carries a respectable payload (175 pounds of submunitions) though it weighs only 525 pounds (compared to the 1900 pound "conventional" HE shell.)
Armed with these, the USS Texas has the capability to strike virtually anywhere in Italy with her big guns. Only targets in the extreme north-central part of Italy would be untouchable. (Of course, Italy is more than 115 miles wide in some places, and steaming around the country would take time.)
Just something I figured I should mention. We now return to your regularly scheduled story...
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The AI, still in chipmunk shape, was soon standing on a bridge, overlooking a road, waiting.
"Hey, you!"
It watched the swirling traffic passing beneath...
"You there!"
The AI turned around. "Is there a problem, officer?"
"What are you doing there?" asked the policemouse. There had been a suicide off this bridge recently, and he did not want another.
"Waiting for a delivery van to pass underneath."
"Right. And then you're going to jump on it and ride it?"
"Exactly, officer."
"Did you know that jumping off bridges is illegal?"
"No, I did not. I shall have to find another mode of transport, then."
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Alex II Was driving then he saw CCC with a police mouse on the bridge "OY *Then he stop next to the bridge then got out showing his Badge to the Police Mouse "It ok he with me Alex II NSA I will take it form here *To CCC* "Hay CCC There are laws you need to followed and you should ask me if you want a Ride to the Safe house i gladey to take you there on my way
- - - - -
The AI does wonder briefly how Alex II knew where it was going and what it looked like in it's chipmunk form, but decides that the most likely way is that Fernando had told him in both cases.
"Thank you." it said, and got in the car.
- - - - -
Alex II Then Pull off "So Witch Safe House you heading too CCC? While he driving on SSR28
- - - - -
The AI, which has had time to look up the definition of 'safe house' and realized that you're not supposed to tell anyone about them without very good reasons, simply gives directions ("Left here. Right at the next robot.") and finally asks to be dropped off in front of a magnificent hotel a mere few kilometers from the safe house. It enters the hotel, and leaves fifteen minutes later in a different body (mouse this time).
After a couple more stops to change shape and ensure that no-one is following, the AI finally reaches the safe house as a mouselike hamster.
It walls up to the front door and peers at the lock. Easily removed with tripods, but it has no tripods here...
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo had made it to the safe house a head of CCC but he did not know that CCC was comin'. At the time of CCC's arrival Hondo was in the basement workshop. there was a monitor down there that attached to all the camera's and could be changed from camera to camera at the touch of a button. Hondo had left it on front door camera and had seen the small mouse. Hondo snuck out a small door to the rear of the house and came silently around to the front. His pistol cocked and that alerted the mouse that Hondo was there. CCC turned at the sound. "Hondo, I did not think you were here yet. Can you open the door?" CCC said. Hondo recognized the voice. non other sounded as mono toned and computer like with such an alive sounds still.
" Didn't recognize you. I can let you in." Hondo said.
"oh. I did not think of that." CCC said. Hondo let him in and showed him the computer room as he requested then Hondo returned to his work in the shop.
- - - - -
The AI mouse said "Thank you" as Hondo left the room. Once he was gone, it looked around the computer room, and then just stood still.
The AI had seen the password that someone had foolishly left taped to the computer screen, and that was enough; with that password, it could open the safe house's systems from the outside. Once in, it found a couple of truly obscure potential weak points in the system security, and plugged them up quite thoroughly. A quick run through the camera surveillance systems showed it the contents of all the rooms.
Then it went back to Tammy's and Bink's hospital records, which it had secured earlier, and picked up a log of everyone who had tried to access those records - and got a surprise at the security levels around them. Finding that someone had tried to break through, it followed that trail backwards, link by link; it was easy enough to do so. The trail ended in a small internet cafe in Rome... analysis of the cafe's computer system simply showed that the customer had paid cash. No help there.
- - - - -
Alex II Calling Fernando again "hay nando this is Alex II I want you to call Marco telling him that we need his Service We plaing to send Triple X to Ljubljana, Solviana to a Factory see if they are Proudcing LSD aka Ergot Acorns and if they are then we will send the Specal Forcese to Raide the Factory also find out were there boss is hideing too so we need SWA Serveice to Send One of there Girls and there handles to help us Triple X will be possing as a Travier but It need a Girl and another One to help the plot so we need a Handler and a Girl to assised Triple X Plans so you in this way we can Put a Hult to the LSD Traficers
- - - - -
I've been quite busy for the past weeks and now the plot advanced so far it would be impossible to catch on in a convenient and believable way. So I'm bailing off officially. Good luck for all involved, Tammy and Bink especially.
- - - - -
Charles_Roberts wrote:
Alex II Calling Fernando again "hay nando this is Alex II I want you to call Marco telling him that we need his Service We plaing to send Triple X to Ljubljana, Solviana to a Factory see if they are Proudcing LSD aka Ergot Acorns and if they are then we will send the Specal Forcese to Raide the Factory also find out were there boss is hideing too so we need SWA Serveice to Send One of there Girls and there handles to help us Triple X will be possing as a Travier but It need a Girl and another One to help the plot so we need a Handler and a Girl to assised Triple X Plans so you in this way we can Put a Hult to the LSD Traficers
 - - - - -
Crossing borders would be taken as a military maneuver, and incite a war between Solviana and Italy; something that Italy does not want. At best, the trafficking would have to be captured at after the border crossing, and that is if they are trucking it. They could be flying it in as far as we know... need more intell!
- - - - -
3 Days later, though they have been wake for the past couple of days, they feel like they have been ran over by steamrollers over on the hi-way in slow motion. Fernando comes in with a big thermos and a couple of plastic cups. He fills the 2 of them and places them on the night stand by their beds.
Fernando: Hello Ladies.
They both look at him as if they wanted to plant their claws into him and drag him back to the Hell from which they came from. Its not they are mad at him, they just look like they were sent to Hell and back.
Fernando: Ladies, there is some coffee on your tables... grandma's secret fermented formula. Warning though, it wont taste good. It never did, but tastes is not the reason why you would drink it.
They both look at their cups.
Fernando: Drink up.
Fernando takes the cup from the thermos and fills it with the rest of the dark brew. He then quickly swigs it down. It tasted awfully bitter regardless of how much sugar cane juice was put into the mix. But it starts to kick in as soon as makes contact with the tongue and starts to cascade into the rest of the nervous system. The rest that falls into the empty belly gets absorbed and works as soon as it enters the blood stream: about 30 seconds. Fernando just tenses himself up as his fur and bushy tail puffs out, then shakes it off in wild convulsions.
Fernando: Oh yeah...
They both look at him, unsure whether or not to follow his lead.
Fernando: If you want that 2-ton boulder off your pointy little heads, I would advice you to drink it.
They pick up their coffees, and take a sip of it. They both spray out the first tiny sips they took.
Tammy: That's Disgusting!
Fernando: Just a tiny sip woke you up... but you still need to drink it all. Ignore your taste buds.
Tammy: No Way!
Bink on the other hand tries to drink the rest of it, gulping it down and holding back on her gag reflexes. She then drops the cup and curls up into a trembling ball of fur. After a minute, it stops.
Fernando: Feeling better Bink?
Bink (as she unballs herself): I'm better now.
Fernando: No more boulder on your head?
Bink: No more boulder on my head...
Fernando: Good. Tammy? Your turn.
Tammy: No way!
Fernando: I can always put it into your intravenous bag, and the convulsions will last hours instead of a minute.
Tammy wanted to throw the coffee filled cup at him.
Fernando: Just ignore your tongue screaming at you and fight back the gag reflex. You'll be better afterwards.
Tammy does not want too but has too, and fights herself to get it done. After gulping it down, Tammy tenses up and tries to fight off the convulsions, balling up tightly but like Bink, fails. After a while, she relaxes and turns to face Fernando.
Tammy: How can you drink that stuff?!!
Fernando: Do it long enough, you get used to it. Now you're felling better.
Tammy: Yeah.
Fernando: Almost normal again?
Tammy: Just a bout.
Fernando: Squirrelly again?
Tammy: Bushy tailed squirrelly again.
Fernando: Good. You two relax while I go see about getting you released from the hospital. In fact...
Fernando lifts a suit case onto Tammy's bed and opens it. He then tosses a new set of clothes at them.
Fernando: I'll be back.
On his way out, he runs into Marco and Angelica who were about to enter the room.
Marco: Explain to me who is this Triple X guy and why he us wants to cross the border into Slovania!
Fernando: Easy Marco... I don’t have the full details yet, but Alex II and his pals are excellent intell gatherers. If they are to cross borders, its because they are chasing a lead. In chasing that lead- they are going to need protection. You guys are to provide that protection.
Marco: I'm not going to do it!
Tammy: Bink and I will do it.
They both turn to Tammy.
-End Page 9
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NY City

Posts: 2320
Gender: male
Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #12 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:26pm
Page 10
Midnight Man
- - - - -
To shake off potential pursuers even though he can't see any, Midnight quickly leaves the road and rides through the forests near Nemi. The Ducati is far from being a dirt bike, but there are paths in the forests, and they are maintained and kept free of fallen trees and the like.
In the middle of the forest, he stops, shuts the engine down, and takes his phone. He dials, and someone answers.
"Rescue Rangers Headquarters, Gadget speaking."
"Hi Gadget, here's the Mouse in Black. Was that your great idea to hire these folks that... you know what they did?"
"You mean the car, the bike, the..."
"Shhh! I don't know if this connection is safe. So whose idea was it?"
"It was Monty's idea. He said he knew these people from long ago, an organization that helped him and Dad, and that he and Dad helped in return."
"Ah. Then tell him something. Things have changed, and they tried to double-cross me."
"Yup. They tried to blast half of the bike. They did blast my room, albeit without me in it. I got away with the equipment and the bike."
"It's not all bad. I actually allowed the second explosion to happen to have them think I'm dead. But why them and not the RAS?"
"The RAS is underequipped. They can pull off simple rescue and supply missions with their equipment, but to fight a civil war and do undercover work requires a lot more, and these people have it."
"Anyway, can you ask the RAS to get me a room near my destination, maybe also some cover-up such as another ID, and tell the rest of my team I'm on my way?"
"Then hurry up. I wanna be there before they find out there's no corpse in that room."
"Oh, er, where are you right now?"
"I'm halfway to my destination, surrounded by a lot of wood."
"Good. Await further information soon." She hangs up.
A few minutes later, Midnight receives a mail. He opens it and finds a map attached to it. It shows the forest and a nearby cottage. 'Does she want me to go there?'
To be safe, Midnight pulls a wooden box out of his brief-case. He opens it and takes a handgun out of it which he loads with tranq darts. 'Thanks a lot, Nando. This thing might save me.' The gun is stuffed into his jacket.
He proceeds through the forest towards the cottage, pushing the bike to stay quiet. Finally, he reaches the cottage and knocks on the door. A dark gray mouse in all green clothes opens. "Good morning," he greets Midnight, "how can I help you?"
"I was told to come here, Signor..."
"Da Silva. Giacomo da Silva, Rescue Aid Society, Italian branch. Come in, I think I can guess what brought you here."
Midnight enters and is offered a seat in an armchair.
"I hope you folks are aware of the dangerous mission you're on," Giacomo goes on. "Well, the RAS can't do much to help..." He is interrupted by his phone ringing.
He picks up the wireless phone. "Yes?... Yes, he's here in my cottage. ... We'll take care of this, don't worry, Miss Hackwrench. ... Okay, hear you later."
"You did have to say her name, did you?" Midnight criticized. "What if your phone line is tapped?"
"These people are good," Giacomo responds, "but they're not good enough to tap satellite phone lines. Anyway, what I can do is get you to Nemi and offer you my guest room to stay."
"What about a hotel room directly in Nemi?" Midnight suggested. "You might have heard of the explosion in that hotel in Rome..."
"...with which you should be killed, yes, I'm informed about all this. How did you get away, by the way?"
"The bomb was installed in the TV. It was set to explode when I switch the TV on. I simply put a time switch into the power line and turned it into a time bomb. They should think I was killed in that explosion. Whoever they are."
"A Mafia-like organization. With connections to an obscure secret society which almost went down in the mid-90s, and paid by the LSD traffickers. They control the firefighters in that district of Rome, too. Which means they will know by now that you weren't in the room when the bomb exploded, and that you're still alive."
"Did you say, 'paid by the LSD traffickers?' As in when the LSD pushing is shut down, so are they?"
"Probably, but that won't be too easy to do. Not even for you guys."
Midnight unloads the tranq gun and puts it back into the box. "Say, you seem to know a lot about this case. And it's not common for the RAS to use satellite phones."
"Oh, that, yes. I felt that Italy was in a situation that required me to have connections to some additional agencies apart from the RAS. CIA, Interpol, Europol, whatever you need. I'm relaying whatever intell is necessary to the RAS so we can operate safely. That's one of the reasons why I'm hiding in this forest. And if I may give you a good advice, you'd better stay here, too, instead of getting yourself a hotel room."
"But what if I'm being followed on my way back here?"
"Then the followers will be taken care of."
- - - - -
(Hay Midnight LFA is not in this one The NSA Alex II Join the NSA Two Years ago when he Left the CIA also Knew the CIA Was up to something so he went to the Higheset Government Agency in America)
- - - - -
(Back at the hospital)
Fernando reenters the room with Marco.
Fernando: Why would you want to join on such a dangerous mission, especially in the shape you are in?!!
Tammy: Look, its no secret that I'm probably the laughing stock of Section 2, because I wont let my sister shoot her gun or kill other people.
Marco: Aint that truth, Jose was the same way for a while in the beginning...
Fernando: Marco... (then he turns to Tammy) So? Even a pacifists has their place in war.
Tammy: No, Marco is right. Something has to change, before I get killed off in some mission, so if I get killed, it would be killed fighting back.
Fernando: Tammy... once you kill somebody, you will be forever changed. Don’t go down that road unless you really have too.
Tammy: I'm already down that road, and now that they tried to kill me, I have to do something about it or else...
Fernando: Or else what?
Tammy: Or else hide like some fraidy squirrel and cry for momma! (She starts crying.)
Fernando waits until she calms down a bit.
Tammy: I have to make some changes, and have to do them now.
Fernando: Give yourself sometime to heal first.
Tammy: How long you want me to wait? A week? A month? A Year?
Fernando: 2 days.
Marco: What?
Fernando: 2 days, at least out of the hospital since its so depressing here, but enough to get your shot up nerves a chance to normalize themselves. That super strong coffee I gave you was just to wake them up, but you are still not 100%. Neither is Bink.
Marco: What do you suggest?
Fernando: I got a hotel room here in town, we can go there for now and then move into the Roman Safe house afterwards. During that time- you and Bink have a lot of exercises to do- coordination and reflex exercises. I'll be back, I have to go find Dr. Bianchi.
Fernando picks up the stuffed squirrel Marco left for Tammy earlier and tosses it lightly at her chest. She misses in catching it as it bounces off her chest and onto her lap. Fernando shakes his head as he walks away to go find Dr. Bianchi.
- - - - -
Alex II Team was going over the Map of the Factory in Solviana then he got a call form Nando
Alex II: yea WHAT Tammy and Bink want to come on this mission? *Then he listen* "Well ok this will help anyway since Marco don’t want to do this Ok Send them over to the NSA Temp HQ in Rome we will be there tomorrow ok *Then he went to his team* "Hay we got change of Plans Tammy and Bink Coming alone so we meeting them in NSA Temp HQ In Rome so We packing and heading there tonight so we can set it up
Comander Shawn: OK
*Then they began to pack and head out to Rome as Triple X following them too with 10 Italy Army guarding them making sure no attacks won’t come*
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo had been in to check on Tammy and Bink a few time since he had arrived, but just for a look see. He had been busy lookin' 'round and keepin' his eyes open for trouble as well as revamping the truck Marco had got for him. Fernando got word to him that he was movin' Tammy and Bink to the safe house where he was at, so Hondo made preparations accordingly.
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
"Tammy, Bink, how are you two doing today?" Anne asked, as she comes in.
"Excuse me," Tammy begins, sounding concerned, "I was told you are actually not a candy striper."
Anne skips with the dumb teen act. "I've worked here for five month; how long I worked here is not what's important. When you told Fernando what had happened, he did not know what person you were referring to. He was being cautious and rightfully so."
"You know Fernando?" Tammy asked.
"Fernando and I have a bit of a history."
"All right. As a hospital volunteer you have no right to our hospital records."
"I did not access your hospital records. I happen to know you work for the SWA."
"Who do you work for?" Tammy continues.
"I am a freelancer who has a real concern for all the kids in the SWA."
"So you have worked with the SWA?"
"I have not."
"With Fernando then?"
"Yes, I have helped him out."
"Fernando could not have told you Bink and I got here."
"He has not. It's like this. I know about you and other members of the SWA. I have also met Bink, Jose and even Claes."
"All right. You happen to work here and you recognized our names . . . you took the opportunity to do some digging, though not through hospital records."
"Information is available if you know the right people."
"As a freelancer you happen to know the right people."
Anne nods.
"A few days ago you mentioned a chance encounter." Bink pointed out.
"Yes, and there was another encounter as well."
Bink does not remember Anne from any encounter. Bink reads Anne's name tag; the name does not mean anything to her at this time.
Anne goes to Bink's bed. "I will be frank, I do not trust the SWA for the way they conduct their business. Nevertheless, they have given you and four other girls a second chance at life. I sincerely wish you and your friends well."
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
Sometime after Anne left, Fernando returned.
"Fernando." Tammy begins. "Do you know Anne? A short, read hair mouse."
"I know her."
"Is she in the same business as you?"
"You could say that." Fernando answered.
"The hospital volunteer I told you about the other day was here a little while ago. She says she knows you. I was just checking."
"She has been here for five months."
"Fernando. Do you know what's she's up to?"
"No I don't." Fernando answered. "Why?"
"When I first met her she behaved like the typical teenager. Today when she mentioned that she knew Bink and I are with the SWA, she conducted herself like a mature adult though she looks a bit young to be an adult. She met Bink and Jose once in Rome and again somewhere else. She indicated she did not work for any organization, I guess that is another way of saying she is a gun for hire." Tammy collects her thoughts. "If that lady has been volunteering at a hospital for five months under the rouse she is a teenager, someone must have hired her for an intelligence mission. If that is the case, why a small town hospital of all places?"
Fernando was pleased that Tammy was putting her detective skills to use however he did not have an answer for her.
- - - - -
Alex II and Triple X came in as Alex II waving his NSA BAdge at the guards then they let him in then he saw Tammy
Alex II: Hay Cousin I Heard you want to come on the mission First Time I will say this Great to be working with you two that Right I am Comming on this mission too Just to gather Inteal so we will be meeting at the Rome Police HQ in Central St. So be there we will go over the plan
- - - - -
Fernando: Look Tammy. I'll be back with some clothes for you and Bink to change into. I have to get them first. You and AlexII have a talk.
