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Message started by Hondo I. Sackett on Sep 11th, 2020, 11:27pm

Title: In Remembrance
Post by Hondo I. Sackett on Sep 11th, 2020, 11:27pm

In Remembrance:

Superman is real but he's not invincible. He can't bounce bullets off his chest, he doesn't have X-ray vision, he can't leap tall buildings in a single bound, he isn't faster than a speeding locomotive, he doesn't have a fortress of solitude to relax in all healthy and fit after a fight, and he doesn't wear a cape. Superman wears an EMTs jacket, a fireman's suit, a bullet proof vest, police hat, and sometimes he wears just regular clothes like you and me, and it's not to hide his identity. He gets burnt, hurt, shot, sick, bruised, and often dies saving lives. He walks, drives a car, rides in an ambulance, hangs off the back of a fire truck, or rides a bike. He does stop the bad guys, pulls the victims out of the fire, holds the injured's hand. And he or she often goes home after it all to a family looking to them for provision. We have comics, stories, movies, and websites dedicated to the flying superman from another planet.  But the true supermen and women of our planet are so often unsung heroes. They are the fireman, the policeman, the Emergency medics, doctors, nurses, veterans, and often just regular joes trying to make a difference. Today as we remember the attack on America and the loss of lives as the towers fell. Remember also those who ran in without a thought to themselves to help those in need. Many of those who didn't die that day have since died from cancer or other health issues gotten from that day. The few still alive have most likely gone through or are still fighting health issues of their own. We mourn for those who we have lost and want generations to come to not let their memory die. So when you tell your kids and grandkids about the terrorist attacks of 9/11 remember to tell them the true story of superman.

If you know any of the supermen or superwomen who are still alive thank them. From me, Thank you.

~ Hondo Sackett

Title: Re: In Remembrance
Post by Fernando on Sep 14th, 2020, 7:37pm

Thank you to all who have served and those who continue serving.

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