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Free Online College Courses? (Read 652 times)
YaBB Administrator
NY City

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Free Online College Courses?
Dec 5th, 2016, 7:05pm
The courses are free but if you want college credit or certificate of completion, that is going to cost you...
I'm in a hole for $120 if I want both. Ha! But its worth it. Its a "Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking" Course, like those they advertise on FaceBook for $800 or so. The course is 2 weeks. You are supposed to take each lesson a day and take a quiz, and at the end of the week, take a test. HA! I did Part one - Week one including the quizzes and the test in 4 hours. You watch the 5 minute videos, read a couple online articles and then post on their forum of what you think the answers should be. It is too simple.
I tried to get Week two but it is not open until 12/12.
They have other courses, including 2 for the Raspberry Pi, which starts in Feb. different universities offer the free courses so the cost of certificate and college credits depends on the school. 90% of the school are in Great Brittan.
Here is the "school's" link:  https://www.futurelearn.com/courses
Here is the Cyber Security class (going on now): https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/cyber-security-business
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