Tammy: What’s wrong with the clothes we have?
Fernando: They were burned... Too covered with pond muck, lake mud, in short, after the doctors cut you and Bink out of them, they were deemed as Hazardous Medical Waste. Look... I'll just pick up the basics under things in white, and what can pass for normal for a lass of your ages. I'll be back.
Tammy: But...
Fernando: I already know your sizes.
Tammy: Huh? How!
Fernando leaves the room. After signing the release papers with Dr. Bianchi, he leaves to a local clothing store where he picks up some jeans and things a Hanes Her Way in white for the two of them.
Meanwhile back at the hospital...
Tammy: I just wanted to know more about the candy striper...
AlexII: Hello Cuz!
- - - - -
A chipmunk entered Tammy's room - a stranger with a face that reminded one a little of Chip and a little of Dale...
"Tammy. I am glad to notice that you are awake and apparently well. Hello, Alex."
Tammy frowned at the chipmunk. The voice was familiar, but... "Do I know you?"
"My apologies - you had not yet seen this form." Making sure to stand where anyone outside in the corridor could not see him, the AI changed back to it's usual bat shape.
"Oh, it's you. I didn't know you could change yourself like that."
"My body is merely a projection. I change what I project, and I change what you see." In a moment, it took on the shape of Tammy, then of Fernando, then of Alex II, before returning to it's own chipmunk shape. "I'm also very hard to injure. If you ever need my help, please, send me an email."
- - - - -
Alex II: Ok CCC Wil do that *To Tammy* "So Cousin How you been? I haven't see you since you were a little kid and I am Glad that Having my Cousins on this mission is means best for me so I am comming on the mission too give Triple X Cover so how you been doing in Rome and Nami?
- - - - -
There weren't that many clothing stores in Nemi, not the ones that Fernando would consider for Tammy and Bink's style. He had to drive back to Rome, though missing out on a couple of shopping malls along the way. Once back in Rome, Fernando went to the Macy's Department, and budgeted himself to $200 (175Euros) for various items for Tammy and Bink. He ended up spending just twice that much for the each of them; shopping for a couple of ladies can be expensive.
His list consisted of:
For Tammy-
1 pair of low-heeled dress shoes
1 pair of white nikee sneakers
1 pair of stockings.
1 pair of sweat sox
1 pack of (3) Hanes-Her-Way Panties and bras
1 pack of (3) Hanes T-shirts
(Packs could not be opened or separated)
1 pair of jeans
1 flannel shirt
1 "little red satin dress"
1 "little black satin dress"
1 pair of Ray-Ban sun glasses.
1 make up kit with the basics: eyeliner, foundation, lipstick
1 Exercise Gym Bag to carry everything in.
For Bink-
1 pair of 'Buster Brown' Penny loafers
1 pair of White Nikee Sneakers
1 pair of stockings
1 pair of knee-hi stockings
1 pair of sweat sox
1 pack of (3) Hanes-Her-Way Girls Panties
1 pack of (3) Hanes T-shirts
(Packs could not be opened or separated)
1 pair of jeans
1 white shirt
1 school-type dress uniform
1 pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses
1 back pack to carry everything in.
On the way back to the car, Fernando picks up a large cup of Pistachio Ice cream for Bink, along with a late lunch meal of roast beef sandwiches and coffee for the three of them. He unpacks the clothing and neatly stuffs them into each bag to their appropriate owner. Opening the door, he tosses the bags to the front passenger seat in his Porsche 928, before climbing in himself. He hurriedly drove back to Nemi. Along the way, while waiting for the traffic to clear up, Fernando makes a couple of phone calls: first the SWA Section 2 and the other to Marco.
The SWA Section 2 phone call was short, asking about the status of Bink and her equipment (car, weapons, training gear), and was told that everything was not repairable was replaced. The phone call to Marco proved even stranger. It seems that even though the Rescue Rangers saved their hydes over 1/2 a year ago, some wounds do not heal quickly. This worried Fernando, because of all of the SWA Section 2 who he thought had a grudge against him, it would have been Jean. But in only meeting with 1 of the members of Section 2, its hard to say of the others share in the same conclusionary emotions.
'Spy Game... if it were not for them, I would have lead a very boring life...' Fernando thinks to himself. As soon as the traffic clears on the high way, Fernando takes to the middle lane and stomps on his gas pedal. The needles lean towards the right as he drives down the road at speeds twice the legal limits. He gets to his destination in less than 1/2 an hour later. Due to his long time in getting there and shopping around, everyone had left earlier.
Fernando had to stare down a few of the staff as he entered the ward and then the room where Tammy and Bink were. Walking to each bed, he gently tosses the bag to them. They both open them to examine the contents. Fernando reaches over and closes the curtains around the bed.
Fernando: Ladies- don’t put on the fancy stuff for now. Just the jeans and shirt with the sneakers will do.
Tammy: Fernando?
Fernando places a brown paper bag, taking out a sandwich and coffee for himself.
Fernando: I'm not going to answer anything right now. Just put on the clothes so we can get out of here immediately. I'll be outside so you two wont be disturbed. By the way- there is some lunch and dessert in there for you two. Hope you don’t mind Roast beef sandwiches and Pistachio Ice Cream.
Bink: Ice Cream?!!
Fernando: Only after you put on the clothes and eat the sandwich first.
Fernando turns away to step out from the curtain. He then walks to the far end of the room where he places his American Arms .45 on a small table and sits by the table to have lunch. As he eats, Dr. Bianchi steps into the room and head to their curtain enclosed beds.
Fernando: I would not go there.
Dr. Bianchi turns around to Fernando.
Dr. Bianchi: And why not?
Fernando: They are changing into some clothes that I bought for them.
Dr. Bianchi: So? I'm a Doctor.
Dr. Bianchi turns back and takes a step to the bed. Upon his first foot step landing, he hears the sound of an automatic weapon being readied. He turns around slowly, finding Fernando aiming his AA .45 at him
Fernando: I said that the ladies are in there changing. Anything you have to ask will have to wait until they are done.
Dr. Bianchi: I see. You know I'm going to have to report this to the Chief.
Fernando: Look you, we may share the same first name, but you don’t have my Spanish Royal Attitude. Now, I'm going to tell you this once and only once. Once they are dressed and ready to go- we are going to the Roman Safe house, where they will finish their rest and start training for this new mission. Until then... like Greta Garbo used to say, "We Like To Be Left Alone..."... This is no longer a safe haven anymore, and the sooner I get them out of here, the better. Capeesh?!!
Dr. Bianchi: The Roman Safe House?
Fernando: Not your safe house, but my former agency's safe house. I will have Marco driven there, I have a lot of questions to ask.
Dr. Bianchi: Questions?
Fernando: Questions for him to answer, not you. Now, if there anything I can help you with?
Dr. Bianchi: No...
Fernando: Good. Then leave.
Dr. Bianchi walks out of the room and can be heard walking down the hall. Tammy and Bink step out from the curtain, with bags in tow.
Fernando: You girls ready?
Tammy: What was that all about?
Fernando: Now is not the time or place to be asking questions. Lets leave while we're still alive.
His tone of voice made Tammy realize not to ask any more questions. From this point, she hears and obeys without question, if only for the moment. They walk out of the room, Fernando tells the guards to continue guarding the (empty) room and make it look like somebody is still in there. Soon they were in the parking lot, and they climb into his black Porsche 928. He puts the car into gear and slowly drives away. Once on the highway, Fernando tells them as to where they are going, or where they are not going.
Fernando: Tammy, I have to be honest with you on one thing.
Tammy: What’s that?
Fernando: We are not going to the Roman Safe House.
Tammy: Then where are we going?
Fernando: Someplace else, but someplace you had been to before.
Tammy: Where would that be?
Fernando: You will know when we get there. Right now, I cant say or do anything.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo had finished the modifications to the truck and had tested it and was happy with its performance. He loaded it up with his gear in case he needed to leave in a hurry. Hondo stopped by the computer room and told CCC he was goin' out to watch at the hospital for a while. He hopped in the truck and took off, usin' backroads and going the wrong way several time, in case he was followed. Hondo made it too the hospital just as Fernando was loadin' the gals into his Porche . Hondo knew somethin' was up as Fernando was suppose to call him first before they loaded up. Fernando took off in a huury and Hondo jumped onto his tail. the Speedometer on the truck only read 120, but it could now double that easily. as they hit the straight-a-ways the truck bounced along behind Fernando, at a safe distance, at a speed close to 120mph and at time exceedin'.
OCC: sorry I've not been doin' much lately. Been really busy with real life.
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
Jeanette Isabelle wrote:
The lady mouse hands Anne and Franco a slip of paper, folded in half. "From here on out I will contact you either by pay phone or disposable cell phone. This is the protocol we will use. Memorize it."
Anne and Franco memorize the instructions and then hands it back to the female mouse who then slides the suitcase to Anne. "This will more than cover the costs. Wait for further instructions."
 - - - - -
Anne receives a call on her cell phone. She checks the caller I.D. It's a pay phone. "Anne speaking." She answers. A few seconds later she gets out a pad and pen and scribbles down a number. "Got it." Anne remains quiet as she receives further instructions followed by a pause on the other end.
"Got it." Anne hangs up her cell phone.
- - - - -
Flying was not so bad when you were in control of the aircraft.....
Rose thinks to herself as she piloted Hondo's foldable helicopter across the landscape. Now....where were they? Ah yes! Fernando's Porsche fairly flew along the road as Hondo's truck kept good pace behind. Rosie fought to keep up with them without flying past. But....how to land this contraption.
She wasn't sure she could do it, but Rose brought the copter down smoothly into the back of Hondo's truck. Just as she landed she noticed his surprised expression as he glanced in the rearview. She shut off the motor and managed to crawl from the helicopter through the back window of the truck and into the seat, hanging on for dear life the whole time.
"Hey Rosie. Decided to join us?" Hondo asked in his usual unruffled manner.
"Well, you know when there's an adventure to be had I just can't stay away." she smirked.
-End Page 10
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YaBB Administrator
NY City

Posts: 2320
Gender: male
Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #13 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:30pm
Page 11
- - - - -
Hondo I. Sackett wrote:
Hondo stopped by the computer room and told CCC he was goin' out to watch at the hospital for a while.
 - - - - -
"Noted." says the AI as Hondo hurries out.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo was glad Rosie joined him as it got lonely on the road at times and they seemed to be travalin' further from the Roman safe house all the time. Rosie had changed out of her sea clothes before leavin' the ship and had changed into a black hat, leather coat and boots combo that closely resembled Hondo,s brown hat, leather coat and black boots. She had also brought along her shotgun and matchin' pistols, which were loaded for bear. They chatted 'bout this, that and the other, but the main topic was the present situation. gadget had Radioed the Enterprise earlier 'bout the problem with Chip and Dale, and had Given them Midnights local, only to be shared with Fernando and Hondo. Rosie relayed this all to Hondo. they talked 'bout that and what to do. Hondo began recognizin' the scenery after a while.
"I've been here before." Hondo said.
"really? when?" Rosie asked.
"Last time I believe, but . . . wait! i think i know where he is takin' them." Hondo said.
"Where?" Rosie asked.  
- - - - -
Alex II was going over the maps of Solviana as he got a call
Alex II: Yea this is Alex II talk to me
Officer of the NSA: Hay This is Agent Smith of NSA We Trace that Letter to Chip and Dale and it came from Solviana also that we learn that the Solviana government is Tie in with the LSD means that we may got a shady government on our hands
Alex II: Why the Government of Solviana want to help LSD Trafficers? Well we got a Problem now and Thanks
Agent Smith; Your welcome
*Then he Calling Nando
Alex II: Hay Nando This is Alex II My Agent told me that the Letter was addrest to Chip and Dale it came from Solviana also he say that the Government in Solviana is Tie in with the LSD Trafficers Yea so let them know also I Need to find your hide out so were are you I am coming to see you anyway too later on *While he stay on the phone*
Severe Weather Eddie
- - - - -
It had been several days since the brief stop in Gaeda. Now, the battleship USS Texas was just weighing anchor in La Spezia. The large Italian port had been a welcome two-day stay, and many of the locals had come out to see the giant ship. The crew had had a good time, and no crises had occurred. It was a good stay in Captain Dixon's book.
Captain Dixon was on the bridge, watching as his crew prepared the Texas prepared to depart for the next stop on the tour: Geona. The large port was about a day's worth of constant steaming up the Italian coast. The battleship would spend another few days there, and then turn around and head south back towards Rome, bound for Italy's main naval base at Taranto.
A crewman approached the vulpine captain from behind.
"Sir, Intel received a message for you."
Eddie turned around, and the sailor saluted quickly. Eddie returned the salute and then accepted the message. He read it quickly. Basically, it briefly stated that there were suspicions that the LSD traffickers were possibly operating in Slovenia, and might actually be being aided by the government of Slovenia itself. It mentioned neither Alex II nor whether there were any operations to investigate further. Eddie guessed that they probably were, since they had taken the time to notify Texas.
"Thank you, sailor. Dismissed."
"Yes, sir." the sailor saluted again, and then turned and left.
Eddie had been keeping tabs on the situation in Italy. Or rather, Fleet Intelligence had, and had been sending daily reports to the Texas. Eddie had insisted on reviewing all of them. He didn't know exactly what these "Cafe" people were up to this time, but he figured that it would be worthwhile to find out. Particularly given what had happened the last time he had been to Italy.
We'll probably be making for Trieste, soon enough, he mused. The Italian port of Trieste was right on the border of Italy and Slovenia. If the Slovenian government was sanctioning drug running, an American battleship right off their coast just might make the government think twice about it. Particularly with a few well placed words from Washington, and the knowledge that the 11" sabot rounds developed for the Texas's main guns could reach 90% of the country. The shells had been tested, and had a maximum range of 115 miles. They were GPS guided, and accurate to within three feet of a target.
The blast of the ship's whistle interrupted Eddie's thoughts as she cast off. A pair of tugs had pulled alongside in order to help the ship ease away from the pier. The USS San Jacinto was already underway, and was ahead of the Texas heading for open sea. Eddie casually strolled into the wheelhouse to watch his crew working.
"All ahead one-third."
An Italian pilot was guiding the battle wagon out of port and clear of the harbor. It was a bit of tricky maneuvering for the battleship, since she was so large. She had barely fit at the Italian Navy's larges pier. The Italian base was protected by an artificial sea wall, the opening of which was barely large enough for the battleship to squeeze through. In fact, in order to exit, Texas had to literally spin on a dime around 45 degrees. This is where the tugboats would come in handy, as the ship had no thrusters or azipods.
"Ten degrees right rudder."
Slowly the battleship began to turn towards the sea wall opening.
"Dead slow."
As the ship drifted, inching ahead, a tug attached itself to the stern of the ship and started to push sideways, acting to spin the warship in place an align it with the exit. The entire process took about fifteen minutes, but finally the bow of the ship pointed seaward.
"Ahead one-third."
The battleship began moving again, as the tugs cast off from the ship. They gave parting blasts on their horns, and then moved off. After clearing the sea wall around the naval base, the Texas had to clear another sea wall at the entrance to La Spezia harbor. After that, she was ready for the voyage across the open sea.
After clearing the sea wall, the harbor pilot left the ship to return to shore. Eddie took the opportunity to thank him.
"Oh, no, thank you! Your ship, she is a dream to handle! Very maneuverable, she turns quite nicely! I would not have thought it possible from so large a warship!"
"Why, thank you, sir," Eddie replied. "Have a good day."
"You too, captain, you too! Arrivaderchi!"
After the harbor pilot left, Texas crew took over again.
"All ahead, standard!"
The engine telegraph rang, and the battleship started picking up speed as she gracefully turned northwards, following the San Jacinto.
- - - - -
Fernando's cell phone picks up the message Alex II sends, as he continues to drive. 'No way I'm going to answer that while I'm driving over 150...'
From Nemi, they arrive at the former safe house that they used before in a couple of hours, parking the Porsche in the rear of the house. Tammy and Bink go into the house as Fernando waits outside A pick up truck drives into the driveway, Hondo and Rose step out when they stop the vehicle.
Fernando: Good afternoon Hondo...hello Rose.
Hondo: Howdy... I see you went back to the old place.
Fernando: Its just a lay over. Just enough to the hospital funk off the girls. Then we go to Rome, though this would be a better place for operations. Its too obvious to stay here for any length of time.
Hondo: I know what you mean.
Fernando: The girls have a hour to wash up and dress up, so we can leave. The frig is open to all, but I cant promise if it was restocked since our last visit.
Hondo: I brought a few things, for just in case.
Fernando: Save it until we get to the Roman Safe House. By the way- Anybody followed you?
Hondo: We went too fast for anybody to keep up.
Fernando: Still. Rose, you saw anyone?
Rose: Nobody as far as I could see.
Fernando: Good.
They waited for Tammy and Bink to wash up and dress up, though it too longer than expected. Fernando sent Rose in to check upon them. Hondo and Fernando raided the frig, and took what little was there. After another hour of watching TV, the girls came down, much better looking and smelling than they had when they came in. All gotten into their prospective vehicles and drove for the next 2 hours to the Roman Safe House.
- - - - -
They arrive late in the afternoon when they get to the Safe House in Rome. Frankly, at this point, Fernando is tired, but he pushes on to get them their as fast and safe as possible. After parking the car, he tells the girls to go inside the safe house. He goes in after them, walking past the others who were already milling around the first floor. He goes up the stairs to a locked room, putting a key into the door's lock.
He walks into the room, letting the door slam locked, putting his under the pillow of the bed and gets on the bed after kicking on his shoes. For the first 1/2 hour, he just laid there staring at the ceiling.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
there were not many rooms in the safe house so Hondo allowed the girls all to have a room. Rosie tried to get Hondo to use a room and told him she would share one, but there were not enough beds for that. So as it was evenin' now, Hondo won the argument and Rosie took a room. Hondo stayed up another 4 hours and when over the vehicles for minor maintenance and looked over the place some more just to see what was a bout that he might have missed earlier. he finally got a shower and went to the livin' room. it was quite there and the couch was soft. Hondo cocked his .45 colt and laid it in his chest as he laid back to get a little sleep before mornin'.
'*who knows what were in for this time?*' Hondo half thought and have muttered as he drifted off into a light sleep as was his custom on a mission.
- - - - -
After a couple of hours of napping, Fernando wakes up. Not exactly 100%, but he'll take what he has as long as its just above passing. He freshens himself up, uses the facilities and goes down stairs. He raids the freshly stocked refrigerator for some food. He looks at everyone staring at him as he stuffs his maw.
Fernando (with a mouth full of food): What?
CCC: Do you have any input as to where we should concentrate our efforts on?
Fernando: Actually, no. That’s your job. My job, for now is to keep Tammy safe and get her strength up to a respectable level again, and I got 3 days to do it. Until then, there is too much to do and too little time to do it in.
After a brief pause (to swallow the food being eaten)...
Fernando: Access the SWA and Police computers for patterns in drug dealing arrests and dealers whereabouts.
CCC and Alex II research for the data with what little computing and internet access power the research pc had. At first it just looks like random data, but even Randomness has a pattern to it, it has to be found.
Fernando: You know, Alex... Tammy maybe related to you, but you are allowing yourself to be too involved because of the relationship. That will only get in your way of doing a proper job and somebody is going to get hurt. Its best to keep such feelings locked up and allow people- including the ones you love, get hurt. All you can do is pick up the pieces later. This is the only way that SHE is going to learn on how to be a good spy in this game, and in learning, she is going to have to go through some pain. She is just realizing that now. Tammy- see you in an hour in the basement. Your advanced training begins then.
- - - - -
Alex II hearing Nando Saying this "Nando I know but I won’t let Tammy know that until This Mission is over and once we got rid of the LSD then I will Tell her but Just Part of it she have to Figure out the past her self too also that ring she got on her finger too she have to Do that by her self but I am just giving her some clues to the past and Future also I just then he lead nando to another part of the room so Tammy and Bink can’t hear them "I don’t’ want Tammy or Bink to here this but her Mother made me Promest that I will keep a Eye on them and I can’t brake that Promest I never Brake Promest Rember I never quit on the job When it Finshnes I Never
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
as soon as Hondo drifted off to sleep everyone else got up. they were ready to Eat and talk and Hondo just wanted a nap. He knew if sleep were to be had it would not be here. Rosie tried to get him to use a room again, but He didn't want to be that close to the noise and any little noise wakes him easily when he is in this mode. Hondo instead grabbed a couch pillow and his heavy duster and went to the basement. He heard Fernando enter the kitchen behind him, but he was tired and if Fernando wanted him he could find him. Hondo found a nice clean spot back under a bench in the open spot in the basement and he crawled back there and settled into sleep again it took him 15 minutes to settle back down and start to doze off. It was too bad he did not know Fernando and Tammy had a meetin' at this spot in 45 minutes for trainin' and too bad no one knew where he was.
- - - - -
After finishing his meal, Fernando washes his dish, glass and silverware; putting them away where they belong on the dish rack. He takes a time out and go through the channels of the satellite TV, finding nothing on the 9999 channels. The local and national news were still going through their daily commentary, which Fernando knew was government printed material since the government controls over 95% of the news media.
Bink and Tammy come down stairs and sit on the livingroom chairs. Bink had her viola case, with her FN-P90 inside. She pulls out the machine gun and starts to disassemble it and cleans each part with such expertise that it belies that she is just a child and not a preprogrammed child cyborg assassin proficient in using many weapon and being able to kill with what every was put into her hand, even if that thing put into her hands was a bible. all Tammy was able to do was to stare at her sister as she worked.
Fernando: What's wrong Tammy, not used to having your sister do that?
Tammy: No.
Fernando: Just observe. See how she throws all her concentration on completing the task. How deliberate her actions are, in not making a mistake.
Tammy does not answer, being fixated on her sister's actions. Fernando rests back against the sofa. Within a 1/2 hour's time, Bink has her P90 cleaned, oiled and reassembled. She goes through the motions to make sure that every component moves freely and without binding or sticking. She then takes out her SIG Sauer P239 and dismantles it to be cleaned. She makes easy work of the handgun, taking less than 1/2 the time to take it apart, clean it and put it back together. Tammy takes her SIG Sauer P239 and places on the table in front of Bink. Bink looks at it and then at Tammy. Tammy just nods at her, moving closer to see how its done. Bink unarms the weapon and places the single bullet in the chamber back into the magazine, and the magazine at the far end of the table. Bink goes slower in dismantling Tammy's hand gun, pointing out how she lays out each part on the table and how she cleans each piece. As the gun is reassembled, each piece is pointed out and oiled. After a few tests, Bink rearms the gun and hands it back to Tammy. Tammy looks at it.
Fernando: Its not for cracking acorns, you know.
Tammy looks at him with a mean look. Fernando pulls out his American Arms .45 Model 1984 and places it on the table. The AA.45 is about 3 times larger than the SIG Sauers.
Fernando: Now, that’s for cracking acorns... and Brazil nuts.
Tammy looks at the gun, and has a difficult time in lifting it up. Bink reaches for it, and lifts it out of Tammy's hand as if it weighed nothing.
Tammy: How...
Fernando: She's not 100% Squirrelly you know. You forget that she is, from what I can figure, 30% cybernetic mechanized artificial body.
Bink slides the mechanism, finding it being able to move with little effort and as smooth as glass on glass. A bullet round pops out and lands on the table. She stops herself from dismantling it. Fernando picks up the bullet and slowly takes the gun from Bink, placing it on his lap. He then takes Tammy's gun and ejects a round from it, and then places the two rounds side by side.
Fernando: Lesson 1- the size of the bullet does not matter, but it does help. The type of bullets is another factor to deal with, but lets say that in all cases, we are dealing with cheap rounds. Only way to effectively stop anyone is to put 2 rounds to the middle of the body or one to the head. Don’t let the adrenaline keep you from holding the trigger down and wasting all your bullets. Don’t waste time using your sites to aim. By the time you have got them aimed, they would have shot you. Its best to point your arm and hold your gun straight in the general direction at close range and that should be enough to hit your target. Finally, you have to remain calm while in a gun battle. The calmer you are, the easier it will be to win. One panicked thought enters your hand and you'll so something crazy or stupid and those shooting at you will take you out. Do I make myself clear?
Tammy: Yes sir...
Fernando: Understanding theory is one thing, Tammy. Applying theory into practice, is something totally different.
- - - - -
The AI bat had been quietly sitting in the corner of the room, watching. It had also generated a four-dimensional graph of Italian drug dealer arrest places and times and tried a half-a-dozen different regressions, all falling well outside acceptable error bounds; it had tried comparing them with maps of the cities and found little; the best pattern it had found so far, in fact, was that arrests seemed to be related to the weather. If it was raining, arrest rates went down. If it was not, arrest rates went up.
It had then compared arrest rates to the time of day (both the solar and sidreal day), with some success - unfortunately, nothing useful had come from the analysis.
It was therefore now trying to find the drug dealers by running through email servers; hundred, thousands, millions of emails, trying to see if any of them appeared to be related to the drug trade...
- - - - -
Hondo hadn't listened to her and she got sick of arguing with him. Fine! If he woke up in a bad mood it wasn't HER fault. But....where had he gone?
Rosie was trying to read in a chair on the other side of the room from where Fernando was instructing the girls. However, she was an easily distracted person and watching Bink re assemble her guns was far too interesting. She then peered interestedly around her book at the three as Fernando went over Lesson 1.
Mmm....I wonder if I could take apart my Peacemakers. Rosie thought with a yawn. The guns were tucked carefully in shoulder holsters under her jacket. Nah! I'd probably never get them back together again.
Rose decided she wanted a drink, so she wandered downstairs to the basement. She started nosing around in the spare fridge for a cream soda. What was that noise? Sort of a soft sighing....a gentle snoring even... Snoring?? Rose instinctively put her other hand to one of her guns and turned around. Her bright green eyes searching the space behind her.
She let go her gun and shut the fridge, soda in hand, when she saw what it was. Kneeling beside the bench with an amused smirk, Rosie drew the heavy duster further over the sleeping form.
"Goodnight, Hondo." she said quietly enough to not wake him as she left the basement.
- - - - -
Sometimes in an investigation, you have to look outside of the events and find of there are other parallels going on at the sametime. What outside influences are there, how they are influencing the course of events.
Known facts:
-Italy has been at edge of civil war for several years now.
-Former political groups have became terrorist groups. They are known as Padania and the Five Republics
-Population on the Northern 1/2 of Italy is supportive of the terrorist. They want to remain isolated from the larger political scheme that is hitting the rest of Europe: Globalization.
-The Southern 1/2 of Italy and ruling political parties is in favor of Globalization.
-The Italian Prime Minister is control of the 80% of the Italian News Media. The most of the remaining percentage follows with the majority. The tiny percentage that goes against the government backed media are labeled 'Tabloids'
Other facts:
-If the North is successful in separating itself from the South, The Italian people would not want a divided Italy, and thus, another civil war will break out to unify the nation with the North to rule over the South. Some believe that the North is already being influenced by outside factions.
-During this time, the north will be open to invading influences from surrounding nations, i.e.: Slovania.
-The SWA Section 1 and 2 were created to stop these political radicals and terrorists from being successful in their task. Section 1 is more militaristic in their policing, and have not been successful in their intell gathering (like the FBI in the USA). Section 2, and its use of child-cyborgs in their intel and policing tactics, have been highly successful because they are able to hide within the population and bend the rules to their needs.
-SWA Section 2 is the only unit using cyborgs, and are using this technology on children who lives have been brought back. This version of the technology gives normal abilities that are augmented by a factor. This means at the minimum- 10X stronger, and faster. But it also shortens their lives, as medication is required to keep the pain that the cyborgnetic implants generates to a minimum. This medication also alters the emotional and mental conditioning of the cyborg. Past experiments with Adults cyborgs have failed, at least in Italy. Other nations have their own versions of their own cyborg programs; including: The USA, French, Germany, China, Russia...
-Events in the rest of the world goes along the lines of Globalization: Nations unifying their economies and resources (and eventually their borders to form a super nation) to over empower smaller organized nations and alliances ( i.e.: OPEC ).
Other facts are to be found.
Fernando: The problem is in your head, Tammy. To be a number one player in this spy game, one has to get to believe in themselves that what they are doing is for a greater that is outside of themselves. Whether it is for a national belief or a societal belief, or a personal ideal to a national or societal belief, it is not for one's self to take for themselves. This is the wrong type of game to be a mercenary in; in short, you must be willing to die, but before you do, you are going to fight on levels you though at one time were impossible for you to do. All those promises you made for yourself of being a girl and that you would not hurt anyone during your lifetime to you could go to heaven- will all be broken.
Tammy: Why are you telling me all this?
Fernando: Its something for you to know. The actions you take, do not judge you into going into heaven or not. It is the ramifications of those actions, if it advances others to a betterment of themselves, no matter how small, is what does. it is that belief that has driven others into martyrdom, in taking on greater forces, and fighting battles that they would lose, but only finding themselves as winners. Now I can not tell you whether there is an after life or not, because that is based on a personal belief, but I can say this much is true- there is an afterlife once you are gone and that it is based on the history you had created for all to remember you by. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
Tammy: I think so.
Fernando: Then explain it to me.
Tammy: Uhm... Do what I think is right for others...
Fernando: Yes...
Tammy: Even if I do bad things, if it helps others, then I would be remembered in a more positive light...?
Fernando: In the most simplistic terms- yes.
Tammy: But there is more?
Fernando: People are evil, Tammy. All that they care about is of their own self righteous causes. You are no worth to them than a worn pair of soiled underwear. You are either to be cleaned and fixed or eliminated. You have just a few choices to make, and right now, you have decided to follow a certain path that you think is right. I'm not here to question it, but I am here to make sure that you follow it through to the end.
Tammy: How do you think this will end?
Fernando: I'll be lying to you if I told you that it will be happily ever after. Look, do be doing this thinking that there will be a reward or a medal when its over. Now, Rose...
Rose: Yes... sir?
Fernando: Wake Hondo, feed him some of the poisoned java-juice to wake him. I'm going to need the basement in 15 minutes. And while I'm using it, Rose...
Rose: Yes?
Fernando: Don’t worry if you hear screaming while we are there.
Rose: OK...
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
OOC: As much as she despises the SWA, I am beginning to believe Anne would be a better handler for Bink than her sister Tammy.
-End Page 11
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NY City

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Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #14 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:31pm
Page 12
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Hondo hated coffee....she knew this was not going to be easy.
Rosie filled a cup and tiptoed down the basement stairs again. Hondo was still snoring contentedly under the bench. He looked so peaceful, she hated to wake him. Oh well.
"Hey." She said softly as she knelt beside the bench. No response. Setting down the coffee, Rose reached over and moved a tendril of blonde hair away from Hondo's eye before shaking him by the shoulder "Hey! Wake up!" she said a little louder.
"Hmm? Oh, hey Rosie. What's up?" Hondo said as he blinked a few times and slipped on his glasses.
"F-Fernando wants the basement and told me to wake you." She took a long pull of her cream soda before she pressed the cup of coffee into his hands. "I know you detest this stuff, but Fernando told me to give it to you."
Hondo took a sip and wrinkled his nose at the coffee. He eyed Rose carefully, a half concerned look on his face "You ok? You seem nervous."
Rose glanced up the stairs and swallowed visibly. She summarized the speech Fernando had given Tammy. "And then he told me he needed the basement in.....just over ten minutes now." she said. "He said not to worry if I heard screaming." She glanced pale and large-eyed at Hondo as he tried to force down more coffee. She always tried so hard to not be afraid of so many things, but it never worked.
"Well, we better get out of his way then." Hondo said as he heaved himself from the floor. "Would you like me to sit with you upstairs in case it get a little loud down here?" He sounded unconcerned as he looked her calmly in the eye. Rosie just blinked a few times, but nodded. Hondo followed her back upstairs, still not entirely awake.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo walked slowly up the stairs to the livin' room. He sat down on the couch scowled at his coffee then at Fernando.
"I hate coffee, but I abhor this sheep dip you make!" Hondo growled.
"It won't kill you. wake you fast though. just don't let Rose have any, it might kill her." Fernando said with a straight face. Rose turned a little whiter at that comment. Hondo just harumphed.
"Is he serious?" Rose asked Tammy.
"I don't know, but i wouldn't doubt him1" Tammy said. Roses eyes got bigger.
"Well, your basement is Free, at the price of wakin' me, for your beat up on Tammy session." Hondo said flatly. Tammy's eyes now got big.
"Thanks." Fernando said.
"if the screamin' stops, I'll come check to make sure you both are still breathin'." Hondo muttered.
"fine. Come on Tammy." Fernando said. A still wide eyed Tammy followed. as the door closed to the basement, Rose was still standin' starin' at the door.
"Come sit down by me, Rose. I think the history channel has a western history special on." Hondo said. that helped snap her out of it. She sat down right next to Hondo and started to shiver. Hondo knew the poor little gal was scared now. He put a soft blanket over her shoulders and put his arm 'round her to give her a reasurin' hug.
"Don't worry little lady, Fernando knows what he is doin'. He won't hurt her bad. She just has to learn a few things and it can be painful when you first learn new things of this nature." Hondo said with a still half asleep smile and a wink. Rose gave him a half smile. she then leaned her head against his shoulder and tried to concentrate on the history special instead of what might be goin' on downstairs.
- - - - -
Fernando tells Tammy to stand in the middle of the room, while he takes Bink to a set of shelves on the wall. He whispers something to her ear and she hands over her guns to him. He places her weapons on the shelf, and then pins something to her shirt and stuffs it down her collar, but Tammy did not noticed this action. Bink then goes to stand by Tammy.
Fernando: Tammy?
Tammy: Yes?
Fernando: Just making sure that you are still paying attention.
Fernando takes out his gun and switches magazines, after doing a bit of searching for the right one.
Tammy: What is this place?
Fernando: Its a weapons locker area of sorts. The good stuff is in the sub basement under the garage.
Tammy: Oh? Are we going there?
Fernando: Not just yet.
Fernando has a little difficulty with his gun, but finally gets it in order.
Fernando: Are you going to do what I tell you to do?
Tammy: I will try my best, sir...
Fernando: No. You are going to do what I tell you to do. Understand what that means.
Tammy: What do you mean?
Fernando draws his gun to Bink and pulls the trigger. Bink falls on the floor, bleeding from a chest wound.
Tammy (bending down to Bink and yelling loudly): NOOOOOOOOOOO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!! WHY?!!!
Tammy picks Bink up and holds her close to her. Fernando walks to Tammy, placing the gun to her temple.
Fernando: Put the body down.
Tammy: NOOO!!!
Fernando: Tammy, this is your final chance, put the body down...
Tammy: Are You Going To Kill Me Too? Go Ahead Then!
Fernando: Have it your way then... Bink, smack her.
Bink springs back to life and gives Tammy a cold hard slap to the face. Tammy drops her sister to the floor, but Bink catches herself from falling. Tammy could only stare back her sister, and the blood covered clothes that they are now wearing.
Fernando: If this were a real mission, you would be dead along with your sister, Tammy. You have to get passed that. Bink is already trained to continue onward if her handler- in this case- you- are killed in battle. The success of the mission depends on this. You have to continue without Bink if she were to be killed in a mission.
Tammy just sits there, doing poorly on her sorting out of her emotions. Fernando takes his gun and places it at her chest between her breasts.
Fernando: You have to take all that anger and all that emotion in there and turn them into action that will complete the mission. You have to take all that negativity and turn it into something positive. If you don’t, you fail. You fail, you are dead. I'm not going to accept failure...
Fernando walks away as Tammy starts to cry. She stops after a while.
Fernando: Bink, you think you can teach her?
Bink: I don’t know.
Fernando: Why not?
Bink: Most of my control comes from the conditioning medication.
Fernando: Don’t let that fool you. Teach her the basics of mission objectives.
Bink tries to tell Tammy what she knows: Gather orders, assess the mission/area/targets, take over actions, take actions, reassess mission/orders, complete mission.
Fernando finds a couple of folding chairs for them to sit on...
- - - - -
Alex II heading to his car "Rose Tell Nando I am Going out Be Right back " Then he get into his Car and Drove into Town
- - - - -
Fernando: Killing is not right... unless there is no other options to take. Self defense, defense of others, protection of yourself and of others. When they have considered you as a threat to their existence that you should be eliminated, when they have put a value on your life that you are worth little or nothing to them, but- worst of all, a reward on your head which others would dare collect on. Killing is a final solution to a problem, and once you have done it once, the rest are easy. I'm telling you this from experience- its easy to kill. Its easy to take an action that terminates somebody else's life. But you have to decide for yourself whether or not you can live with yourself after doing this. Because in the end, its going to be their life or yours that continues while the other ends.
Tammy: I think I understand.
Fernando: You don’t. Bink, how many you think you killed over the years?
Bink: About 85 bad guys.
Fernando: And when you kill, what are you thinking?
Bink: That I'm doing this to stop them from hurting and killing other people. That I'm protecting them, my handler and myself from their future actions. That I am mad because of what they have done, and that they don’t care about anyone else but for themselves.
Fernando: And you are willing to do this, even if it means that you may get hurt or killed in the process?
Bink: I'm willing to do this because I am stronger and faster than they are, and getting hurt or killed is part of the job, although at most with my cyborg parts, killing me is almost impossible, and hurting me is pointless. The pain just goes away quickly and I continue with the job.
Fernando: 85...
Bink: Give or take.
Fernando: I've only killed 19 or 20 in my time. But its all the same. Tammy?
Tammy: Yes?
Fernando: You sure you are up to this?
Tammy: I will do as I must.
Fernando: Initiation By Fire, then.
Tammy: Huh?
Fernando: Before you wake up tomarrow- you will have killed your first tonight.
Tammy: I cant.
Fernando: You must and you will.
Tammy: Why?
Fernando: Its to make all your other killings easier. But also, because you will be put into a situation where you will have to kill another in order to save yourself. Go wash up and then rest. I'll see about arrangements about later tonight.
Tammy: I am not going to hunt another being so I could kill them.
Fernando: No, you are not. But you will be placed in a situation, where you will have to defend yourself, and the only way to get out of it is to kill your way out of it.
Tammy: And if I refuse?
Fernando puts his gun in front of her.
Fernando: Put that to your temple and pull the trigger. Even though its loaded with blanks right now, at that range- blanks can kill. Look at what happened to Brandon Lee.
Bink takes the gun as Tammy reaches for it and pushes it away.
Bink: I'll be nearby to help you...
Fernando takes his gun and holsters it.
Fernando: There are many 'Rule Number 1', this one is- never allow yourself to be in a knife's range when you have a gun. By the time you aim to shoot, they would have put the knife into your belly. Always keep yourself at a distance further than double your arm's reach. Always have a way to step back. And always be able to point your gun to shoot and hit your target without aiming. One shot is all you need to slow them down.
Tammy: Is that all?
Fernando: For now.
Fernando reaches to the shelf on the wall, picking up a small packet that look like a sealed moist towelette packet with a clip on its back. He leans over to Tammy and clips it to her shirt. She looks at it, wondering what it is.
Fernando: Just one thing though, Tammy.
Tammy: What's that?
Fernando upholsters his gun and aims it towards her but to miss. He pulls the trigger, which is followed by a loud bang, and Tammy feels a slight thump or kick to her chest, as the package ruptures open and spills red-blood like fluid on her shirt.
Fernando: You're dead.
Tammy takes her fingers to the red fluid as oozes down her shirt and sniffs it.
Fernando: Yeah... Raspberry extract makes a convincing blood splatter. Don’t you think?
Tammy just looks at it, then at him, and nods slightly.
Fernando: Lets go up stairs.
Midnight Man
- - - - -
Midnight comes down the stairs from his room and sees Giacomo sit at his desk. In front of him is his computer, a satellite phone, a two-way radio, and an assortment of other devices. The desk itself is built into the cupboards in his living-room and can be hidden by folding upward the part on which the keyboard and the mouse are lying.
"Any news?" he asks.
"Little," Giacomo replies. "I was able to gather some intell about these mice in black. They call themselves 'Onyx,' by the way. They're supporting that local Mafia group who in turn do a lot of dirty work for them. And according to unproved rumors, their support might reach as far as the LSD traffickers. But so little is known about them that the Rescue Rangers had no clue as to whom they had hired to help you, and they took their chance to try and take you out. These people are so self-confident that they didn't even take into consideration that you might survive and get away with their stuff."
"They're limited to Rome?"
"Rome and the surrounding area which includes Nemi."
"How many are they? With that influence, they need to be several hundred."
"Actually, and that's something I found out recently, they're just about two dozen, but they're equipped with lots of high-tech gadgetry."
Midnight takes a chair and sits down next to Giacomo. "And yet they can't tap satellite phone."
"Not since they were made believe satellite phone is dead. Another reason why they must never find my hideout, let alone my equipment."
"So what shall we do now? Sitting around and waiting for intell or orders leads to nothing."
"What can we do?" Giacomo asks. "You, in particular, are wanted dead or alive by these people. They'd hunt you!"
"Well, in that case, we're gonna turn things around. And hunt them for a change!"
For a while, Giacomo thinks silently before he speaks again. "Is it true what the RAS says about your team? That you've got everything from former SWA cyborg assassins to a battleship?"
"That, and a lot in between it. Do you still believe we've got no chance?"
"Uhm..." Giacomo clearly doesn't know what to say. He has never worked with a bunch of semi-professional crime-fighters with such a firepower.
"So, where shall we go to find these guys?"
"Er... The best would be..."
"Nemi?" Midnight suggests. "For that's where my folks are. And if the Onyx are after me, they're after them, too. This has to stop."
A few minutes later, a dark green Landrover Defender leaves the forest, heading for Nemi.
- - - - -
"Hondo? Do you know where Fernando is?" asks the AI, holding a book.
"In the basement, not to be disturbed. What's that book?"
"A full list of every match I've found to the times and places of arrests related to LSD in Italy. The closest match appears to be the feed from a weather satellite in..."
Hondo, flipping through the book, interrupts. "Most of this stuff looks like coincidence."
"It probably is, but I have trouble telling the difference between coincidence and noncoincidence."
- - - - -
Rosie had nearly passed out at the first gunshot and Tammy's screams, but she pulled herself together. I really should be taking notes on this TV show. She thought. At the second shot she stiffened again and didn't realize her hand was closed like a vice on Hondo's arm until he patted it and tried to pry it off.
Rose peeked over Hondo's shoulder at the book. She looked from CCC to Hondo and back again.
"What does a weather satellite have to do with LSD arrests."
"Coincidence." Hondo dismissed the AI with a wave. Just then Fernando, Tammy, and Bink burst in from the basement. The blood colored spatter all over the girls clothes caused her to gawk for a minute.
"Stuff keeps getting weirder and weirder around here." she said to herself. She returned her focus to the TV as she picked at a popcorn-oil stain on her purple t-shirt saying to Fernando "Tell me if we are heading out somewhere, I need to change clothes first."
- - - - -
Fernando (to Rose): You have a few hours to rest up. We move at 11pm.
Hondo: Where are we going?
Fernando: A little 'On of the job training.'
Hondo: Huh?
Fernando: She needs to learn how to deal with certain situations.
Hondo: What are you planning?
Fernando: I'm just going to release her to wild life of the night.
Hondo: That would be dangerous for her.
Fernando: It would be dangerous, if she is not able to act fast enough. Now, all of us here are in a situation where our lives are worth the brown stuff on a used piece of toilet paper to those we are about to go up against. If Tammy can not fight back on her own accord and ability, then we might as well give up on this.
Hondo: And if she gets hurt?
Fernando: That’s the price that needs to be paid. If she can get beyond this, then we can continue with the case. OK- I know what you're thinking... Lets leave it at that.
Hondo: I'm not into getting our own kind hurt if it is possible.
Fernando: Remember your first fight? So, you got hurt, but you fought back, right? Well, Tammy needs to be a fighter and not be a victim.
- - - - -
Alex II Came back but his hand will be a little blood since he had a fight with couple of Onyx
Alex II: Well that will be a good Ideal for her Nando I Just Run into a Couple Onyx and kill them more will be in the Forest we be heading so I say it will be 20-100 I think so she need to do 20 Rest of us can take 80 Men to Shorten or 15 it your desison Nando what you say Midnight just call me a Few Minnets ago
- - - - -
Fernando: That’s good to know, Alex. Call Midnight and tell him to what he can but I prefer him to be here with us. I need to make a phone call...
Fernando walks over to the phone, pulling out a card from his pocket and dials the number on it.
Fernando: Hello Marco. It is I, Fernando. We got a bit of a situation, and need a little help. Oh? About 80 O-As (Onyx Agents) not too far from us. We'll use it as training for Tammy... yes... Tammy, but we'll need a little back up. You and Hillshire will bring the girls? Good. (Gives secret directions.) See you in about an hour? OK. Thanks.
Fernando hangs up the phone.
Hondo: Who was that?
Fernando: Remember Angelica and Triela? They're coming over for 'dinner'.
After a brief pause.
Fernando: By the way- what do we have to eat around here or do we have to hit the local supermarket for supplies?
Midnight Man
- - - - -
Midnight receives Alex's phone call as he and Giacomo have already reached Nemi. "Thanks, Alex," he replies and says to both him and Giacomo, "These guys are surely getting cheeky now. Giacomo, was it that what you meant with, 'They'll be taken care of?'"
"So to speak," Giacomo answers. "Speaking of which, do you see the van over there?"
A black Fiat Ducato is parked on the side of a street which Midnight identifies as the one the Safe House is in. Actually, the Safe House is not even far away, but not directly across the street. "Yup. That thing looks like the one they brought my bike with."
"Onyx. They're probably spying on someone. One of the buildings in this neighborhood is buggy. And today's technology makes such actions possible without the use of a huge whip antenna."
"And I think I know which house it is. End of surveillance, now comes the action."
The Landrover stops behind the van, the two cars standing back to back. Midnight gets out and busy between the two vehicles before he climbs into the Landrover's rear door. "Let's go," he says.
Giacomo carefully pushes down the accelerator, and the Landrover begins to pull the Italian van backwards. The cars slowly but steadily gain speed until suddenly the doors on the rear end open. One of the four mice in black suits asks, "Hey, what's goi-" but doesn't get any further. He sees the Landrover. He sees the mouse in the trench coat in its open rear door. Like his teammates, he reaches for his gun, but Midnight has already been holding one and aiming. Three silenced shots are barely heard, but the fourth mouse jumps out of the side door and back into the front where he sits down on the driver's seat.
"Floor it, Giacomo!" Midnight shouts. "I wanna have a look at this from outside." He jumps out, too, and steps out onto the street. Both cars accelerate at once, but the van doesn't get far. Not only has Midnight attached a rope between them, but he mounted it on the Landrover's sturdy underframe and the Fiat's rear axle which is torn out of its mounts, American Graffiti-style. The driver of the wrecked van opens the door with a gun in the other hand but is soon hit by another shot. Midnight catches him before he hits the tarmac. "Thanks, Giacomo," he says while he drags the mouse back to the Landrover. "Now get the other ropes and help me with these guys."
"Why did you tranq them instead of killing them?" Giacomo asks.
"Because dead mice don't talk," Midnight answers while he ties one of the mice in black up like a roulade. "And I suppose these guys know things I'd like to know. Probably even more than the lackeys Alex took out in the forest." He takes his phone and calls the mission leader. "Fernando? This is Midnight. First of all, your Safe House isn't that safe, I suspect it to be bug-infested. ... Yes, Onyx. We've taken care of them. You wanna interrogate them? ... Alright, I'm on my way. See you."
"What did he say?" Giacomo wants to know.
"I shall come to the Safe House as soon as possible which is right now. And yes, he wants to see these guys."
They unload the black Ducati and Midnight's several cases from the back of the Landrover and lay the four knocked-out Onyx mice into the now free space so that they don't have to carry them along the street to the Safe House. Before he gets onto the bike, Midnight puts his cases onto the Landrover's driver's seat and detaches the rope which put the van out of service from both the Landrover and the remains of the van.
(OOC: I see you seem to like the Onyx idea. Well, as I haven't planned much more for them, you may come up with more details.)
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
" of course I remember the girls, and i bought some jerky and cheese earlier, so if you want a good meal we'll have to hit the road." Hondo said.
"well, we can eat what you got for now, and stop at a restaurant later if we must." Fernando said. Fernando headed for the kitchen to see what else there was. He never seamed to appreciate Hondo's fondness of jerky and cheese. Hondo sat back on the couch again and worked on checkin' the pistols he had on him. his others he had pre-checked and had ready in the truck. Rose decided to rest some. she laid her head against Hondo's shoulder and closed her eyes. Hondo glanced at her as he cleaned his guns. Yes she reminded him of Gadget some. He started thinkin' 'bout when he and the rangers first met, his crush on Gadget and the fights they had been in. He and Gadget had became good friends fast, but did soon realize they would never be more than that. Hondo was a loner and a killer and that never sat well with her. Gadget always paid all her attention to her inventions and when on an inventin' kick, she didn't pay anyone any mind and that drove him nuts. They still kept in touch, but Hondo had only seen her on missions since she and Chip got together. he never liked Chip, but she did, so he tolerated him. after she and Chip got together, Hondo had started wanderin' again. he based out of the cafe, mostly, but was not seen much unless you count the few midnighters. he had been back from a wander that day when Tammy burst into the cafe and claimed Bink was kidnapped. It felt good to sink his teeth into a good case and to fight the odds. He acquired a lot more acquaintances and a few friends on that mission. Fernando had been one of the friends he had acquired and the other was Rose. He had talked to her a few times on the cafe before that mission, but it was just chit chat, nothin' much. at that time too Hondo had his eye set on Gadget so he didn't even notice if anyone else was 'round most of the time then. he had snapped out of it faster than some have. it was not until Hondo was on the Enterprise durin' the last mission that he and Rose had really started to talk. he didn't realize what I nice gal she was until then. He had wish he could have got to known her better on that trip, but after the mission was over Hondo stayed 'round the cafe more often to talk to his new found friends, and as he was a loner, friends were few and far between. He looked down again at the restin' Mouse girl beside him and had to smile. She had really became a good friend to him and he hoped that Friendship would last the times, no matter where his travels took him, or what the future might bring.
- - - - -
"Communique from Command, sir."
*In the center seat aboard Enterprise, RangerReady looks up, still bearing a distracted expression. Something just hadn't let him rest easy, since Rose left the ship to join the mission team. Call it apprehension, call it sentiment...call it what you like, but he has it in spades, and the worry lines etched under his midnight blue eyes bely the broken sleep cycles of the past several nights. Yawning, he takes the sheaf of paper in hand.*
"Anything of note to report?"
"You...might want to read it for yourself, sir."
*A spark of intuition flashes in RR's eyes, and he comes fully alert, diving into the short stack of paper with intensity. Scanning the main body of the text, his expression turns to one of shock...then irritation...then worry...and then a combination of the three.*
"Get the acting XO up here. I need someone to take the bridge, and take it now!"
"Where're you going, Captain?"
*Gesturing across the Italian landscape, RangerReady heads out the rear doors of the bridge, shouldering out of his uniform jacket as he goes.*
"Where do you think?"
*As he disappears belowdecks, an annoyed growl is heard by the rest of the bridge crew.*
"And Command is just sending us this now?"
- - - - -
Spy work has always been the mainstay and lynch pin of many organizations, nations, wars, and battles. This one will be no different, as Fernando sits in the kitchen, tap-typing something on his PAW-device. A few seconds later, a list comes up on the printer.
Fernando: Will somebody take care of that?
Rose gets up and pulls the sheet from the printer and reads it:
12 fillet minion
2 pounds of mushrooms
1 pound of onions
assorted vegetables
tomato sauce.
wine (red, preferably a chardonnay)
{Map of the area and the nearest large supermarket is at the bottom}
Rose: Its a shopping list?
Fernando: You guys choose on who's going. I have to check the basement for more supplies (and think over this plan in silence, thanks to Midnight's new intell).
Rose looks at Hondo, who shrugs his shoulders at her. Then she turns to Alex II, who also does the same thing. Finally she looks at Tammy and Bink, who both look like Emergency Room Escapees.
Rose: What about money?
Fernando tosses a credit card to her, she catches it in mid flight.
Fernando: Don’t worry about the money. Just don’t go to the Lamborghini Dealership and think you can get a new 12V Diablo with that.
Rose: Lamborghini?
Hondo: Its one of those fancy sports cars, Rose.
Rose: I know that. But if I were to get a new car, it would be a Honda.
Hondo: A Ford pickup would be better.
Fernando: How about the food? Add some pepper hot sauce to that.
Alex II walks over to Rose and looks over the list.
Alex II: Whets ETC?
Fernando: Anything you may need due to dietary needs, Alex II. Some cheese, cold cuts and bread would be nice to add.
Rose (looking at Hondo as she starts to step out to the door): Care to come with me?
Hondo: I'll go...
Alex II: Make room for me.
Both Hondo and Alex II walk out to the house behind Rose. After a couple of minutes, Hondo's truck can be heard driving away.
Fernando walks over to CCC and hands him a slip of paper. CCC opens it and reads it.
According to Midnight, who is on  his way with a couple of prisoners, this place is bugged. It should not be, but I would not put it pasted anyone since maintenance here is kept to a minimum.
Here are the access protocols and pass codes to the USA Military KH-21 spy-sats, one is always passing over head every 3/4 hour. You can access archived images and videos for up to 6 months on them. There is a 10-minutes access limitation on them though; so its best to dump their archives to here for your processing. There are 20 KH-2 satellites that pass over us to cover the area, and their archives cover their orbital tracks.
If you like, you send a few tripods to search for the bugs and do as you like with them, while you deal with the images.
CCC acknowledges the messages with a nod.
Fernando: Tammy, there should be some clothes up stairs for you and your sister. Unless you want to lay on the floor and play dead for the rest of the night, I would advice you two to change.
-End Page 12
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NY City

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Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #15 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:32pm
Page 13
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The bat read the note, and then pulled a piece of paper out of nowhere - "The tripods are back at the Cafe; I wasn't sure I could get them through customs."
Ten minutes, on a low-bandwidth line - it took the AI three minutes to locate the black van in satellite imagery, seven to confirm that it stopped nearby at regular intervals. And fifteen minutes to locate its numberplate in the camera from a shop ten miles away... and ten seconds after that, it had the name, home address, and current location (via his cellphone) of the owner.
He appeared to be in or near the safehouse at the time... probably because Midnight had just bought him in for questioning.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
as Fernando requested Hondo set out after the food. Hondo drove his truck with Rose sittin' beside him and Alex II beside her. it was not too far to the store, but Hondo's mind was even turnin' and this time was no different. he thought 'bout the gal beside him who often had been referred to as a Gadget look a like, but if you knew her and her looks you would know there was a big difference. they were the same hight, but gadget was built with a larger frame and was really strong from heavy mechanic works, while Rose was of a smaller, thinner build, while still strong, but not as much as Gadget, which made her depend on others a little more. Gadget had an orange tinted yellow hair, that was straight, Rose had red/gold curly hair that shone like the sun and bounced with a light/softness that was ever so nice. Gadget had blue eyes that burnt with a fire of a single goal and a hint of a twinkle of naiveness, while Rosie's were a sea green that shone with a determined/carin'
light and sparkled with a pureness far greater than a pure diamond.
Gadget was mostly self reliant, and really didn't need others except for emotional issues and company. Rose was more of an involved with everyone and needed to be needed. They were both sweet, but he saw so much more in Rose than he ever saw in Gadget. he wondered to himself, * is there really a guy good enough for her?* He steeled his resolve to help her and protect her until the right one did come along.
They arrived at the store long before he had finished thinkin' on this issue. he had decided on his resolve by the time they got back out to the truck. Hondo drove back and they got back to the safe house in less than 40 min. from leavin' it and with no issues. when they got back, Fernando was waitin' for them and with somethin' on his mind.
- - - - -
Alex II Came back with SOme Pizza, Food, Drinks and Chips also Furt too like Bananas and Apples
Alex II: OH Hay Nando
Triple X saw Onxy Cars turn off on 35A to SS28 were Nando is
Triple X: Alex II You got Onxy cars heading your way in 50 Minnents
Alex II: Right *To Nando* "We got to Eat Fast They on there way 50 Minnents
- - - - -
Fernando: Leave them to me, Charles.
Fernando goes back to the basement and goes into the ammunitions section, finding a rare find. Spent Uranium .45 caliber hyper ballistic rounds. He quickly finds 4 empty .45 magazines and the rapidly fills them. He then looks over the hand guns and finds 2 1911-Goverment Automatic .45s, where he puts the magazines into. He fills his own gun with regular Federation Hollow Point rounds and holsters his weapon. He pockets the other two in his pants pocket. Looking around, he finds a couple of older flack jackets and bullet proof vests. He puts one of them on, adding to his own.
Going through the basement, he finds an old .50 belt fed aircraft machine modified for Personal Usage (as done in WW2, Korea, and Viet Nam). He puts in a 500 round belt to it and puts it over his shoulder before heading upstairs.
Fernando steps up to the living room and puts the .50 cal on the floor.
Fernando: Hondo, want to dance?
Hondo (as he looks at the belt fed .50 cal): What you mean by that?
Fernando: I need backup. You can have this little toy if we live through it.
Hondo (jumping over a chair to a closer view): Oh Yeah!
Fernando: CCC, Arm the house. I would advise everyone to go hide in the basement until we return. Bink, Guard the door. Hondo, you take the roof.
Hondo: Where will you be?
Fernando (handing Hondo the flack jacket and bullet proof vest): I'll be in the drive way. By the way- put those on.
Hondo puts on the added layers of protection.
Fernando: Lets roll.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fernando waits outside, hiding behind a tree right to the driveway entrance (its right, Fernando's left). A few minutes, nothing. But when things seemed to have been winding down, a Black van quietly pulls up to the driveway. Fernando draws both 1911's and aims at each end- front and back, releasing 4 rounds from each gun at it. Both the gas tank and oil pan goes up, throwing the van back into the street in a huge explosion. A Black Chevy Suburban pulls up to the far side of the street from the house, where several Onyx Agents step out to surround the place, only to be cut down by Hondo's Gun Work. A third Suburban drives by the first, momentarily pauses and then drives away with several of the wounded Onyx Agents missing. Only the dead and a burning van remains.
SWA Section Two Pizza van arrives a couple of minutes later, driving around the burning wreck. Fernando yells at Hondo to let it go by, as it parks itself behind the house. Marco and Hillshire step out of the van with Angelica and Triela. Three others, including Ferro, inside. The girls take their guns and position themselves in the open.
Marco: Looks like the party has started without us.
Hillshire: We'll need a clean up crew for this.
Fernando: Well, you guys know the number. Make the call. Now lets go inside.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
They gather inside the living room, the younger girls taking a corner to themselves to exchange notes. The adults on the seats in front of the 72" plasma Screen TV.
Hondo: How in Damnation you blew up that van?
Fernando drops the magazine and tosses it at Hondo.
Fernando: Look at the yellow bullets- they are Spent Uranium rounds. Upon impact with metal, they liquidify to 2000 degrees, and melt through anything. I just aimed for the gas tank and the oil pan.
Hondo can only stare at the yellowish bullets.
Fernando: They will tear up a barrel, which is why I did not put it into my gun, but used it on these spares.
Hondo: I see.
Marco: So what’s in store for Tammy?
Fernando: You know how you send your girls for their first kills? Well, its going to be applied to Tammy in a few hours. Right now, how about some dinner?
Fernando goes to the kitchen and look over the supplies, sorting things out. Tammy walks into the kitchen, and starts helping him. Bink joins them. Dinner is being created: Pasta, Fillet Minion with mushrooms and onions, small salad, and wine.
The cleaning crew cleans up the mess in Aisle 6.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
while the clean up crew worked and Fernando and Tammy got food ready, Hondo moved his truck inside the garage and got to cuttin' and weldin' a turnin' cradle for that .50 cal on his truck. He had not started long, when he noticed Rose standin' near by and watchin'. Hondo smiled and nodded for her to come closer. she Came closer to him. they talked and worked untill super was done, then after they finished. it only took 1 and 1/2 hours to complete.
- - - - -
Dinner is completed and served, as all gathered around the table. The girls helped Bink set the table, as Tammy served each plate with pasta and the Fillet Minon on top with the sauteed mushrooms and onions on top (a special set was made for those with mushroom allergies). Fernando remained in the kitchen as he put out pots and pans of prepared foods on the island that separates the kitchen from the dining area. All others sat down to their meals.
Fernando, though usually does not give or demand grace, asks Alex II to give thanks, which he does. Fernando adds, "Today at this meal, we shall eat like kings and queens for tonight we may die like warring sewer gang rats..."
Rose: Was that really neccessary?
Fernando: I do and say as I must. For this mission to be successful, Tammy has to return as unharmed as possible. Even with us as back up, the sheer numbers alone makes it looks like its not in her favor. But I'm not one for numbers...
Rose: Some people I know are Rats, and they are the nicest people I know.
Fernando: So was the Shah of Iran. But you know, Its not Rats themselves who are in statement, but that tiny population that commits crimes for their self promotion. Thos who believe that They belong on top and everyone else is just in their way, and anyone who does not move out of their way, will be moved by their actions.
Rose: The same can be said about Squirrels.
Fernando: So it can.
Marco: So, you intend to send Tammy into a 'first mission'? You know we tried before and she failed. The girl is afraid of guns and even more afraid of using them.
Fernando: She failed because she does not want to hurt anyone. She believes in a justice system where if you bring them alive that the courts will send them to prison. She does not understand that the system is corrupt. She did not know what it is like to be a victim, to have her life threatened. Now she does, and in that, where you say she had failed, will fail no more.
Marco: You are putting too much faith in the girl.
Fernando: I may be, but she is a woman, and not a girl. And you're beginning to sound like Jean.
Marco: I'm only stating what he would say, for somebody has to do his job in his absence.
Fernando: Hillshire, what’s your take on this?
Hillshire: I think she is too young to be in the field, in the business that we do.
Fernando: Explained the girls then.
Hillshire: They were built and conditioned to do the job that they do. Tammy was neither built nor conditioned.
Fernando: I used to be married to a girl who was much like Tammy. But she learned how to arm and defend herself, and defend herself she did.
Hillshire: What happened to your wife, she left you?
Fernando: She was killed, even though she tried to defend herself, that who killed her was more powerful than most of us. Tell me Hillshire, how could you cope with having a cyborg go rogue in your compound?
Hillshire: Said rogue cyborg would be outnumbered 10 to 1...
Fernando (interrupting him): What if said cyborg killed the other cyborgs 1 at a time, and then went after the staff? It seems to me that with the right amount of intelligence and planning on her part- you guys would be... well... put between a rock and hard place.
Hillshire: Why bring this up?
Fernando: I was the one who brought down my wife's killer. Simply put, somethings are when you plan for them. They are not you least expect them. He planned out his schemes and crimes, he did not expect me to be knocking at his door around midnight, wanting to kill him for what he did. Your organization operates in the same way, as does your opponents. Tammy's attack- was not planned, but they managed to get nonetheless. How do you think she feels?
Tammy: Enough!... Please... Stop talking about me even though I here to listen to it.
Fernando: Its for your own good. Many doubt your abilities.
Tammy: And what if I fail like the other times?
Fernando: Unlike the other times, this time, you will be killed. Before it was just street thugs and young punks. Now its organized members of a syndicated crime group.
Tammy: Why are you so willing to send me out to be slaughtered, if I fail?
Fernando: Everyone in this room has been put through this before, and pass or failed, they are still here. You can not be different.
Tammy: All I can do is try.
Fernando: Are you having second doubts?
Tammy: Second doubts, third doubts... many doubts- yes! I scared! Cant you see that?
Fernando: I can see that- I'm not 'totally blind.' But Tammy, Its OK to be scared. It is not OK to let the fear overwhelm you to do nothing. It is not OK to allow yourself to hide when your life or the life of others depend on it. You have to take that negative thoughts and feeling and turn it into some action that will allow you to get through the mission.
Tammy: And how do you propose I do that?
Fernando: For me- I take those feelings of fear and wants of hiding and turn it into anger, and let the anger lash out into action. Then when its over, I'll cry about it when I am alone. You have to do the same.
Fernando takes the wine bottle and refills his glass.
Maybe it is too much to ask for Tammy to act in this manner. To fight back and if needed, take a life to save her own. But it is something she has to do. Only time will tell if she does it.
Fernando: Anybody for seconds?
- - - - -
Fernando wrote:
Fernando: Everyone in this room has been put through this before, and pass or failed, they are still here. You can not be different.
 - - - - -
"I haven't." says the AI, quietly. It hasn't touched its food.
Midnight Man
- - - - -
"Neither have I," Midnight remarks, "unless you count that air chase against Gio Pinin and his Mustang turned flying bomb, or Onyx's two attempts at blowing me up a couple of days ago."
"And what about the Onyx spies today?" Marco asks.
"That doesn't count either. I attacked them, and those I attacked are all still alive, just asleep."
- - - - -
"The system isn't always corrupt. Sometimes it just needs to be reminded of it's job. That's what the Constitution's for."
*The unexpected voice drifts out of the darkness, just before RangerReady steps into the room, his eyes shadowed by the brim of the old fedora he's broken out of storage for the occasion. Ignoring the myriad number of guns at the meal, he throws a sheet of paper onto the table, bearing the insignia of the USN.*
"I'm afraid we have a bigger problem, at the moment."
*Rose picks up the note, glancing at it.*
"What's this?"
"A nightmare. Read it."
"Two guards assaulted at Johns Hopkins University...massive property damage in the experimental wing. Path of destruction ends at the nearby local airport. All forces alert. The sleeper has awakened."
*RR nods his head, looking rather grim even for the current surroundings.*
"You'd better have a lot of those special bullets you're fond of, Fernando...you're going to need them!"
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
OOC: From everything I'm reading, Tammy just cannot handle this job. Tammy cannot be a handler even if her life depended on it which I am afraid will be the case. Some characters can handle it, some cannot. Fernando, is it your intent for Tammy to remain Bink's handler no matter what?
I have not done much with Anne for the time being because I don't know what you are planning and I'm afraid whatever I do will mess with your plans.
- - - - -
Fernando: Sit down and enjoy a plate, RR.
Captain RR: Well, it has been a long ride.
He looks the others and what they are eating. Tammy sets a plate in front of him as Bink piles on a bit of the pasta. Then fillet minion goes on top.
Fernando: I figured as much. Though promising as America sounds, there are too many places where mistakes are made, and mistakes are made.
Captain RR: You sound like you know it all.
Fernando: A high price was paid in the last mission, a price we are still all paying to this day. So, if things are not dealt with on a permanent basis, they will forever be repeated.
Captain RR: Things do not last forever.
Fernando: Would you like to be part of a History Channel Special 20 years from now- How the Enterprise, her crew and captain, along with the Rescue Rangers and help with the Italian Government- COULD NOT STOP a Secret Project That Went Rogue? Not once, But TWICE? How The CIA and UN were involved, and several killed in the missions that were doomed to failure? Some would say there was a conspiracy to make the missions fail, and those killed- were targeted for elimination. Seriously Captain, how will history judge you and those under your command?
Captain RR: How will history judge you?
Fernando: All I know that there is a black star on a marble wall in a building that many say does not exists in my honour. It wont have my name, but it has the date of the last mission and the explosion of the 737. Any geek with a cheap processor and internet connection can assemble the rest. But we are not here about history's honour, are we?
Captain RR: I just dropped by to bring on some bad tidings and see what can be done about it.
Fernando: The admiral was and always will be, your problem. My problem is trying to keep Tammy alive in her next and current mission.
Captain RR: So, Is that it?
Fernando: Enjoy the meal... Dessert will be done once I get the custards to set.
Captain RR: Rose, we need to talk.
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
There is someone at the door. Bink goes her SIG P239 before she sees who it is.
"Who is it?" Fernando asks.
"It's the volunteer from the hospital." Bink turns around and looks at Fernando. "She's not in her uniform."
"What does she want?" Fernando thinks the red head mouse can be an annoyance sometimes; he believes she wishes them no harm.
Bink cracks the door open just wide enough to talk.
"Sorry for interrupting dinner like this, Bink," Anne begins with a pleasant voice then changes to a more serious tone, "I need to speak with your sister."
Bink does not budge at first.
"It's all right," Fernando tells Bink, "let's hear what Anne has to say."
Bink lets the door open for Anne, who cuts to the chase. "Tammy. Say you and Bink are on a mission and Bink goes down. What would you do?"
"What?" Tammy asked. "First Fernando, now you."
"How bout it?" Anne asked. "Would you say '[Bleep] this mission' or would you see it through?"
Tammy does not answer though it is an easy guess as to what she would do.
"Do you even want to be on a mission or even a handler for that matter?" Anne does not wait for an answer. "Tammy, some people are cut out for this line of work. Some are not. You are not cut out for this no matter how much the SWA, Fernando and even your sister try to train you." Anne gets stern. "You are putting your sister's life in danger."
"Anne, where are you going with this" Fernando asked.
"Bink needs a handler who can protect her." Anne answered. "I can protect Bink. Tammy can't."
"You are a bomb maker for hire who hates the SWA. Why are you asking to take Tammy's place?"
"Fernando. You should know why I dislike the SWA. I can protect a cyborg and still hate the SWA for what they've done."
Fernando sees the seriousness in Anne's eyes; he also has a lot of serious reservations. Her ability to do what she says is not one of them. "To be Bink's handler, Tammy must die. That I wont allow." Fernando then sees something in Anne he did not expect: a sense relief from his reassuring words.
Anne looks at Fernando. "In that case, I hope Bink will never need a third handler. I will see my self out."
After Anne left, Hondo asked. "What was that about?"
"It would seem Anne places a greater value on Bink's life than her own." Fernando answered.
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
"Fernando?" Tammy asked.
Fernando turns around and looks at Tammy. "Yes, Tammy? What is it?"
Tammy hesitates. "Was she serious?"
"Was she serious about what?"
"Was she serious about willing to be Bink's handler?"
"I think so. Why?"
"I don't know that girl and she was willing to take my place to protect Bink because I was too scared to do it my self." Tammy looks up at Fernando. "If I can't even protect my own sister. . . ." :t-sad:
"You will."  
- - - - -
"Rosie, we need to talk...but in a minute."
*Reaching behind his belt, RangerReady pulls out a battered, nickel-plated old Peacemaker, well worn but well oiled. Laying it on the table, he taps the grips lightly.*
"I've had that pistol for years. I've used it to take a lotta chunks out of a lotta bad guys...but it's never found a mortal mark. Why? Because I don't work that way. As a kid, I practiced with it for two hours, every day...the barrel's been replaced once from all that target practice, and the grips've been fixed twice. Why'd I do it? So I could use it in a pinch, without a casualty."
*Reholstering his weapon, the captain buts one boot up onto his chair, leaning on it.*
"That's the way I work. If that makes me weaker than you covert types to your mind, Fernando...so be it. But I'd reckon I sleep a lot easier at night than you do."
*RR reaches for his hat, slipping a satellite cellphone into Rose's pocket as he does. With a nod, he heads for the door.*
"How will history judge me? I don't particularly care. Are we here about history's honor? You're right, we're not. What we are here about is honor itself. Now then, the schematics on Donnelly's experimental cybernetics should be waiting for me on the ship, because I sent for them about an hour before I left. I'm going out there, and figure out how we can take him down for good, without causing any harm to any bystanders. Call me if you need me. And Fernando?"
*Turning, RangerReady's eyes glitter with a wintry look, in the low light.*
"You can take shots at me all day long, and all night. But don't ever insult the integrity of the crew under me, again."
*Slamming the door behind him with force enough to rattle the surround glass, RR heads back to his transportation, vanishing into the darkness. Dawn and Donnelly await.*
OOC: Wow...I got a chance to rant! Had to think about it for a while...I'm a little rusty. Tongue
- - - - -
'For a Secret Safe House, this place is more popular than the Waldorf Astoria...', Fernando though to himself. 'And if everyone is so mortified by killing then so be it. 2 attempts have been made against Tammy's life that I know off, and there will be more because she such an easy and willing target. It has to stop somewhere. As for insulting the crew under RR's charge, insults are to be taken like complements, because that is how people sees you, if you dont like what is being said, then you can go do whatever you like but that does not change people's minds about you. I just say what I see.'
Fernando tosses his plate and glass into the sink, taking off the apron and hangs it on a nearby closet door knob.
Fernando: I'll be on the roof if anyone wants me.
Everyone looks at him as he leaves, following his footsteps out the area and up the stairs.
'I wonder how many people RR has killed through those under his command by aerial bombardment, aerial fighter support and patrols, and missile launchings through the rest of the fleet? No captain of any ship or fleet can claim to have clean hands or use the excuse that "I was just following orders..." No one... even though he has never fired a killing shot through his own personal arms, he has through his commands and actions of his crew.', Fernando continues to think.
Fernando steps out onto the roof to its fenced in edge before the slope and looks out at the night starry sky.
'Orion looks bright tonight...', Fernando thinks.
Tammy steps out onto the roof.
Tammy: Fernando?
Fernando: I thought I said I wanted to be left alone.
Tammy: No... you said, if anybody needed you, you would be on the roof.
Fernando: It was an expression, stating where I would be but would want to be alone... nevermind. What is on your mind?
Tammy: I'm confused.
Fernando: And?
Tammy: I dont know what to do.
Fernando: So?
Tammy: And you know that I am scared.
Fernando: What are you getting at?
Tammy: What are my options and choices?
Fernando: In?
Tammy: Dont... Do This... please. Not to me.
Fernando: What? Give you a hard time? I'm giving you a hard time so that you can make those decisions for yourself. I am not going to put a dog collar on you and lead you about to your predefined tasks. You have your life to lead, I have mine. You want to be part of Bink's life, you are going to need to do certain things as her parent and guardian that you may not have normally done otherwise.
Tammy: I dont want to hurt anybody...
Fernando: They seem to want to hurt you. Furthermore, they almost succeed in killing you and Bink just a couple of weeks ago. Dont you think that if people are going to be after you to do harm against you, that you should at least fight back?
Tammy: But that is not how the Rescue Rangers work.
Fernando: The Rescue Rangers win by luck. If it were not by sheer luck, they would have been dead a long time ago in their first mission. You can not tell me that they had skills and abilities. Come off it Tammy... Outside of luck, all they have is attitude and garbage tech. Its the rest of us that supplement their technological and knowledge base. Without us, they would still be a bunch of nosey rodents living in a tree in some park.
Tammy: That is not...
She pauses.
Fernando: Not what? Nice to say? I can say many things, much of it not nice, but most of it being the truth. Or would you prefer for me to lie to you and tell you nice things? The world is not nice, Tammy. Be glad you're in Italy or the United States, because no matter how hard things seems to be out there, its worse everywhere else. At least you and your sister are not being put on TV to gather sympathy so that people can donate their monies to a Christian Organization, where the children will never see a penny of the donated funds! Do you want to exploited?
Tammy: I feel like I already am!
Fernando tosses his Porsche keys at her.
Fernando: The choice is still yours. Leave and go home to the Cafe, and you will be dead before the week is over, and Bink will be in some laboratory being dissected into little pieces to see how she ticks and her parts tried on others. Or you can stay here with people are willing to protect you, but at the same time, you will have to work for them. People who do care about you, despite some of the negative thoughts they may have about you because you wont harm another, but at least they respect you.
Tammy: What about these others- Padania, the 5 Republics and now Onyx?
Fernando: They are terrorists factions, and they respect no one, not even themselves. But because they see you in their way, they are willing to destroy you to get you out of their way. And my dear- they have already tried- twice, almost succeeding in the second time. If you allow them, I will be going to your funeral after the third time...
Tammy: What about you?
Fernando: Me? Dont my action speak for themselves?
Tammy: Your actions speak of an overbearing buffoon with his own manipulative agenda, who is willing to tie me up with puppet strings and put my up on stage for the world to see the show he is about to throw. You do not care about me or Bink...*
Fernando just slaps her hard, she immediately silences herself from the shock of it.
Fernando: I did not give up the life I had because I do not care. I do not put on a show for the world to see, nor do I go about manipulating others into actions that I would not otherwise take for myself. If you do not like what I am doing for you and everyone else, you can simply walk away and leave me alone. Remember- in the last mission to get you and Bink back together- Chip, Dale, Gadget, Monty and Zipper sat around getting fat on Pasta like stupid tourists while the rest of us risked life and limb for you. Dont you ever tell me that I do not care, because I do more than most.
"That must be the coldest Damn thing I have ever heard...", a voice said as footsteps walked out from the door.
Fernando: You too Hondo?
Hondo: I was saying what I heard. That was the coldest Damn thing I have ever heard, but it is the truth.
Tammy: That is not true!
Hondo: Lets see... Chip and Dale argued all the time, Gadget was constantly being kicked out of the Enterprise's hanger bay and her tools being constantly confiscated, Monty hid out in the galley behind a couple of crates of cheese, and Zipper was in the galley's garbage pile. They did not do much of anything.
Tammy: Fernando did not allowed them to do much of anything!
Hondo: Fernando took them out of a situation to keep them safe when real bullets started to fly. If Fernando did not do that- they would have been killed. As much as they spend time gabbing about, terrorists dont like gabby prisoners. They do prefer quiet or dead prisoners, so Fernando did them a favor by taking them out. But they could have been useful on the Enterprise- instead they only got in the way. They are not cut out for this type of action, not at all.
Fernando: They can play their Double-O Dale fantasies all they want, this thing you and I do is the real thing. Its not fancy suits, nice gadgets, parties and dating the girl all to get secret plans from the enemy. Far from it. What we do is the real deal action drama of the game. There is a lot of intell gathering, thinking, and taking appropriate actions. We fight back when we are threatened with harm, and use equal force as used upon us. If they try to kill us, we have to kill them because that is the level they are playing on and they wont stop until one of us is dead. I prefer to be the one left standing when all is said and done. But if you think I like killing- you are so wrong. I dont like it, but I do when I have too, when a threat is put on my life and on the lives of those I care about. Dont you think that little attack before dinner was just a friendly neighbor knocking on the door to give us some pie. It was a show of force determined to eliminate us. Instead, with Hondo's help, and a bit of technology, I, We... stopped the attack from happening. If you dont believe me, go down and talk with the clean up crew and see what they had found... And when you do, consider this to be the third attempt against you, even though it was an attempt against us all.
Tammy remains silent for a moment. She wipes away a tear that she has been holding back for so long. Bink, Rose and the other girls walk out onto the roof.
Bink: Tammy?
Tammy: Yes, Bink?
Bink: What ever you decide, I will go with you.
Tammy (wiping away another tear): I think we have a couple of missions to do first before we can go anywhere. (She tosses back Fernando's Porsche Keys to him.)
-End Page 13
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Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #16 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:34pm
Page 14
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Agent 47 was on a Tree aming his Sniper Rifle at Tammy and Bink then he realize that he was set up that they were kids
Agent 47: Why the Onyx want to Kill the two girls *Then he Fire the shot but missing Tammy and Bink then he jump form the Branch get into his car and drove off at 130 Miles Phr
Alex II See the Bullet hit the Chimey "Great he was here" *Taking his gun out and ran down stares as he was looking for him but he was allreayd gone "RATS! GREAT
Tammy: Who?
Alex II: Agent 47 I Knew he was here he is the hitman and I think the Onyx seting him up right now
- - - - -
As the shockwave of the bullet's sound got into their ears, followed by the bulleting ricocheting off the chimney, the girls jumped to the edge of the fenced in roof area and draw their weapons to where the shot came from. Even at 1000 yards, they can still hit a target with a handgun where others need a rifle scope and tripod on a sniper rifle.
Fernando: Dont Follow And Stand Down!
Triela: But He's Getting Away!
Fernando: Let him get away!
The girls follow the assailant with their gunsites but do not fire. Marco and Hillshire run up to the roof.
Marco: What happened?
Fernando: Some idiot tried to snipe one of us. Everybody, back inside.
Hondo tries to stay behind Fernando as he gathers everybody into the house.
Fernando: You too, Hondo.
Hondo: Where ever you go, I go. This game has gotten to dangerous for anyone person to be left alone.
Fernando: I can assure you that I was not the target.
Hondo: How can you be so sure?
Fernando: Who is the one that others are trying to kill?
Hondo: That is hard to say.
Fernando: No it is not. Its our little carrot top squirrel friend and her blonde baby sister. We are just in the way.
- - - - -
Alex II: Nando I Know who he is Agent 47 AKA Hitman He was born from a Church in Russia who use it as a Coverup for Assisans but they will be on a first mission when they grow up now He will find out that the Onxy Set him up he may be a Allie or not but We need to watch out he could appear anywere to get a good shot unlese he may come to us not to attack us
- - - - -
A fain but calm voice came from just inside the door. "Hondo? I really don't want to see you get hurt, if you can help it."
Hondo looked over his shoulder and spotted the pale figure in the shadows. She had one of her peacemakers in each hand.
"Oh Rosie. Don't worry about me. I'll be all right." He took her by the arm and led her downstairs as she said "Just don't take any undue risks."
He grinned at her and patted her small hand. "I won't. Come on, we need to stay inside. Even if Fernando insists on staying on the roof." he added ruefully.
- - - - -
"The sniper," said the AI once everyone was inside, "is traveling well over the speed limit in a northerly direction. I am tracking his car - I can tell you where and when it stops, if you'd like."
"From his driving pattern, I believe he is attempting to throw off any pursuit at the moment."
- - - - -
I know how the Church and its splintered factions work.', Fernando thought.
Fernando takes his paw pilot device, and sends a message to CCC' screen.
Abort Suspect Trace.
Fernando continues looking out into the night sky in deep thought.
'Given, if in war, one would do their best with providing false leads that they hope their enemies will follow and sort through. Now... lets see...'
Fernando goes through his paw device and through the SWA inventory of Tammy's missions and any information acquired. He finds a mission that goes back over 4 months, where a huge cache of LSD and LSD production materials were found, but also a few other things as well. He notices that Marco was her handler partner for the mission. Fernando walks back inside, calling for Marco. Marco answers, but remains in his place. Fernando has to go back down to speak to him.
Fernando: Marco... remember a mission you and Tammy were on, over 4 months ago, involving a crashed LSD drug supply truck?
Marco: Yes, it was 1/2 way down a cliff and we had to repel down to it.
Fernando: What was found in it?
Marco: Some cheap lab equipment and LSD making supplies.
Fernando: Anything else?
Marco: What are you getting at?
Fernando: Were there weapons?
Marco: Most drug supply trucks we find often have weapons in it. This was no different.
Fernando: Who hit the truck... Section 1, Section 2, SOs?
Marco: We were supposed too, but it was already taken out.
Fernando: Then who took out the truck?
Marco: We dont know.
Fernando: You find out who that is, and you will find who we are fighting.
Marco: You are not making any sense...
Fernando: Drug runners would not hit a supply truck while enroute. They usually hit them when they are parked, and steal their contents. It is obvious that something else is going on here than meets the eye. Tell me Marco, if the North separates from the South, what international influences are there for the North to succeed?
Marco: Not enough data to give you an answer.
Fernando: Make a few phone calls. (He looks at his watch.) We got 3 hours before we move out. Tammy, Bink- dress your best and see me before we step out. CCC, search for various governments would like to seize any part of the North for themselves, and extrapolate theories thereof. I can almost bet its either Slovenia or any other of the former Yugoslavian states.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo checks with Fernando for further orders, but he has non now, but get ready. So Hondo gets Rose, as he wants her in his line of sight at all times, and loads his truck with what he thinks he might need. they finish quickly and head back inside. Fernando is pasin' in the kitchen so Hondo and Rose sit down in the livin' room. Hondo had not really slept so he laid his head back. he soon feels Rose move closer. she curls up next to him and runs her small soft fingers through his hair. It gets him to thinkin' how beautiful she is and how kind she is. after a few minutes she lays her head on his shoulder and rests as well.
*what a great gal.* Hondo thinks too himself. * If I was only a more respectable person maybe . . . Could I really be fallin' in love, again? even if I was, could a lady like this love me? No she couldn't! could she? . . .*
- - - - -
"I am - not good at politics. I don't know enough about how it works."
Nonetheless, the AI did what it could. Within ten seconds, it had a list containing every government on the planet, together with a reason why grabbing the North fulfilled their stated objectives - reducing unemployment, for example. It also contained an estimate of the amount of conventional military the country had, and the communt currently not busy fighting a war. This last bit of data was based on a suggestion suggested by Gadget, who the AI had asked for advice (appearing briefly in the Cafe without letting its manifestation vanish from the safe house).
- - - - -
Fernando keeps forgetting the basic of all basic rules of computing: GIGO.
So when CCC gave him nothing much he could work with, he could not penalize CCC for it. At least he's trying his best despite his limitations. 'Keep working on it...', was all Fernando could say to him. He puts the report on the dining table and leaves it there.
There was little to do but wait. Rose takes the girls upstairs to their room and help them change after washing up. They dress up in expensive looking clothes that was upstairs in a couple of closets. Finding something in Bink's size was a bit difficult, but it was done. Unfortunately, when you release a bunch of girls into a room and they find the perfume stash, bottles tend to run dry.
Fernando sat on one of the recliners, staring blankly at the TV screen. the girls took most of the time dressing up when they should have been relaxing, but who knows- maybe it was relaxing for them. They all come down 2 and 1/2 hours later- Tammy and Bink dressed up for a black tie affair, and Fernando thinking that they may have over done it. Hondo and the rest of the men look at Tammy, impressed by what she was wearing, and Bink as well, but Bink did not have that sex appeal that Tammy had (those thinking that she might should have their heads examined). But for the most part- the guys tried their best to ignore the perfume factory explosion smell on the girls.
Fernando (from the recliner): Are we ready to go?
Hondo: I hope so.
Rose: Just a few more minutes.
Fernando just growls to himself.
Fernando (without looking): I hope you can hide your gun on yourself somewhere!
Tammy walks over to him, trying her best Jessica Rabbit imitation and failing, putting her hands to the recliners arm rests and tried to talk seductively.
Tammy: What, dont like what you see?
Fernando: No- I cant see and *sniff!* What the- You and the others tried on all the perfume bottles? Egads!
Tammy: You no like?
Fernando: Tammy- lets get serious. Or should I treat you like one of my girl friends and slap that tail of yours so you can wake up into a full reality check?
Tammy (changing her tone): You would not dare smack my tail!
Fernando: Then dont tempt me by it- OK?!!
Tammy remains silent as she stepped away from him.
Rose: That was not nice, Fernando.
Fernando: When have I done anything nice for anyone, Rose?
Rose could not answer, for thinking to find an example would take too long.
Fernando: Look, you all got 5 minutes. I'll be at the Porsche.
Fernando gets up and walks out the house to his Porsche.
- - - - -
For a while, Fernando leans against the door of his Porsche, thinking how this little exercise could end in either good or bad. But for now, he knows that the group needs to tighten itself up first before anything can be done.
After a longer than necessary wait, they all come out of the house and towards the rear where the cars were parked. They all gather around Fernando.
Marco: Where too?
Fernando: Take me to the wildest gang ridden part of town by the edge of the park. This way if there is a shoot out, no one would think the wiser.
Marco: I see.
Alex II: What about Onyx?
Fernando: They are welcomed to join in on the fun if they like. *(Fernando presses a button on a small box on his keychain. the doors on the Porsche unlock) Tammy, get Bink in the car. You take the front seat.
Bink gets into the rear seat as Tammy gets into the rear seat thereafter.
Fernando: Hillshire- you lead, I follow. Hondo, you could ride with them or take your pickup.
Hondo: I'll take the pickup, thank you.
Fernando points at the freshly mounted .50 machine gun on it.
Fernando: You're going to ride into town with that?
Hondo: Give me sometime to cover it up...
Fernando: There is no time. Get into the Mercedes Stationwagon with the others.
Hondo: I can do this!
Fernando: Lets not ride into town looking like a gang looking for trouble.
Hondo grumbles as he and Rose step to the Mercedes. Hillshire lets them get into the rear seats followed by Angelica and Triela. Midnight took to the back area which opened up into another set of seats. Eventually, they drive back to Rome, into one of the rougher neighborhoods near a park entrance. The 35 minute drive seemed peaceful, although they were quietly followed by a black SUV. Fernando calls Marco on the cell phone and advices him on the situation. He gets back to talking with Tammy after talking with Marco.
Fernando: One thing more to remember Tammy...
Tammy: And what would that be?
Fernando: If you have to shoot somebody while fighting, dont ever shoot anyone in the back.
Tammy: Besides the obvious, why not?
Fernando: If you know the obvious- then why comment on it?
Tammy: I have been through all in hand gun training. I just dont want to use my weapon if I can help it.
Fernando: It does not matter whether you want to or not, sometimes you must in order to defend yourself or save your own life. Regardless of what they say- the system is corrupt. Think about it- if Fat Cat was put in jail on the first time Chip and Dale caught him for his crimes, why did they had several more incidents with him- one of them included you being involved...? He either was released or escaped. If released- Fat Cat did not received his full punishment. If escaped, Fat Cat was caught several more times and released or escaped again. Its a cycle that does not end- and Fat Cat does not care about the lives of Chip, Dale, the rest of the rangers and in your case- your life as he did tried to kill you as well when you were with them. Eventually you will run into him again if you were to live back in the USA...
Tammy: It does not make any sense.
Fernando: Life never does. Neither does love.
Tammy: What do you mean by that?
Fernando: As much as you care about your sister- you have your own life to lead. Right now it includes her in your life, but later on, in a few years- when she grows up, she wont be. After then, what then? You'll still be young, considering... Where do you intend to continue with your life?
Tammy: I have not thought it through that far.
Fernando: Thats the problem with your generation... never thinking it through to an end. At least with me, I was already married by the time I was your age, and trying to make a family.
Tammy: Things are different then as they are now.
Fernando: No they are not.
The group pulls over to a seedy neighborhood in Rome, in the shadows of a park entrance. Marco carefully steps out of the vehicle and walks over to the Porsche. Fernando rolls down the window on Tammy's side.
Marco: We are here.
Fernando: Good. You guys follow us with a 5 minute gap in between. Tammy, Bink, step out, I'll be right with you in a moment.
The girls get out of the Porsche and step towards the Park entrance. Fernando secures the car, then walks over to Tammy and Bink. He takes her by the arm and they start walking into the park.
Fernando (out loud to Marco): Remember- 5 minutes.
They walk into the darkness of the park, Fernando continuing on with his conversation with Tammy.
Fernando: Look girl, in this spy game, you have to be one Hell of an actor, with total control of one's emotions and facilities.
In the background, sounds of others following them can be heard.
Tammy: What do you mean by that?
Fernando: Just that... If you have to tell somebody that you love them in order to get what it is from them in a mission, you must show yourself like you actually do.
Tammy: I'm not giving up my personal self to anyone for the sake of a mission!
Fernando: I'm not saying that you have too. I'm saying that you have to act like you are. There is a difference.
Tammy: Then I would be living out a lie.
Fernando: You dont get it then...
They managed to walk into a clearing, with the nearest tree being some 20 yards away, and the closest street light being twice as far. Fernando stops for the moment, pulling Tammy to him as they stand together face to face. He looks into her eyes through his dark glasses, and senses her getting weak in his arms. By the treeline, shadows can barely be seen, but their activity can be heard in Fernando and Bink's sensitive ears.
Fernando: Does it matter that I am at least twice your age?
Tammy: What are you trying to say?
Fernando: Does it matter that here and now we are going to put our lives on the live just for you?
Tammy: I...
Fernando: Are you ready for anything?
Tammy: ... I...
Fernando: Remember, it is only an act...
Tammy: ... I...
Fernando slowly leans over to her, giving her one long and very passionate kiss. Bink could only stand there and gawk at them with her mouth wide opened. Marco and the others made it to the edge of the tree line to witness was happening and what is to happen next. It seemed that their moment were to last forever, though it only last less than 30 seconds, as shadows approached them from all sides around them. It is followed by the sounds of mechanical devices clacking into place, and cold steel being placed behind necks. Over 20 assorted young punks surround them.
Young thug: Awww... how cute- a pair of lovers in the park... Now hand over the your valuables and no one gets hurt.
Fernando slowly lets go of Tammy, who is then taken by another. He slowly turns around to face his assailant, pulling out his wallet to hand over to him
Other young thug: Hey, I bet she's a real 'ooker!
Fernando: Look, I dont want anyone to get hurt...
Young thug: Awww... you dont want anyone to get hurt...
The young thug punches Fernando in his gut, and he bends down with the punch, seeming to be in pain. The wallet falls from his hand and onto the floor. Fernando follows. The young punk stand there with red on his knife Two others grab onto Bink and try to pull her away. Another two grab onto Tammy and hold her still as the young thug approaches her
Tammy: NO! What Have You Done To Him! Let me Go!
Young Punk: He should be the least of your worries...
The young punk puts the bloody blade to her face. He signals to the trees, and several more come into view, several wearing black attire (black pants, shirt, shoes, sunglasses- etc.) A couple passing by Fernando kick him over.
In the distance, Marco and the others watch what is going on, holding back from taking action.
Hondo: Why dont we move in- Fernando's been taken down!
Marco: Stand your ground cowboy... if there is one thing I know- everything is not what it seems to be with him.
They can hear Tammy's protests.
Rose: Why is Bink not doing anything?
Hillshire: She's been ordered not too until the first shot is fired.
Hondo: But they are out numbered... I count at least 30 there.
Marco: Dont you think there is something going on? Think about- if this were more organized, they would have at least taken or harmed Tammy and Bink by now.
Alex II: Some of them belong to Onyx.
Midnight: You're right... I'm going in.
Marco: Stand your ground, all of you! Angie, Triela, be ready to go in when I tell you too.
Guy in Black walks over to Tammy, and grabs her by the chin.
GiB {Guy in Black}: Such American Scum does not belong in our part of the world. Especially working for the government...
Tammy can keep her eyes closed, though tears flows from her eyes.
GiB: Do what you want with her, but I want her and her sister alive.
Young thug: With my pleasure... Guido, Franco- drag her to the trees and hold her down as we can have some fun.
Tammy begins to struggle against them, pleading for her life. The others look down at Fernando.
GiB: Leave him there, maybe he'll make the headlines of 'Li Libretta'.
Suddenly a gun shot rings out, followed by several more, as those surrounding Fernando fall about him. Bink judo throws the two holding her, and she takes her SIG from her rear holster and takes out those near her.
Marco: Its begun... Angie, Triela- go in and give assistance! I want a few of them alive for questioning!
Angelica/Triela: Yes Sir!
The girls quietly run to the group as the melee begins, but as for Tammy, she has yet to make a move to defend herself. As the girls run to them, several more GiBs run in from the trees from the other side to add to their numbers.
Hondo: (bleep)- there are more of them!
Alex II gets up and runs in to help them. Followed by Midnight and then Hondo, even though Marco is yelling at them to stand their ground.
Fernando manages to get up into a hunched over position, firing at anything that moved towards his direction, then find the two by Tammy, getting in on headshots to them both. They fall to the floor, letting her go. The one who put the knife to her before rushes at her with the knife in his hand in attack position. Both Fernando and Bink take aim to fire at him, and a single gunshot was heard. He falls as he takes his next step, revealing Tammy in a firing stance with her gun in her hands and smoke pouring out of the barrel. She stand there, biting onto her lower lip and tears pouring out of her eyes.
Angelica and Triela arrive to help out in the fight, with the guys taking care of the other who showed themselves after them, needing to retreat back into the trees with the guys in hot pursuit. Several gunshots can be heard in the thickness of the tree line. In under a couple of minutes, it is over. Those who could, manage to escape.
The group reassembles to where Marco pick on the few of the wounded and slap them about for a quick interrogation. Fernando walks over to Tammy, and tries to tell her that she did well, only to have Rose butt in.
Rose: Haven't you done enough?!!
Rose takes Tammy by the arm and leads her away from him. The girls follow them. Hondo walks over to Fernando as he drops a wounded prisoner by Marco and Hillshire for questioning. Alex II and Midnight join him.
Hondo: You have done it now.
Fernando: So?
Hondo: I'm just saying.
Midnight: Was that fair to do to her?
Fernando: If you mean making someone who never harmed a fly to take a life- yes.
Midnight: You're so disgusting, I hope you know that.
Fernando: Would you prefer to have her in a hospital or some mental asylum because she could not fight back? Really Midnight- its OK to be scared, but its not OK to let fear paralyze you into non-action and let others to what they want with you.
Alex II: That was disgusting, Fernando. But I see what you were trying to do. I just hope she can recover from this.
Fernando: She will be more capable in doing what she needs to do now...
Hondo: So you hope.
Marco: Its not an easy lesson to learn, at least she learned it.
Midnight: I say there had to have been a better way.
Fernando: Say all you want, for the deed's been done and its over.
- - - - -
Of the group at the safe house, only the Protocol 7 projection of the AI had not accompanied the group to the park, citing an unwillingness to be directly involved.
And, indeed, on their return they found that it was no longer present - although it had left a gift for Tammy and Bink. Two small badges, depicting their faces, and a note saying "Wear them."
- - - - -
Fernando wrote:
An open letter apology to the cast of characters and readers:
Regardless of how you feel about what I have said, done, will say and will do here in Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot- I am not going to sugar coat this story.
As stated before in the Original Gunslinger Bink, the events this Round Robin portrays the Anime Gunslinger Girl crossed over with CDRR. Gunslinger Girl, like more Anime, is not for children, its not sugar coated, the characters lead lives where life and death decisions are made, often with the Grim Reaper smiling upon their deeds. In this Cross Over- Bink replaces the character Henrietta. You can go look it up on Google and Wikipedia if you want more info. But as a warning, it is Nior-ish in tone.
I just hope you all understand that I am not going to sugar coat this because it would go against what Gunslinger Girl is about. If you, the cast, wish to remain, I only expect what you can do with your character. I will do what I can not to take them out of character. If you leave, thats on you too. It just seems to me that "Then the going gets tough- the tough goes shopping...", and find it no excuse for chickening out.
Does it matter? Yes it does to some. No to many. It does to me.
What ever blood there will be spilled in this round robin will be of the characters as per the direction of where the story line goes. Considering that in many other round robins, there has been more death and bloodshed there then they have been here. If you dare tell me that such and such thread was for fun, dont kid yourself on my behalf. This is only a fictional story. If you dont like it, go read "Bridge to Teribethia" and not go past chapter 10. If you dont like this- you definitely wont like that.
Only thing I will promise is to do my best not to take your Original Characters (OC's) out of content or do harm to them. As for the rest of this is on you, the participating characters.
If you think I have offended you, I would appologize, but I have to ask, why did you allow yourself to go this far (in reading or participate in it)? If you can give me a decent answer to that- You can have my appology- for ever that is worth.
Just remember- You can not have the day without the night. You can not have dreams without nightmares. You can not have good without bad.
- - - - -
(OOC: Quite so. And I have not left the round robin; it is simply that the AI takes an extremely dim view of launching an expedition to find someone to shoot, and has decided therefore to avoid a certain flying squirrel until he has been able to seek the advice of a chipmunk it greatly respects. Unfortunately, Chip is still hospitalised. On the other hand, it also wishes to ensure Tammy and Bink's safety, hence the badges... which are more than they appear, as they contain sensors which measure adrenaline levels. In times of danger, the AI can therefore appear and take appropriate action, such as stopping bullets with a succession of bodies. Until then, it can still be reached via email.
Having the AI stay would have been out of character.)
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
Fernando wrote:
I just hope you all understand that I am not going to sugar coat this because it would go against what Gunslinger Girl is about.
What ever blood there will be spilled in this round robin will be of the characters as per the direction of where the story line goes. Considering that in many other round robins, there has been more death and bloodshed there then they have been here.
If you think I have offended you, I would appologize, but I have to ask, why did you allow yourself to go this far (in reading or participate in it)? If you can give me a decent answer to that- You can have my appology- for ever that is worth.
 - - - - -
I am not the one you owe an apology. Why do you think I had Anne volunteer to take Tammy's place? As Anne told Tammy: "Do you even want to be on a mission or even a handler for that matter? Tammy, some people are cut out for this line of work. Some are not. You are not cut out for this no matter how much the SWA, Fernando and even your sister try to train you. You are putting your sister's life in danger."
I don't want to loose Anne and yet Tammy and Bink mean more to me than Anne.
If sugar coating goes against what Gunslinger Girl is all about then Arik is certainly guilty of that. When Arik wrote "Gunslinger Bink," he removed the part where Rico shot an innocent kid at point blank, removed the more horrific things the SWA did to Henrietta (Bink), removed the part where Jean struck Rico causing her to bleed, removed the entire issue with Elsa which you later added back in and wrote about a bloody massacre the least graphic way he could. Even the sword fight I wrote in "X-02" was more graphic than what Arik wrote in "Gunslinger Bink."
- - - - -
OOC: It is not to scare people away, nor to demand actions that they would not personally take in the real world.
As per our discussion in the chat, this is just a character development for Tammy. Bink was already a 'child assassin' by being the Gunslinger Girl character Henrietta. If Bink can be so twisted into this position through the very processes that all the other gunslingers have gone through (cyborized bodies, conditioninng via both drugs and mental programming, etc.), why can not Tammy be a handler- be so trained as such and so on as cyborg handlers/care givers go.
This is not the same 10- 15ish yr Tammy of the 'Adventures in Squirrel Sitting' episode, this is a 20 - 22 yr old adult version of her. The same goes with Bink- this not the 1 - 2yr old diaper wearing squirrel pup that she was in the TV show, but an 8 - 12yr version there of in Gunslinger Girl format. Tammy (and Bink) has done a lot of growing up over the years, but they have plenty more ways to go. In this setting, I dont want Tammy to outright harm or take a life out of anger or distraught emotions, but in self defense. I think I did so in my story post.
In the job that Tammy does in GsB II, she is not liked by the terrorists or by the opposing political factions (what the terrorists call themselves), but know that she is part of a larger group that fights them. The general poorer Italian population does not like her for being an American Tourist... All of the above and the Organized crime members do not care about her as much as they care about others, which means if she were to get in the way- even accidentally- she is expendable in their eyes. In this view, Tammy is a walking target. In the original GsB started by Arik- Tammy's mother and newly-wedded step father were killed off, and Bink butchered and left to die (as like Henrietta's history in Gunslinger Girl).
Bink is programmed to protect her, but Tammy does not want Bink hurt doing her job. The problem lies in, If Tammy is unwilling to fight in her defense, she will be eliminated. In this action, putting her into a situation where she would have to act for her own survival, this would wake up in her the ability of defense when called for.
The rest of the group, and the cafe as I am concerned, can pass judgment if they so like. I am not here to argue what-if's and ponder on 'finding better ways.' This is a mission dealing with terrorists, organized crime members, corrupt politicians, and people who do not care about the value of other people's lives. Place in that format- one has to act in a specific way or get out of the of others...
You can hate Fernando as the character of the story for taking such actions or Fernando as the author of the story line post for writing it. But do so accordingly.
-End Page 14
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Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #17 - Dec 25th, 2007, 4:36pm
Page 15: Last Page of the Cafe's GsB II Entries.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo looked over the mess 'round them and gave a sour look.
"well, at least we took them out fast." Hondo said.
"we did make short work of them. I'll go check if Marco needs any help." Alex II said.
"Fernando, did you really get hurt or was that a fake?" Hondo asked.
"You'd like to know." Fernando said.
"Yah, I would! if it was a fake, you could have warned us somehow, i believe. if Marco had not been there to hold me back i'd have ran in there and then takin' everythin' in sight down to the last bullet. I almost did when you went down." Hondo said
"Don't worry about what happens to me." Fernando said.
"Well, i do. and you can't stop that. you and yere Mr. Hard-cold act. You care 'bout all of us and those girls outcome more than most and you act as if you could shot us all without blinkin'. You can't fool me! I wasn't born yesterday yah know!" Hondo said.
"You just think you know." Fernando said.
"no, I know. well, until you tell us what next, i'm gonna go make sure Rose is ok, and Tammy too. You scare Rose, you know. she's too scared to tell you what she really thinks, but I think she knows your doin' your best, but she also understands the female frailness better than we do. Well lick this all yet. Just get us the next plan, boss squirrel man and well fall in line." Hondo said as he turned to go to Rose and Tammy's location.
- - - - -
(story continuation)
After the wounded were rounded up and questioned (and subsequently arrested by the SWA), nearly all of the men gather around Fernando, while the girls gather around Tammy and Bink. Hondo returns after talking with Rose.
Hondo: How many can your fancy sports car fit?
Fernando: 5, almost 8 if I let a couple sit in the hatch area.
Hondo counts off the number of men in the group: Alex, himself, Fernando, Marco, and Hillshire.
Fernando: If you're thinking that Tammy should not ride back with me, just have you and Alex take their place and have them in the Mercedes with Marco and Hillshire.
Hondo: Then give me your car keys.
Fernando: What for?
Hondo (pointing to an apparent stomach wound): You're in no shape to drive. In fact- you're going to the hospital.
Fernando: Its raspberry jelly. Here-sniff.
Fernando wraps some of the liquid around his finger and places it under Hondo's nose. Hondo did not want to do so, but catching the strange fruity scent made him do a double take to make sure what he was really smelling.
Fernando: See?
Hondo: What the...?
Fernando Its the outside lining I added so if I were to be shot or stabbed, they would think they had scored. The rest of acting on my part.
Hondo: But how did you... is the vest damaged?
Fernando: There is a paper thin puncture proof lining protecting the vest against stab wounds from a knife.
Hondo: I see. Hmmm...
Marco: Shall we get moving?
Fernando: I'll stay with Hondo and Alex. You two take Tammy and Bink back to the hideout. We should be back in an hour or so after you get there.
Marco: Alright.
Marco just stands there for a moment about to ask a question but is not sure how to ask it. Eventually he does.
Marco: What about sleeping arrangements?
Fernando: Huh? Oh... yes... there are 4 bedrooms and 3 office space upstairs. There are foldable cots in the basement and sleeping bags if you need them. Room in the right at the end of the hall is mine. The girls can have 2 and you guys can take the rest of the office space and remaining bed rooms. Make sure that there are enough toilet supplies for everyone. Drop by the store along the way and pick up a couple of rolls and whatever lady's stuff the girls may need.
Marco: You say you will be back in an hour?
Fernando: More of less. Just dont be waiting around for us. I dont like that.
Marco: We'll probably be cleaning out our guns when you return.
Fernando: Fair enough then.
Fernando starts to walk further away from the path of trees that they had entered, signaling to Hondo and Alex II to follow.
Fernando: Midnight! I expect you to keep an eye on them while we are gone!
Midnight does not answer, just looks at the three of them as they walk away. He then turns with Hillshire and Marco as they round up the girls and take them back to the Mercedes. Once in the car, they drive for 'home.'
(Back in the park)
Hondo: Whats next in the plans?
Fernando: I have not figured that out yet. Having Onyx involved means that they want control of the Northern government once civil war breaks out. Once civil war breaks out, I can see water supplies being contaminated across the south and as a weaponized form, being sprayed on troops in the battle field. This madness must end and we are the key to ending that.
Alex II: You need some intell on Onyx and their operatives? I think I can get some from the AIA computers.
Fernando: Thats CCC's job. But I would like for you to tail Agent 47 and see what his involvement is in all this. Somehow I dont see the Russian Church getting involved on the wrong side. Knowing how the church operates I would guess that this is a big mistake on their part and once they find out, willing to correct that mistake.
Alex II: And how do you know of all this?
Fernando: I'm not a devoted and confirmed Roman Catholic for nothing. I do know about church policies and politics, as much as I dont like getting involved in them.
Hondo: I never figured you out to be a church boy...
Fernando: Operor non exsisto a responsal of vestri pius. Illic es plures res vos operor ignoro super mihi
Hondo: What did you say to me?
Fernando: I said, 'Do not be a representative of your kind. There are many things you do not know about me.'
Hondo: I thought you called me a pussy...
Fernando: Pussy?... Oh! 'Pius' is Latin for 'Kind'. Besides, you're a mouse, not a cat.
Alex II: While I'm tailing Agent 47, what are you guys doing?
Fernando: Gathering more intell on Onyx and any other factions that are involved. What else... Oh, by the way, when you think its safe- talk with Agent 47 for us. You will be our representitive.
Hondo: I'm not much for gathering intell. Observation and taking action is more my style of work.
Fernando: There will be plenty of action for all of us to take before this mission is over.
Hondo: Good. Just show me who are the bad guys and I'll take care of the rest.
Fernando: Dont hog up all the action now... dont want you to get all tuckered out 1/2 through the job!
Hondo: Dont worry about me.
Fernando: I'm not. I'm worrying about Rose. And she is your responsibility. By the way, we will need to access the AIA's computer's so she can get an agency transfer from the Navy so she is not labeled as AWOL from her crew's manifest.
Hondo: Then lets get going home then and get that done!
Fernando: We will... after winding down a bit. Dont know about you guys, but I need a stiff drink.
Hondo: You're definitely not driving then.
Fernando: Aisapi can drive us home.
Alex II: Who's Aisapi?
Hondo: Thats that new fangled computer driving system Fernando has in the car. It makes KITT look like a mental retard.
Alex II tries not to laugh, but at the same time not take offense to it since he does know KITT-2000.
Alex II: I see. You guys know a good bar around here? I'll just take a soda. Somebody has to be sober, you know.
Fernando: We'll let Aisapi take us. I think there are a couple by Piazza di Spagna. By the way, dont worry about the alcohol, Alex, I have a RU-22 pills.
Alex II: RU-22?
Fernando: Dont tell me that you work for the agency and dont know about RU-22?
Alex II: No I dont.
Fernando: Ever wondered why or how James Bond can drink so many vodka martinis and not be drunk? RU-22 pills neutralizes the alcohol in the blood and keeps it from getting you drunk or sick. It also stops some poisons from killing you. You should keep a few for yourself.
Alex II: I see.
Hondo: Lets keep going. I dont like how quiet this park has gotten.
They leave the park for the car, and find themselves at a bar near the Piazza di Spagna, drinking and talking about how the mission is going and where it is expected to go. They get 'home' 3 hours later than expected, just before the crack of dawn. Alex II takes a rest before setting out on his mission to find Agent 47.
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
Fernando wrote:
In the original GsB started by Arik- Tammy's mother and newly-wedded step father were killed off, and Bink butchered and left to die (as like Henrietta's history in Gunslinger Girl).
Originally this was not about Bink or writing a violent story. Arik wanted to rescue Henrietta and integrate her back into society. Whether the main character is Henrietta or Bink, what has happened has happened and Arik simply wanted to get her out of there.
DOS & Arik wrote:
I am not interested in writing a violent story. The idea I have came up with is reintroducing a "conditioned," skilled assassin back into society.
Hondo I. Sackett
- - - - -
Hondo had not ordered anythin' alcoholic, but at one point wondered if Fernando was tryin' to switch his spicy ginger ale for an alcoholic one. They got back and Hondo was met by Rose, she didn't look happy. she had a tired, worried?mad look on her face. He had faced many things but the wrath of a woman, no man was strong enough against.
"Now Rose, don't be a lookin' at me like that." Hondo said slowly.
"I was worried sick when you didn't get back on Time!" Rosie said.
"Don't worry, He's not drunk." Fernando said.
"Drunk?!?!" Rose almost shouted.
"yah, we went to a bar to relax a little and talk things out." Alex II said slowly. It is thought that Fernando did switch drinks on him, but is not certain.
"I told you not to worry . ." Hondo said.
"Worry?!? I didn't sleep at all! and with all the shootin' and all I.. I didn't . ." Rose said, but she started to get teary eyed toward the end. Hondo felt like a heel. He walked up to her and put his arm 'round her and took her back in the house so she could sleep a little. Hondo had her calmed down soon. they sat on the couch and talked and soon Rose fell asleep in Hondo's arms. He looked down at her, smiled and fell asleep himself as well.
- - - - -
Fernando: Rose- Hondo's been a boy scout all night long.
Rose: Dont you give me any grief... you... you...!
Fernando: I'm Not A Female Sheep!
Rose can only look at him in shock from that response. Fernando makes it to his room and into his bed. But rest he wont find.
- - - - -
THen Alex II Car Kitt 2 Came out
Kitt (Voice by William Daniels): I Heard that Hondo
Hondo: WHAT?
Kitt: Next time don't say around me and Alex II Agent 47 Agree to meet us in the Tevenoral Cafe in Citta Del Vaticano in Rome so we be levening ringt now
Alex II: Right *Calling Triple X* "Hay X Make sure no Onyx Member is following me or Nando Group
triple X (Phone): Yep
Alex II: Ok see you later and Don't be too hard on Tammy
*THen he get into the car as it drive away towards E-45 to A1/E35*
- - - - -
Location: Onyx HQ
The AI bat announced it's presence by jumping straight to business. "I'm here - "
The man behind the desk looked up, shocked that anyone had located and entered this inner sanctum. "Who are you and how did you get here?"
"Both unimportant. I am here to ask you kindly to please stop trying to kill people."
"I see. And no doubt any attempt to kill you will result in the police hearing about it?" The Onyx representative drew a revolver and shot the bat in the heart. It looked down at the wound, then up.
"Don't do that again."
There was a crashing noise as the other Onyx rodents outside the door, attracted by gunfire, found that the door was locked.
"And what if I do?" He aimed at the bat's head and pulled the trigger.
The gun, blocked by a Protocol 7 plug of metal, exploded.
There was a thump outside as someone tried to smash in the door.
"Remember." said the bat, blood pooling around it on the floor. "Stop killing."
There was another crash from the door. The Onyx representative glanced at it and back. In that moment, the bat had vanished, together with the blood.
"What's going on?" asked the newcomer.
"We have a problem."
Jeanette Isabelle
- - - - -
I mean no disrespect to you, CCC; I don't believe that would work. Nevertheless I can see it is a heart felt response.
- - - - -
(OOC: Of course it probably wouldn't - but the AI is supposed to be a terribly naive character, and doesn't realise that. The 'problem' to which the Onyx rodent refers is that somebat tracked down their HQ, and vanished without trace while another Onyx rodent was trying to break down the door from the outside.)
- - - - -
I Think CCC did a wonderful portrayal of what his character can do with the limitation imposed by its programming.
I would like to add that Furmanity (Furry version of Humanity) is not an equation but a condiction. Good and Evil are part of that condictioning.
As the sun rises from the East, Hondo walks into Fernando's room, waking up and having a .45 pointed to his nose. How Fernando manages to do that, is an instinctive reflex that took years to develop.
Hondo (gently pushing the gun away): Yo- Boss! Chill with that!
Fernando (in a very tired and sleepy tone): This better be good... Is Rome burning again or what?
Hondo: CCC left.
Fernando: So?
Hondo: Dont you care?
Fernando (sitting up on the bed): I care, just I am not going chase after anyone who freely decides to take on their own actions whether they stay or not, or what ever actions they would so take as long as it does not interfere with the mission. All I can say to that it, Trust is something that has to be built from a strong foundation.
Hondo: That is rather cold of you...
Fernando: So be it.
Hondo: Alex II brought KITT over so we can meet Agent 47 later today.
Fernando (diving back under the blankets): Go on without me.
Hondo: You know- you make it difficult at times.
Fernando (stuffing his head under a pillow): Life is never easy.
Hondo: What was that? When I speak to somebody- I like to see their face and heard their voices clearly.
Fernando takes the pillow off his head and stares at Hondo with his eyes glowing bright red.
Fernando: I said- Life is never easy. Now if you want it to be easy- I can have you locked up in a mental institution for the rest of your life where you will be served and waited upon, or give you the winning numbers for the national lottery for $237.3 million... and see what happiness that money get you. Better yet, how you like being Amish? Country living... nothing but tending to farms and animals and having lots of babies... The choice is yours.
Hondo: No thank you. I prefer working for what little I got.
Fernando: Then you know how I feel.
Hondo: I dont know what is gotten into you, but you are a changed squirrel.
Fernando: Believe me, I am not a changed squirrel. You just looking at another side of me that you never seen before. One side that many people do not like. Now, if you dont mind... I have a date with this bed, its blankets and this pillow.
Somebody knocks on the door.
Fernando: As you leave, tell who ever that is that I am not to be disturbed.
Hondo continues to stay there digesting on the words thrown at him. The one knocking at the door opens the door steps 1/2 into the room. It was Bink.
Bink: Mr. Fernando?
Fernando (to himself): Not another one...
Bink walks over to the bed.
Bink: Mr. Fernando. I'm worried about Tammy.
Fernando: What is wrong with her?
Bink: She hardly slept, crying all night long. And when she finally got to sleep, it was when you came in at 5 in the morning.
Fernando: You did not sleep either?
Bink: I'm worried about her, so I stayed up all night to make sure she was OK.
Fernando: I will deal with Tammy, after I get some rest.
Bink: Thank you...
Bink walks away from the room and closes the door behind her.
Hondo: Now you done it.
Fernando: Done what, Hondo?
Hondo: Tammy is all upset about what happened.
Fernando: Just find a bible and leave it on the dining room table. I will find some answer that will help her in all this.
Hondo: I hope so.
Hondo gets up and leaves. In his room he goes through his belongings and finds the 'good book', leaving it on the dining room table with a note on it say "For Fernando and Tammy".
Of all the passages in the biblical text that Fernando can run through his head, '2 Samuel 23:12' was one of the few that he could think of. But he hopes that it would not go that far, for as much as people may praise religion, it does not belong in the business of Furdom.
Fernando manages to get another 1/2 hour of rest, as the others leave to do various tasks, including some shopping that was needed to update dwindling supplies. Bink had left as per her sister's instructions with the girls for some shopping. Only Fernando and Tammy remained in the empty house. After a brief shower and personal hygiene routine, Fernando gets dressed in casual attire and goes downstairs to make breakfast for himself.
Tammy walks downstairs (also in casual attire) to the dining area, seeing Fernando making breakfast in the kitchen. She takes a seat that faces his general area.
Tammy: Can we talk?
Fernando: Anything you want to talk about, go ahead.
Tammy: Do I have to worry about going to Hades?
Fernando: No.
Tammy: How can you be so sure?
Fernando: In whatever god you may believe in, He/She/It does not punish those who have acted in self-defense or in the defense of others. In fact, I believe that he prefers it that way... in defense of self or others.
Tammy: But I took a furson's life last night.
Fernando: One who was going to do harm to you. One was ordered his men to prepare you to do things to you against your will. One who you saw tried to take my life away from me.
Tammy: Why aren't you dead then?
Fernando: I prepare myself for such battles to the best of my ability... Do you want some breakfast or something?
Tammy: No thank you.
Fernando: You sure?
Tammy: I'm sure.
Fernando: Look, Tammy... I asked Hondo to leave the bible there for us to look over, but I realize that it is a book made from the blood of others, wars fought over it, men on robes who have written in it. To me, it is not a fair assessment of what one should think... But consider this- Good vs. Evil, sometimes one side has to die in battle. Unfortunately it is often Good. Some times it is Evil. Most of the time I wish it was neither. In short, Tammy- Bad things happen to good people. And whether the rest of the group agrees with it or not, you stood up for the first time and fought against something bad that would have happened to you...
Tammy: How many people have you killed?
Fernando: In the line of work? Too many to count. Personally? 1.
Tammy: Personally?
Fernando: Personally... out of revenge, out of anger, in a time where I cursed out God and all of creation for allowing a bad thing to happen to a good person. So I took an action that I should not have and opened the gates of Hades and hand delivered somebody who did me such a wrong that he dared take the life of the one I loved. So to answer that question- Am I going to Hell? I am for that 1 act, not for the ones I did in the line of work and in saving and defense of others.
Tammy sits there stunned, unable to say a word on the subject.
Fernando: I do not care about what others have to say about this about forgiving and love thy neighbor. Thy neighbor does not often love you. If you want to beyond all this, to be so good that you can be claimed as a saint- well... You should abandon Bink and go into a convent to become a nun.
Tammy: I would never abandon my sister.
Fernando slides a bagel omelet and coffee at Tammy, and places another for himself at the far end of the table.
Fernando: You ever went to see you mom's grave yet?
Tammy: No... I was too busy looking for Bink at the time.
Fernando: Maybe its time you should. Eat up... as we'll go when you're done.
Tammy: But...
Fernando: Eat.
They both sat in silence, having a small meal. Fernando puts away the plates and cups in the dishwasher when they are done. He then takes Tammy by the hand and takes her to his Porsche, telling the AI unit inside to find the location of the Former Mrs. Squirrel's burial site. The AI finds it in the public records, and plots a course for them to follow. They take along drive to the cemetery, on the other side of Rome. A note on the bible on the dining room table was left for anyone to read.  
After a few minutes, they find the grave of Mrs. Squirrel. Her face carved on stone, her current married name above the date of her murder. 'Beloved mother of Tammy and Bink'. A few feet away, the grave of her stepfather who she blames for splitting up the family, now realizing that this was somebody who her mother cared for about that she would spend the rest of life with- and has. Tammy kneels down on the earth by the engraved stones and cries... releasing all that which has been held in for so long until now.
Fernando (to himself): To be dead is forever. To be remembered depends on what you leave behind.
-End of GsB II Cafe thread, at Page 15.
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Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #18 - Dec 27th, 2007, 12:50pm
OOC: As per the discussion in the GsB Thread in the cafe, there will be a sudden realization here.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --  
A soft female's voice says something to catch Fernando's ear. He quickly recgonizes it as Anne.
Anne: What brought you to this place?
Fernando walks away from Tammy quietly towards Anne, but still keeping Tammy in his sight.
Fernando: Doing something that should have been done a long time ago.
Anne looks at Tammy, then takes a flower from the bunch that she had to give to her to place on the grave. Tammy looks at her, not knowing whether to accept the flower or not.
Fernando: Why are you here?
Anne: Just paying my respects for the kids who died at the hospital recently.
Fernando: Is that so?
Fernando walks over to a grave marker several stones and an aisle away from Tammy. He looks down at it.
Fernando: You know, this poor sap had nobody show up at his funeral.
Anne: You knew him?
Fernando: I would say that the three of us did.
Anne: I knew him?
Anne walks over to the grave marker and looks down at it. It says:
Fernando G.
{Date of death- date of the 737BBJ's destruction}
Died in the line of duty for his country.
-carved image of a flying airliner on the side by his name-

Anne can only stand there staring at the stone, covering her mouth as she stares.
Fernando: That was one of your bombs, wasn't it?
Anne remains silent, not wanting to answer, not sure how to answer. Tammy stops crying and looks at them both from her kneeling position.
Fernando: When life loses its meaning, and is taken for nought, then the pact is Revenge.
Fernando takes his AA .45 out of his holster and he puts it at Anne's chest between her breasts.
Fernando: Was that your bomb?
Anne tries to remain as silent as possible, though tears begin to pour down her face.
Fernando: I have defused 2 of your constructs, so I know what you are capable of and can identify it when I see it.
Anne looks up at him.
Fernando: Was it one of your bombs? All I want is a 'Yes' or a 'No'
Anne: And if I say 'Yes'?
Fernando: I dont want you to lie to me. That would break a silent but sacred trust between us.
Anne: You are too trusting.
Fernando: And you have cost me my life.
Anne: You seem to be doing fine for a dead man.
Fernando: I'n not into games, Ms Rossellini Now about that answer.
Anne: I have Franco waiting for me at the gate.
Fernando: So? One answer will have you seeing him again, the other will have your blood enriching the soil of my grave while your dead body rests on it. Now, which one is it?
Anne: Yes it was mine.
Fernando: You knew that there was a possibility of me and other other rangers on that plane.
Anne: I only knew...
Fernando: I flew that plane here, I was the pilot of that plane back. I was to fly it back with my co-pilot who is a ranger. I was to bring back the rangers, the UN investigators and the SWA prisonners back to New York.
Anne: Then explain why you are still here.
Fernando: I found the bomb and had no tools to defuse it. I also found another 2 bombs cloned from the one you made; each one attached to the landing struts. There could have been more, I am not sure. But I do know this... I was not going to endanger my team and my mission when I find a danger in our way. Nor was I going to endanger anyone else, so that UN Team was not on that plane. It was only made to look that way because you and I play a most dangerous game.
Anne: Then who flew the plane?
Fernando: It was done by remote control. You actually think I was going to allow innocent people to be killed like that?
Anne: So all of this was a rouge?
From several rows down, a voice can be heard calling for Anne. It was Franco, walking towards them.
Franco: Woman, what's taking you so long?!!
Fernando turns to face him, seeing that Franco has started to reach for his gun that was stuffed into his belt. Fernando reacts quickly, putting a .45 round into his forehead. Then he puts the gun back at Anne's chest. Anne wants to react against him but it met with a 9mm SIG to her temple. It belonged to Tammy.
Fernando: I would not move if I were you...
Anne (as tears ran down her face): You might as well kill me here and now.
Fernando: And what, do you the favor?
Anne drops the flowers on the floor.
Anne: You do not know what you have done.
Fernando: Somebody coming at me reaching for his gun will be met with the same force he intends to use. Unfortunately for him, I am a lot faster than most. So I know what I have done.
Anne: You do not know what you have done to me.
Fernando: I killed your bomb making partner. Any coupled pair in such a task are usually lovers, so yes, I know what I did to him, and to you. All I can say is- One down... one to go. Tammy- leave us.
Tammy: No.
Fernando: Tammy...
Tammy: Just like he was her partner in all this, I am yours. And if she is to suceed in killing you, I will kill her.
Fernando: She wont suceed in that task.
Tammy: I will make*---....
Anne turns to Tammy to try to take her gun, pushing Fernando's arm away. Fernando quickly recovers his aim and releases two shots into Anne's back. She falls as she struggles with Tammy in taking her gun. Anne lets go of the gun before she hits the floor. She lays there dying, just barely holding onto life.
Fernando reaches down and picks up the spent casings and pockets them. He then turn Anne on to her back and lays her on the floor. Blood spews out of her mouth as she tries to talk. Fernando covers her eyes and gently closes them.
Fernando: Save it for the creator... I already passed judgement on you, and this is the price you pay for breaking our trust.
Anne takes one last gasp of air before coughing up a ball of blood. For a second as she does, she goes taught and then limp. This would be the last breath she will take.
Tammy stand there holding her gun to herself close as she sees what had happens. Fernando slowly gets up. They both holster their guns away.
Fernando: What a waste... Tammy, are you OK?
Tammy: I'm fine.
Fernando: When you pull out your gun, it is your intent to pull the trigger without hesitation.
Tammy: You hesitated.
Fernando: So I did. But I did because she was a friend... or used to be.
They both looks down at her for the moment.
Fernando: Did you meant by what you said?
Tammy: What?
Fernando: What you said about being my partner?
Tammy looks at him, then sighs before answering.
Tammy: You above everyone, have shown me that you care and how much that caring goes. You are willing to put your life for mine and Bink's. So if you will accept me as such, I will be your partner.
Fernando: Then I'm sorry...
Tammy: You dont want me to be your partner?
Fernando: I'm sorry for the hell that I am about to put you through as my partner.
Tammy: It cant be that bad, can it?
Fernando: Tammy.... these two, were parnters. Partners in crime and partners in bed. I dont want us to be like them... is what I'm trying to say, because in this game, the stress is so high that we may do things we should not be...
Tammy: So, what are you trying to say?
Fernando: I dont want you as a lover unless we are married first.
Tammy: What thinks that we would become lovers?
Fernando: In this game, it happens too often. And with us, I dont want it to be.
Tammy: Then it wont.
Fernando: But Tammy. It would not be that easy.
Tammy: All we can do is try, right?
Fernando: And if we become lovers?
Tammy: Then its because its something we do as partners and as lovers. I would not give myself to anyone who would not give of himself to me. You have done that and much more.
Fernando: I think everybody should give themselves as much as I do. But for me to go beyond that- is just that.
Tammy: So you're saying that you dont love me?
Fernando: Only as a friend.
Tammy: So do I. And now, if you want, I want to be your partner too.
Fernando: I'm not going to win this arguement, am I?
Tammy: It never was an arguement. Just an acceptance.
Fernando: You ready to go home?
Tammy. Not yet.
Tammy reaches down to the flowers that Anne had dropped before, picking the cleanest one from the bunch and walks over to her mother's grave where she places it on the ground. She kneels down and gives a small prayer. Then she turns to face Fernando and reaches out to him to take her hand and help her up.
Tammy: I am now.
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« Last Edit: Dec 30th, 2007, 1:49am by Fernando »  
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Hondo I. Sackett
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Re: Gunslinger Bink II: Acorns & Ergot.
Reply #19 - Dec 27th, 2007, 1:10pm
Hondo and Rose were sittin' outside as Fernando and Tammy left. They talked as Hondo cleaned and oiled his guns. Alex II came by shortly and asked For Fernando. Hondo told him Fernando and Tammy were gone and he wasn't sure where they went. Alex II said he'd wait inside for Fernando's return.
Hondo realized how much He had grown to Love this blond female mouse at his side. He had done what Fernando had told him to do, earlier 'bout her transfer out of the navy to keep her from gettin' in trouble.  
it was a while before Fernando and Tammy came back, and Hondo could tell somethin' had happened by their looks. Fernando wore that look that told him someone else had died and it was someone Fernando had trusted. Tammy look a little upset, but had a more confident look as well. Rose stood up and went to Tammy. Tammy just stood there for a second until Rosie grabbed her arm and led her inside to talk.
Hondo stood up as Fernando approached him.  
"So what happened?" Hondo asked.
"Anne and her partner are dead." Fernando said.
"Well, its not like they weren't askin' for it." Hondo said.
"You know what it is like to kill a former friend?" Fernando asked.
"No, and I hope I don't have to learn. I'm sorry." Hondo said.
"Don't be. it had to be done. she left no choice." Fernando said.
"I see. Alex II is waitin' inside to talk at you. you need a few minutes or shall we start plannin' on whats next?" Hondo asked.
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Well the cowboy, like the red man, you had to leave your land
You can't raise your stock and plant your crop in the gumbo and the sand
Greed disguised as progress has put us to the test
They won't be glad until we're gone from our home out in the west
It's sad to see those good old days replaced with greed and doubt
Soon we'll leave the country, the campfire has gone out
Bid 'em all adieu, you can't turn the world about
The cowboy left the country, the campfire has gone out
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